14. *Ex-Mafiosa Capo*

Start from the beginning

"Let's first start with how loyal and honest your men are with you figlio." He said while a smirk started forming on his face.

"What about my men?" I said. "Don't talk in riddles padre and say whatever you want clearly!" Now I started getting frustrated because of how my father was talking. He knew very well how much angry it made me when someone didn't come straight to the point.

"I'm not talking in riddles my son, what I just said has everything to do with what happened few days ago inside your mansion." He said and the way he mentioned your mansion didn't go unnoticed by me. I knew he still didn't like the fact that I had left the mansion where I had grown up but I just couldn't live there anymore, not after what had happened that day....I just didn't understand how he could live there?

"In that case, I've my whole faith in my men. Whether it's someone as close as my right man or someone just a bodyguard, I trust every single one of them - " I stopped midway because what I was about to say was something I myself didn't know if it was true? "-and they would never break my trust."

Maya's P.O.V

I was sitting on my bed and my thoughts were going everywhere. I couldn't help but to think about what Dominic had mentioned when we were talking. Was it something else and I just overreacted? Or whatever I had implied was true? I groaned. 'Ugh! My mind is going to explode!'

I stood up from the bed and walked out of the room. I didn't hear from Enzo or Dominic since they had left together after what that man had said something in italian to them. It had been an hour since then. I made my way downstairs and I heard familiar voices coming from the kitchen so I made my way towards them.

"Oh mia cara come inside! You've come at the right time." Martha said as soon as she saw me by the kitchen entrance.
(My dear)

"Why? What happened?" I asked curiously as I walked towards them and then sat down by the counter table.

"Oh we were just discussing about something." Gabriel said and the way she whispered 'something' like it was a secret didn't go unnoticed by me. 'What are these two ladies upto this time?' I sensed mischief in the air.

I raised one eyebrow at them, "Um and what's this 'something' is?" I asked to which they first looked at each other and then back at me with a grin on their faces.

Massimo's P.O.V

We made our way out of the office after discussing about the attack. Whatever my father had said was something I already knew but what he had said by the end was what that made me angry. 'I can't believe my man would stoop that low and would betray my trust!' To say I was angry would be an understatement. 'I'll show that bastardo what big mistake he has done!'

"So, which room should I take?" My father's voice took me out of my thoughts. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked up at him.

"Why do you need to take a room?" I asked.

"To stay in ofcourse." He said. Before I could say anything he interrupted me by saying, "You wouldn't let your father sleep on a couch, now would you?" with a sly grin on his face.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now