The last time together before you broke up with him (j.jk)

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Coming inside the usual doors, I saw my friend's smile. Her head turned to me and she instantly ran in my direction, happy to see me. She hugged me as soon as she passed the door 'Y/N! You're finally here!'

'Yeah, sorry I'm late, I got caught up at uni'

'It's ok! I'm just happy you got here!' she said excitedly, before picking my hand 'Come! There are a lot of people here already'

Going after her and through the hallways I now knew well of Hobi's house, I looked around. There were some people, yet it wasn't as filled as some of the other parties I used to attend from him. J-Hope was always a terribly good host and would always offer his house to make the funniest parties, attended by some of his closest friends and celebrities.

From the far, I could see some familiar faces and bodies, and instantly cussed to myself. I knew I shouldn't have been there and didn't feel like partying at all. Some of the faces turned to me and I felt his eyes on me instantly.

'Guys, Y/N's here!' My friend said as she practically dragged me on their direction. Some of the guys got up and greeted me with their smiles.

'Y/N! I can't believe you're here!' Hobi said, coming to me for a hug 'I missed you so much. You never come and see us now'

'I'm sorry' I sincerely apologised 'I've been kind of worked up with my classes'

'It's ok!' Taehyung said, placing his hand on my arm for comfort 'We all understand. We're just happy you're here today'

I smiled widely. I really enjoyed their company and actually had missed them.

'Come! I'll get you a drink!' Jimin said, picking my arm with his, tangling them and leading me to another part of the room.

I glanced to the side, where he stood. His eyes were still on me and he seemed a bit confused by my appearance. I had not told him about going to the party or being invited and I could tell he wasn't happy about it. Glancing back, I sent him the same look he did to me.

Both me and Jimin went to the kitchen and he poured a bit of liquid inside a glass to hand me. I was a bit overwhelmed by the previous contact so I didn't pay much attention.

'I'm happy you're here' he started, making me finally look at him and acknowledge his presence 'We missed you'

'I missed you a lot too' I smiled at him, grabbing the coup he'd given me. He leaned back against the counter, as I stood next to him.

'I mean it Y/N' he said with a serious face, suddenly looking down 'You're my best friend and you suddenly disappear' he glanced at me again frowning 'I know something's happening to you and I tried to shove it off and pretend everything's okay' he mumbled once again 'But I'm done now, it's getting worse day by day'

'Jimin' I pleaded, sighing 'We've talked about this. Everything's ok'

'No it's not' he shook his head 'I know you for a while now. I know we've became close not that long ago, but I can see it in the way you act nowadays. Everything's different' he stated, straightening up 'You used to love being with us. You'd hang out with us all the time and we would have the most fun. You used to hate missing our gatherings because you didn't want to miss on things and make memories with us. You-' he breathed deeply, feeling like he was loosing control of himself 'You're different. And everyone has noticed'


'I know this is about a guy' he raised his palm in my direction as he spoke. I widened my eyes. How could he know? 'Don't act so surprised, it's obvious. I know you haven't been sleeping in the dorm lately'

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