Chapter LXXXIII- My One And Only

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Your POV

Right now, we're walking our way to my house for dinner. And Giyuu-chan fell asleep as Omi carried him in a piggyback ride. It was so cute since I can imagine Omi carrying our future kid.

"You'll be a great father someday, Omi~", I said with a giggle and he hummed in response.

"Of course I will, especially if it's our child.", he said and I giggled.

"Anyway, when are we going to get married?", he asked and I looked at him with a brow raised.

"When are you going to propose?", I asked and he sighed and looked at the sky.

"Maybe after the V-League this November. Now that you're back, I'll be playing with all my might. I'll win it for you.", he said as he then looked at me and smiled beneath his mask.

"And as for the children... I think I'll give you some time. Besides, you're still going to play in the V-League, right?", he asked and I nodded my head, as I could feel him smirk beneath that mask of his.

"But don't worry, (Y/N)....", he said as he pulled down his mask then leaned closer to my ear.

"We'll still be doing that anytime.", he whispered as I could feel his hot breath.

My face is now red as he leaned back with a smirking face. I nodded my head and he let out a soft chuckle.

"How about let's go to my apartment after dinner? I'm sure your parent would allow your or stay with me.", he asked as I hummed in response and he smiled.

"Sure.", I said as he then gave me a smirk.

I have a feeling that something will happen later at his apartment. And my heart is beating like crazy as I thought about it. And this time, no one is there to interrupt us.

"We there yet?", I heard Giyuu-chan mumbles as he is now waking up from his nap.

"Not yet, Giyuu-chan. We're almost there.", I said as I could hear him hum.

After a few minutes of walking, we have arrived at the front of our house as I then pressed the doorbell. The door shifted open to see it was my mother, with a huge smile on her face.

"(Y/N)! Giyuu! And Kiyoomi-kun! It's nice to see you again.", my mother said as Omi bowed his head.

"It's been a while (M/N)-san.", he said and my mother hummed in response with a smile on her face.

"Oh and where's Giyuu?"

"Giyuu here!", the small boy popped up behind Omi with a huge smile on his face.

"Giyuu like (Y/N)-nee and Omi-nii! Giyuu fell asleep when walk!", Giyuu-chan beamed and my mother chuckled then looked at us.

"Well then, dinner's ready! And please make yourself at home, Kiyoomi-kun.", my mother said as Omi nodded his head.

"Thank you, (M/N)-san.", he said as we then entered the kitchen.

There's a lot of food prepared in the table, and there are also pickled plum onigiris! Ever since I ate it with Omi back in Hyōgo, it became my favorite food. But I think Omi's favorite is the whole pickled plum.

A few seconds later, my father then came to the kitchen as the five of us sat in the table.

"Itadakimasu!", we said in unison as we then dig in.

We then ate our food and I could see that Giyuu-chan also wanted to try he pickled plum onigiris that Omi is eating right now. And so he did as he then ate whatever food Omi has eaten.

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