Chapter 47

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Hi! I am back with another chapter. The war is starting and it is going to be crazy. Please be ready for mention and actions of violence. This is your trigger warning so please read with caution. There will be some sweet Jicheol moments thrown in between though so don't you worry. Other than that, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

"You shouldn't be here," Seungcheol states. They're currently hiding behind a rock, preparing for the first group of vamps to enter the faction headquarters. So far, no one has noticed them or has realized what is going to happen in a couple of minutes. Jihoon scoffs, "I could say the same thing to you."

"I'm the King, it would look bad if I'm not here leading the fight," Seungcheol says.

"Considering the people just lost one King and you're the last in line in your family, I don't think they would mind if you stuck around," Jihoon says back.

Seungcheol sighs, "Whatever, there's no way I'm sitting this out."

"Same," Jihoon says, "I've been training with Mingyu and the other guards. Not that I needed it, I mean I think I did fairly well during the attack on the palace."

"You did," Seungcheol says, thinking back to Jihoon fighting off that huge faction vamp and winning even with his injured legs.

"See? I'll be fine," Jihoon says, "You can't expect me to just sit at home like some housewife waiting for my lover to come back from war."

"I know...I just don't understand why you need to go with the first group of vamps," Seungcheol huffs.

"I'm small," Jihoon says, "It'll be easy for me to get into their rafters and you guys said you wanted someone in there."

"Yeah, but I didn't think you were going to volunteer!" Seungcheol exclaims.

"Shush!" Jihoon tuts, slapping his boyfriend's arm.

"Hoon," Seungcheol pouts.

"I'll be fine," Jihoon says, "You'll be joining me inside later anyway, so if you're really that worried...come find me or just call me over the comms." Seungcheol scrunches up his nose, still not happy that Jihoon is going to be one of the first vampires inside the faction's headquarters. He knows that no matter what he says he won't be able to convince Jihoon otherwise, but it doesn't make him feel any better about allowing him into the lion's den. "Ugh!" Seungcheol groans, "Promise me, you'll be careful."

"I will," Jihoon says, "Now stop freaking out and do me a favor."

"What?" Seungcheol questions, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Watch out for Seokmin," Jihoon says, "I let him come cause he insisted, but he isn't much of a fighter."

"Of course," Seungcheol states, seeing Jihoon's younger brother as his own.

Jihoon smiles and nods, "Well, I have to go. Looks like the group is heading in." He turns around and starts to head towards the group, but before he can Seungcheol grabs onto his arm and pulls him back. The King presses his lips to his lover's quickly, "Stay safe."

"You too," Jihoon says before waving and jogging towards the other vamps, who will be sneaking in. Seungcheol sighs and crosses his arms, watching the group make their way towards the faction. His body feels jittery and his nerves are going haywire. He really hopes this attack goes well cause he has no idea what he'll do if it doesn't. "They're in," Daniel states over the comms, "They're moving into position now."

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Jihoon shuffles along the rafters, peeking down into the grates to check where he is and if anyone has noticed him. Thankfully, the faction vamps don't seem to have any clue about the vampires that are waiting in the shadows. He looks ahead of him and sees a bend and he huffs a bit. Turning is a bit of a pain in the butt, but he has a certain area he needs to get to and it is to the left. He shifts a bit and twists his body so that he can make the next turn. He makes his way down the rafter's shaft until he reaches a grated wall. He peeks through the grates into the dark room and nods his head when he doesn't see anyone else inside. Jihoon pushes on the grate which thankfully is old enough that it pops off easily. He quietly places it on the floor and crawls out of the rafter. He gets to his feet and brushes at his clothes. He looks around and smirks at the stacks of weapons and toys within the room. Bingo. "I'm in their weapons room," Jihoon says over the comms.

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