He smirks a bit. "Oh?"

"So nice so far." I will touch his hair a different day and figure out how it feels. Do Humagears ever feel the need to style their own hair? 

"You're really into me."

"I can't help myself. You're easy on the eyes." If he would lose the adornment around his head, he could be even better. "You're great to look at and admire, Horobi." Just like Aruto is. 

He may have cracks on the sides where his modules used to be, but that doesn't really do much to how he looks. Horobi is very attractive and I'm sure he is aware of it. How can someone like him not be aware of it? I'm sure Aruto is aware of his looks just like how Horobi is aware of his. Both have every reason to be confident in how they look. 

"I am aware of how you feel about my looks." He better not start making it a competition. I am not going to rate anyone for their looks at this time. 

I grin and move towards him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I am aware that you do. If you wish to touch me, you're allowed to do so." I can do him that favor just for a brief time. Then I have to move on with my life. 

"I would never use force on you in that way, Mari. I'm not those two idiot husbands you have had."

"They are idiots." I am not going to deny that. "Horobi, there is something that I do want to talk to you about, but I don't want to talk about it now." I want to tell him that I did spend the night with Aruto, but this isn't the moment for that.

"You can tell me what you need to tell me when you're ready to do so," he says, leaning in towards me. He presses his lips against mine quickly and pulls back, smirking a bit. "I want to make you happy right now."

"You're able to do that with ease. You don't really have to do much to accomplish that." I would be happier if he would stop trying to kill all the humans, but I can't change his mind. He's a stubborn robotic man.

"Do you hate me?"

"Why would I hate you?" I can't hate Horobi. I have tried to hate him, but I found that to be impossible really quickly. "What makes you wonder that? I've told you how I feel about you multiple times."

"Because you seem less than thrilled about my plans." Oh, he can see that? 

I lean in towards him and smile. "Let's not worry about how I feel right now. How about we focus on how much we love each other and how happy we make each other when we're together? Does that sound much better?" Yeah, I'm just going to avoid that for now. I want to keep him happy for this moment so it doesn't cause him to do anything he shouldn't do. 

"It sounds better to that, but I want to know how you feel and what you think. Mari, you're important to me. I don't mind hearing your opinion on what is going on around you." 

"I don't want to give it right now. Besides, you know me the best, alright? You know how I feel and what I think even without me telling you it. Horobi, you know me better than anyone else in the world." And it is mostly because of his robotic brain of his. "Now, let's just focus on the real important thing, alright? We're together aren't we?"

"We are."

"Then let's forget everything else for a moment. I just want to spend time with you."

I just want us to be happy for a bit longer before everything comes to a head.


I pull down my shirt that Horobi brought me earlier and look at him as he turns to face me. I wonder why he brought me that. I could have found something around. I'm sure some of my stuff is all around this place from before. 

"Good morning," he says softly, sounding like how he usually does.

"Morning, handsome." I smile. "I see that you're well. Are you about to head out?" If he is, I'm going to go with him.

I had a wonderful time hanging with Horobi last night. We bonded over things we have in common and talked about things we didn't have in common. Of course, I didn't say anything about what I want to do. He doesn't need to know that at this time. 

"Yes, I'm about to head out to begin my plan on destroying humanity. Of course, you're not included in that. I don't want you to think that you're going to die out there. I refuse to lay a hand on you."

"If you refuse to do such a thing, you can never touch me again. You'll never be able to hold me again."

He looks away from me, smirking a little. "I see."

"Can't you just stay for one more day? Can't you put off your plans for a bit longer? The Ark won't be back for a bit," I ask him and he nods his head. "Thank you, Horobi."

He looks back at me and smiles, no longer wearing a smirk. "You're quite happy for someone who knows that the world she knows isn't going to exist for much longer." Yeah, I don't see his plans happening the way he wants them to.

"I am just happy seeing you like this. It is enough for me right now."

"I am glad that you are."

"Horobi, do I have anything to eat here?" I am kind of hungry right now.

"I prepared something for you to eat by using your bank account. I had it delivered earlier due to an app," he states, pointing over to the side. "It should be fine to eat as it is. It came here not too long ago."

"What did you get me?"

He smiles a bit wider. "Pizza."

"Pizza?" He got me pizza? Why did he decide on pizza for me? 

"I figured it would be something you would enjoy since it is a common thing in America for people to eat. Was I wrong to order you pizza?"

I shake my head. "I'll eat anything you pretty much get me as long as it isn't sushi." Pizza is delicious and full of calories I don't really need, but I'll gladly take it. 

"I am aware you're not a fan of sushi. I won't ever get you that."

"Yeah, don't even think about it."

I am glad he knows better than to give me that crap.

A/n: I won't say what happened between Mari and Horobi because that is for you to decide. I know what happened since I'm the writer. If you know me from reading these notes and any replies to your comments, then you know what went down. I've been pretty clear how their relationship is (minus slight changes for the ending part before the epilogue due to how the show went). 

Anyways, we're going to get to some sad stuff and a lot of complicated issues in the next few chapters. I am warning you that some dark stuff will be ahead and it'll probably frustrate you when it comes to Mari. However, this sets up for a future epilogue of mine and you will see how that works out (of course, adjustments will be made for when I can write the movie part of the story).

Thanks :D 

PS: I know I am late to posting chapters this week, but I haven't been typing this week due to playing a bit of Genshin Impact (new events on there so I checked into it) and doing a few other things during the day. I'm posting three chapters of this story tonight and then going to post for Destiny's Promise and Memory Void. 

I am still working on the update for Kamen Rider Trouble and Wishful Dreams. Those got delayed due to me not typing this last week really. I did do a few sentences here and there though. Thank you for tolerating this. I had no real energy for writing after all the stuff I did during the day. Again, sorry. Thank you for reading <3 Love you all. 

Senseless Abyss (Zero-One Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora