"Happy," Jihoon says in a calm tone. He leans back a bit into Seungcheol's hold and turns his head to look at him. "I'm glad," Seungcheol murmurs with love in his eyes. He bends his head down to press a slow, sweet kiss to Jihoon's lips. The newly fledged vampire kisses him back without a second hesitation. There's no desperation in this kiss, just pure love. They have each other and they know that. They're in no rush. They enjoy the feeling of their lips against one another, savoring each little part of each other's lips. Slowly and sweetly engraving it into their minds. Learning the touch of each other and keeping it for themselves. Seungcheol slowly breaks away and eyes his boyfriend with devotion shining in his eyes. Jihoon looks back at him with a gaze that says I am yours and you are mine. "I love you," Seungcheol says so quietly that barely any noise comes from his mouth. Jihoon knows what he said though, being able to read it off of the shape of his lips as he spoke. Jihoon doesn't bother saying it back, knowing Seungcheol already is fully aware of how much he cares for him. Instead, Jihoon slowly turns around and wraps his arms around Seungcheol. He buries his face into his chest and takes in a deep breath. He sighs in satisfaction and murmurs, "There's no one in this world that can make me feel the way you do...calm...but at the same time like there's this fire of passion within me...I love it...it's like euphoria..."

"I love it when you talk like that," Seungcheol says with a smile, "You don't often get all sappy..."

"I know," Jihoon says, "But every so often...even I can be a bit cheesy." Seungcheol chuckles at this and presses another kiss to Jihoon's head. Just then, Seungcheol's phone starts to ring. Jihoon takes a step back and stares at Seungcheol's pocket. "Why do we always get cut off by your phone?" Jihoon asks with a smile. Seungcheol shrugs and sticks his hands into his pocket. He takes out his phone and taps at the screen. "Hey, Daniel, you're on speaker," Seungcheol says, "I'm with Jihoon."

"Hey, Niel," Jihoon says, "What's up?"

"You guys need to get out of there," Daniel states in a serious tone.

"What?" Seungcheol questions, "Out of where?"

"The palace!" Daniel exclaims, "Our spy saw the faction leaving their base with weapons. They overheard one of them speaking about attacking the society's main palace. You are all in danger." Seungcheol and Jihoon exchange a look, their faces both turning pale with fear. "How much time do we have?" Seungcheol asks, already making a beeline towards the door. Jihoon follows behind, walking as quickly as he can. "I'm not a hundred percent sure," Daniel answers, "It could be in an hour or a couple of minutes. Seungcheol...this is no joke...they could go after you guys at any moment."

Seungcheol nods his head, "Thanks for letting me know. I need to go do what I can to protect my people...I'll hopefully contact you later to tell you what happened."

"Stay safe," Daniel says before ending the call. Seungcheol shoves his phone into his pocket and grits his teeth. "We need to let everyone know what's going on," Seungcheol says.

Jihoon nods his head, "I'll go tell our friends and the guards and anyone else I see."

"I don't want us to split up," Seungcheol states.

"We have to," Jihoon says, "You and I are the only two that know about this. We need to spread the news as fast as we can. I'll be fine. I'll go find Mingyu first, okay?" Seungcheol grimaces, but slowly nods his head, knowing that his boyfriend is right. Even if he doesn't want to let him go, they need to in order to let everyone know the danger they're in. "I love you," Seungcheol says, "Please be careful..."

Jihoon flashes him a tight-lipped smile, "I love you too, Seungcheol. And I will...you better do the same." The crown prince nods and quickly grabs onto Jihoon's hand. He brings it to his lips and kisses it before letting go and gently nudging Jihoon to go. Jihoon waves before taking off down a separate hall. Seungcheol takes a deep breath before rushing towards the noble family quarters. "Everyone!" He shouts as he comes to the main corridor, "There's going to be an attack! You all need to exit the palace! It isn't safe!!!" The guards and nobles walking around turn to stare at the crown prince, wondering what is going on. They begin to whisper amongst themselves, but don't make any action to move. Seungcheol growls, "This isn't a joke! I am trying to save you all! I am the crown prince and I am begging you! For your own safety...for your families! You all need to go before it's too late!!!" Suddenly there's a loud crash which makes everyone scream as something large flies through the window. Seungcheol grits his teeth at the weird metal thing that crashes into the ground. The crown prince looks at his people, who have fear in their eyes. He shakes his head, "Please! Everyone needs to evacuate!" This time, people seem to listen, the giant device flying through the window making the attack seem a lot more real. "Something's happening!" A voice shouts. Seungcheol looks around and his eyes find the large device which starts beeping. His eyes widen and he takes a hesitant step back. The machine whirs and starts to make ear splitting noises as these weird funnels come from it and start to spray gas. "Get away from it!" Seungcheol yells, "You all need to keep moving!!!" The people heed the words of the prince and start to run, but they don't get very far as the gas starts to spread. Seungcheol coughs as he is hit by some of the gas. He stumbles a bit, his vision turning blurry. "S-silver," Seungcheol stutters before dropping limp to the ground.

Oops. You'll have to wait another week or two to find out what happens next. Please look forward to it. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment, vote, follow me, add this story to your library and check out my story Collision Course for some special features of Jicheol!

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