"Nice to meet you," Seungcheol states.

"You too," Jisung says, gesturing for the vampires to take a seat. They all hesitantly move to the chairs around the table and slowly sit down, feeling as if they're overstepping. "You don't need to worry," Seongwu says, "We don't care if you're vamps. We're chill like Niel over here." Those words seem to relax all the vampires a significant amount. They were worried based on the reaction they received coming in. It's good to know that not all hunters seemed to find the untrustworthy and deserving of death stares. "So..." Seungcheol says, clearing his throat a bit, "How's the hunt for the faction's current location?"

"It's still going," Sungwoon sighs, "We have as many people out there as possible searching, hopefully we'll get something sooner rather than later."

"If you don't mind, let me know as soon as you locate them," Seungcheol says, "The fact that they ran when they heard you were coming makes me wonder if they were scared or hiding something."

"My guess would be the latter," Jisung huffs, "We've already decided that the next time we find them, we're doing it as discreetly as possible. We don't want them to flee again before we get anything. Spying may be the way to go with these guys.

"Good decision," Minghao murmurs.

"What I still don't get is what the secret faction is hiding?" Hansol questions, "If they're behind all of this...what's their end goal?"

"We'll get answers as soon as we find them again," Daniel says, "That's the hope at least. Oh, right, you guys wanted to see the paper we found." The hunter stands and turns around to look at the murder board they've created. His eyes dart and forth before he finds a torn piece of paper pinned to the wall. Daniel takes them thumbtack out and lifts the paper up. He shoves the tack back into the wall before walking back to the table and sliding the paper towards the vampires. It's a normal sheet of paper with ugly scrawl written over it. It appears to be a list of sorts. The first sentence reads turn humans to mess with hunters and the second says kill vamps to mess with the society. After that, there's a bit of writing, but it's illegible as the rest of the note is torn. "It's not much," Sungwoon says, "But, it does confirm that the faction is behind the craziness that has been happening recently." Seungcheol grabs the paper and stares at the ripped part of it and scowls, wishing that he had the full thing. There's something else that is written here, but he has no idea what. It could be the faction's plan. It could be their next step. It's important and they don't have it. They don't have anything really. "I don't think it'll be enough evidence to convince the King that the humans aren't behind the killings," Jun muses.

"Maybe not, but the advisory board may be swayed with this," Seungkwan says.

"Do you think so?" Seungcheol asks, looking at his friends.

Minghao nods in agreement, "The advisory board works on hard facts. They make decisions impartially and choose what is best for the society. If they see this, they'll see that this faction is to blame. They can talk the King from his war against the human world and steer him to focus on the real enemy."

"That would definitely be a good thing," Hansol says, "If the society realizes who they should really be going after, I'm sure that we can deal with this faction in no time."

"Okay then," Seungcheol says, "I'll see if I can get the advisory board to meet up without my father. Do you guys mind if we take this?"

Jisung nods, "If you can convince the other vamps who are really behind all of this, go right on ahead.

"Thanks," Seungcheol says before glancing at his friends, "Let's go. We have a bunch of old vampires to talk to."

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Running in My Veins: Jicheol SVT AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now