Chapter CVII- First Birthdays

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Your POV


[3 Months Later- November 17, 2020]


"Do we really have to invite a lot of people into this? Our house will be full of germs after the party.", Omi stated with a annoyed look and I flashed him a huge smile.

"Of course! It's the kids' first birthdays. So let's make it memorable and also, the more the merrier!", I chirped as he sighed and nodded his head.

"But let's drop them off tomorrow at my parents house so that we'll disinfect the whole house. I don't want to live in a house filled with germs of different people.", Omi said and I chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, typical you.", I said as he just shrugged then went back to preparing the balloons.

The kids are now 1 year olds. And they look so cute at the picture we took of them yesterday for the photo album. Unlike the first months of taking care of them, things are getting easier, but still hard to take care of them.

Since it's their first birthdays, we'll make it grand. But we'll only be inviting the people whom we are close with. Good thing that the house is spacious, as well as the backyard, all of us will just fit in.

Today is also Kazuya's birthday, but right now he's at America so I just sent him a message a while ago. He's now closer to his dream and I heard that he's at America for a tryout in MLB.

Speaking of sports, the V-League Season 2020-2021 just ended last week, and I'm so glad that we defended our title as champions. However, this time, MSBY got defeated and Schweiden won this time.

But still Omi, Bokuto, Tsumu, and Hinata are selected for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics next year. Along with Ushijima, Tobio, Hoshiumi, as well as Motoya, Aran, Yaku, and some people whom I never met yet.

Right now, the kids are still sleeping in their cribs as Omi and I set up the decorations for the birthday party. Shizune-senpai and the others, Tobio, Ushijima-kun and Hoshiumi, as well as some from the MSBY.

Kujo-senpai and Samatoki-senpai can't come today since they're away for a vacation. And as for Urahara-senpai, he's happily married with the girl he met in Switzerland.

If I recall, his wife's maiden last name is Shihouin. The two of them are having their honeymoon in the Philippines. Both of their last names are the same from two characters from Bleach who are shipped together. I think it's a wonderful coincidence.

Anyway, the guests will be here by 11:40 and there's still 20 minutes left, and good thing that we're now down preparing for the birthday party.

After that, I then heard some crying from the bedroom as I hurried there to see the triplets crying. I then caressed their heads softly, making them hushed up then started giggling.

"Looks like they've just woken up.", I heard Omi said as he then stood at my side, watching the babies.

He then let out a soft chuckle as the triplets tried to reach their small hands at him. Omi and I then picked them up as we then headed towards the living room and watched them in the sofa.

Omi and I played with them and I just can't get over with their cuteness. Although they have just woken up a while ago, they're now recharged and quite hyper.

'Ding! Dong!'

We heard the doorbell rang as I then walked towards the door and open it, to see Shizune-senpai and the others.

"Yo! (Y/N)-chan!", Motoya and Shizune-senpai beamed and I smiled at them.

"Glad that you guys made it.", I said and they grinned at me.

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