"Wow, that's pretty deep," he comments, amazed by my care for Horobi. "He loves you, I'm sure of it. I don't know love myself, but I'm sure he has those kinds of feelings towards you. There is no way for him to not love you."

"I hope he does love me." I want to be loved by Horobi. I have always wanted to be love by Horobi and I want him to speak to me from his robotic heart. "Thank you for talking to me like this. I know we don't like each other that much, but I think we should be on good terms."

"I agree that we should hate each other a little less. I'll try being kinder to you in the future and not aim for the face next time."

"Yeah, do that. I am going to go now. Do you mind if I go to wherever Horobi walked off to? I want to watch him before I go."

"Go ahead and do what you want. Feel free to watch a movie or two while you're here."

Sounds good.


I stare at Horobi as he just stands there, staring off at whatever he is wanting to stare at. He looks so lovely out here right now. The sunlight isn't too much right now, but it shows him off nicely. I wish it would shine on him a bit more. He looks nice out in the sun and it makes my heart pound and my stomach have butterflies. 

I love him despite the fact he's pushing me away from him. How can I not love someone I grew close to? How can I not love the man who has been there for me since I came to Japan? He's been at my side when I needed someone to keep me from going over the edge of a cliff. He's that person who has kept me grounded the most besides Aruto.

"You really love him don't you. Perhaps your dream isn't humanity being a peace with Humagears, but you being with Horobi," Naki comments and I turn my head, staring at them as they approach me. "I will not judge you for loving him. It isn't my place to judge."

"I love him and I don't know what my dream fully is yet. It keeps changing as the time keeps going on." The Ark is making me realize part of my dream is getting rid of it for world peace. "Naki, what is your dream?"

"My dream is the Ark's will being carried out."

I shake my head. "I don't think that is it, but you're allowed to believe that. My dream...it does have Horobi being happy in it. I want him to be truly happy and I want to make him smile brightly." He has a beautiful smile, so he should be able to show it off.

Naki looks over at Horobi. "I see. So, you want to be the one who makes him smile, right?"

"I love him. I want him to be happy when he's around me, but I'm not sure if I can ever do that. What happens if I bring him nothing but misery? What happens if he finds something that can make him happier than I can?" I am jealous of the person or thing that can make him truly happy. 

Naki looks back at me. "Jin makes him just as happy as you make him to me."

"But he acts so emotionless. I don't think he knows that he has feelings." Or that he is capable of feeling more than he does. 

"Do I have feelings?"

"We all have feelings, Naki. A robot might think that they do, but I believe that they do. Robots can feel things." Humagears can definitely feel things from what I have seen. They're so human like. 

I don't think that it is wrong for them to develop their own thoughts and feelings at all. It is beautiful for these creatures to be like that. I like that they're able to go out there and live their lives like a human does. 

"He made you a new bracelet didn't he?"

"He did." Horobi personally handed it to me again as well. 

"I helped him finish it in time to give it to you. He wasn't sure if he could finish it up when he wanted to, so he enlisted some help with making the new tracking technology." Naki helped Horobi finish it?

"Huh?" I don't get it.

"He really did enlist me for help. Mari, he wanted it done in time to for your visit. He knew you would come here because the Ark told him that you would come here to see us. You did get ask to come, but the Ark knew for sure you would show up." 

Everything is per the Ark's will then, huh? The Ark is able to know what I'm going to do before I even know it myself. Am I that predictable to that thing?

"I see..." Unbelievable. "Naki, I'm going to watch him for a bit longer, alright? Then I'm going to head and do my job and work on stopping the Ark. Just know that I will stop them. Also, is Raiden controlled right now?"

"Correct. Raiden is under control for now." 

Good. I hope he stays that way.

A/n: sorry for posting this late. I had a stomach bug and a very busy week last week! Thanks for waiting and love you all. Take care.

Senseless Abyss (Zero-One Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora