Having a baby (j.jk)

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My head ache once more as I heard the killing sound of a loud sob on my ears for the millionth time that night.

'Kook' I mumbled shoving the body next to mine sleepily. There was no reaction.

My eyes opened before I sighed and turned my head to the other side of the bed, where Jungkook was sleeping. He snored slightly, his lips parted as the deep air escaped between them heavily.

He surely was really tired so I decided to get up myself again, walking up to the room next to ours, where the sound increase as I neared.

I stepped forward towards the little bed and looked inside where the small baby was squirming.

'Shhh, it's okay baby mommy's here' I told her gently as I grabbed her tiny body on my arms and tried to calm her down.

I shook her slightly up and down but she didn't seem to stop crying, her soft cheeks were now really wet and red due to all the tears and screams 'C'mon Eun, sleep for a bit' she kept squirming.

'Is everything okay?' I heard a hoarse sleepy voice behind me and turned my head to face Jungkook scratching his head and messing his hair even more, while having his eyes half shut and his lips plumped.

'She won't stop crying' I told him almost crying myself, before looking at our daughter again worried. He walked to us and caressed her short soft hair on top of her tiny head softly.

'Isn't she hungry?'

'I fed her half an hour ago' I stated with my eyes on her, while trying to hold her hand 'She keeps on crying non stop'

'Alright, come here jagi' he said as he reached for her body with his strong hands and held her against his chest. He balanced her for a second and she ended up calming down instantly, falling in a deep sleep against his warm uncovered skin 'See? She just needs her daddy' He mocked giggling and I slightly smiled, shoving his arm, but he glared at me, stepping back so the baby wouldn't wake up.

He laid her in her bed again and I stumbled back to the bedroom, laying on the bed, sighing deeply.

I heard his footsteps shortly after and felt him approaching me when he laid next to me.

'Are you okay?' he mumbled while covering both of us with the sheets, when he realised I kept laying back, with my eyes closed.

'Yeah, I'm just so stressed out and tired' I breathed out without open my eyes.

'Don't be baby, you're doing an amazing job' he said while getting closer to me and kissing my cheek gently while his hand cupped my face.

I turned my head and faced him while he kept his gaze locked on my face. The light in the room was little since it only came trough the window and the moon, but his skin and his eyes were very bright and he was looking really handsome as always.

'I love you' I ended up telling him while analysing his expression attentively and studying every detail on his face. He grinned, pinning me with his cute little bunny smile.

'I love you too baby' he said and pecked my lips. I smiled at him and his hands both cupped my face this time, joining our lips again, into a real kiss. Our mouths moved in sync until his tongue ended up touching my lower lip and his body rolled, staying above mine, hovering me.

'Jungkook... I'm tired' I told him between the kiss and he broke it, looking straight into my eyes with a serious expression.

'I know baby, that's why you need to lay back and relax'


'Shhh chill out for a sec Y/N, let me make you feel as good as you deserve' He said before he started trailing soft kisses down my jaw and neck. My eyes shut slightly to the pleasurable feeling of his soft lips on my skin, my hands placed on his naked back.

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