Cold morning (j.jk)

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It was really early in the morning but I couldn't help but to keep my eyes opened and stay awake since I first did around 8am. It was a saturday morning, the night before I'd been clubbing late with my boyfriend and his friends so we were supposed to be asleep and tired, but I wasn't.

I looked at the other side of the bed and found a back facing me, my boyfriend Jungkook was still sleeping so I decided to get up and silently stepped in the direction of the small balcony in the bedroom.

We were at my place and of course it wasn't as modern as his, it was kind of an old studio which had a view upon the city.

My eyes analysed the top of the buildings lightened by the slight warm morning sunlight as I took one cigarette from my box. I lightened it and let the smoke escape my parted lips as I felt the cold breeze on my face.

My eyes closed and my hair waved to the wind, leading the cigarette into my lips until it ended, I silently watched the sun coming up on the sky, thinking how happy I felt.

I'd been dating Jungkook not for long but he made me really happy and for the past months I'd been feeling some type of way I'd never felt before. I felt like he was the first person I truly loved.

The cigarette eventually ended and I decided to go back inside since I was starting to feel a bit cold, because of my uncovered arms.

I closed the door and placed my stuff upon the table next to the glass door, checking if he was still sleeping. I smiled when I realised he didn't even move a bit since I left and stepped in the direction of the bed.

Checking my phone before I kneeled on the bed to warm up under the covers, I felt a strong movement and smiled wider when I realised Jungkook's arm around my waist.

I laid on my side and analysed the sleeping bunny now facing me. His doe big eyes were closed and his lashes were placing gently upon his cute cheeks, while his rose lips were a bit parted and letting the slow breaths escape.

Wanting to keep this image as much as it was possible, I slowly turned and tried to reach the small analog camera on my bedside table to take a picture of him so I could have them printed later.

I took two pictures and couldn't hold the smile as I watched him scrunching his nose, but I quickly put the camera away and laid next to him again, not wanting for him to wake up.

'Are you done taking pictures?' he asked with a hoarse sleepy voice still having his eyes closed and I felt my cheeks instantly burning. I didn't know he was awake, it was so embarrassing.

Since he had no response, I guess he concluded I was embarrassed and just smiled slightly before snuggling into my neck. My hand went to his hair as I stroke it gently, while feeling his breath on my neck. I could tell he was really tired, since he'd been working the whole week and after the previous night, which was supposed to be a loosen up event, it only made him more exhausted.

I felt him smelling me a bit and giggled at his behaviour, I knew he really liked it but it was still funny how he'd be always smelling me whenever we cuddled.

'Are you tired?' I asked in a very low and also hoarse voice since it was the first time I spoke. He nodded slowly and I smiled before letting a deep sigh and closing my eyes. I felt warmer now that we had our bodies together: I was only wearing a big tshirt and he was shirtless, wearing some sports shorts.

He hummed against my skin, while snaking his arm tighter around my body and intertwining our legs. I smiled again when he started to leave gentle pecks on my neck.

Slowly, the pecks went upwards until my jaw and cheek, where he pulled away and laid on the pillow again, to look at me. I turned my head so our gazes would connect and found his doe dark eyes pointed at me this time, even if they were only half opened.

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