Chapter I- New Life

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Your POV

'This is the worst day of my life!!'

I was supposed to be with my idiotic best friends and why does it had to be now to move in a different place????!? Damn, I missed them. I was happy in my first year until now.

I was supposed to be in Inarizaki and not here in Itachiyama. If I really had to study here in Tokyo, I would prefer Seidou High School since my cousin is there. I used to play volleyball in middle school until I fractured my knee. Because of that I'm not allowed to play anymore by my parents, so I applied as manager for the boys' volleyball team where my two friends played.

My family decided to move in Tokyo because of my father's job and my mother thought that it would be great to start her business here as a patisserie. We arrived in Tokyo a week ago and I'm still not used living in the city.

Today's the first day and I still have a long way to go. Maybe I should apply as manager for the boys' volleyball team so I can meet my friends in Inarizaki. Nah, I haven't even told them a proper goodbye so I think I'll pass cuz they're going to kill me for leaving without goodbye.

I stood in front of the school gate and as I was about to move forward, a swarm of girls, more like fangirls, pushed me to the source of what they're squirming. I fell and glanced at the person above me, his dark orbs met mine.


Sakusa Kiyoomi!!!

He shot me an icy glare as I stared back. I knew that he was one of the top three aces in Japan and him being the only second
year. I remembered what those two idiots said about him; a sociopath, germaphobe, and cold gloomy jerk. I can see why since he was exactly what they said to be. He was wearing a mask with a scowl on his face.

"You. Move.", he said as I stood up and bowed as apology then moved out of the way. Geez, he really is a jerk. I watched him walking away, his fan girls following him.

I was walking through the busy hallways, seniors scouting for new members in their clubs. I was assigned in an advanced class which is class 2-5. It seems that most of my classmates already knew each other and I'm probably the only one who's a transferee.

I sat down at the end of the room which was second next to the window. Giggles and murmurs are getting closer and I looked beside me. What the????!!?

Great. Just great.

Sitting beside me is the one and only Sakusa Kiyoomi. Just what did I do to deserve this???? I should have gone to Seidou.

He noticed I was looking at him as he shot me a glare, again.

"What?", he said as I looked away, mumbling 'Nothing'

The door opened and the teacher walked in. He cleared his throat as the class settled down. "Good morning class, I'm your homeroom teacher of class 2-5, Kawahara Kenta. It seems that all of you are already familiar with each other but there is one person who transferred. (L/N)-san, please introduce yourself."

"Good morning everyone, I am
(L/N) (Y/N) and I came from Hyōgo Prefecture. It's a pleasure meeting you all.", I bow down and I can hear some whispering.

'Ehh?? Hyōgo?'

'She's cute'

'What a slut'

Huhhhh!!??!!??!! Who dares call me a slut??!?? I've been single for life and I'm not gonna fall in love until I graduate. They, specifically my parents, said that true love doesn't come in your school life. Study first before getting in a relationship. I'm not even half of those kinky girls.

Kawahara-sensei cleared his throat as the murmurings stopped. "Thank you (L/N)-san, please go back to your seat."

I sat back in my chair as I noticed Sakusa staring at me.

"What?", I asked him as he looked away. I just shrugged it off. Geez, what a pain.


Sakusa POV


Now than she mentioned it, she seemed familiar. She glanced outside the window with her amber eyes and brown hair, her expression is bored. Have I seen her before?? Maybe not.

The only thing that I knew about it is because of Inarizaki Boys' Volleyball Team, where those annoying idiots play for. I hope they're not getting any stronger or else it would be troublesome, especially those loud annoying pests.

I hope I didn't get any germs today.


Your POV

Class just ended and everyone is going to join a club. Knowing that Sakusa's in the Boys' volleyball team, I think I'm going to apply in the girls' team. I was about to go outside until I noticed that a senpai was looking inside, so I approached her.

"Excuse me, are you looking for someone?", I asked as she then smiled at me. "Uhmm.. Is (L/N)-san here?", she asked as I pointed at myself.

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N).", she seemed surprised then took my hand an shook it. She smiled at me.

"It's nice meeting you (L/N)-san!! I'm Nagata Shizune, a third year and the boys' volleyball team manager. I heard a lot about you from your cousin. I was hoping if you would like to join the boys' volleyball team as manager. He said that you're a goddess when it comes to volleyball."

Oh really? That four-eyed baseball maniac sheeshh. He knows how to flatter me so that I will give in huh??

I scratched the back of my head and said, "I-is that so?"

"Yes, I've always admired your skills when you were still playing, and your cousin said that you're also good in analysis of each player's status. So, we would be glad to have you as a manager since I'll be graduating next year."

"Uhmm, I'll think about it. Please give me some time."

"No problem. Just go to the volleyball gym if you wanted to see me. I'm looking forward to it.", she waved and left as I waved back.

Should I join? If I will then I'll be in death sentence when I meet those idiots again. I can see it that they will be choking me and calling me a traitor. Geez.

'I should give my incredible cousin a call tonight', I thought as I went home. I'll probably be the first one to be home tonight since my parents are busy.

To be continued,



Hey guys!! Sorry for the wrong grammar that I made. Also, I'll do my best in making the story.

Guess who's the cousin?? I was thinking that the story will have a little crossover with another sports anime. It will be interesting if they did so why not?

Hope you liked the story!! Mata nee~

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