Chapter XXVII- A Date

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Your POV

It's been a few days since Omi and I shared our first kiss. Morning came and I was still laying in bed since it is Saturday. So, I'm planning to stay in the bed the whole day since there Yamada-sensei told us to take the day off.

But geez. It's so boring in the house. I want to go out with Omi~ Maybe I should ask him out... but.. where would he like to go? It's almost noon time and here I am, still sprawling in bed.

I wanted to go to Akihabara today since there's a huge sale of anime merchandise today. But then, there would be a lot of people in there and Omi wouldn't like it.

I was brainstorming inside my mind as I just decided to text him since I literally had no idea where he wants to go. I opened my phone as I then went into his contacts and I chuckled that I really changed his name in my phone the last night.

I actually named him 'Omitachi' since he's from Itachiyama where weasels belong, though Komori was the only one who clearly looks like a weasel to me. But if Omi were an animal then he'll be a weasel, too. A cute but grumpy weasel.

I then typed him a good morning as I waited patiently for his reply. I bet he's still sleeping at this hour since it's Saturday.


Me: Good morning, Omi!

I later back in bed as I impatiently waited for his reply. Then a minute later, my phone buzzed as I immediately opened it with a delighted face.

Omitachi: Good morning (Y/N). Did you get a good night sleep?

Me: Absolutely. Say, do you have any plans for today?

Omitachi: No... Why do you ask?

Me: Wanna go on a date with me?

After I texted I waited for his reply and I hope that he didn't fell back to sleep on me. The phone then buzzed then look at his reply.

Omitachi: Yes. Where?

Me: That's why I texted you in the first place. Where do you prefer to go?

Omitachi: Where you want to prefer. Do you have somewhere you would like to go?

Me: Well... I wanted to go to Akihabara since there's a huge sale in there... But then you always hated crowds and that's why I asked you.

Omitachi: Then let's go there.

Me: But I thought you hated crowds.

Omitachi: Yes I do... But if it's what makes you happy then I'll bear with it.

Omiiiiii!!!!!! Why're you always so sweet?~ I squirmed in bed rolling over as I fell in the floor in a loud thud. Owww! That hurts!

'Buzz! Buzz!'

My phone buzzed as I immediately sat up then jumped back to bed as I looked at his message.

Omitachi: Well then, shall we go now?

Me: Yes!

I replied as fast as lightning as my phone buzzed again when I was about to get ready.

Omitachi: Meet me in the train station. I'll text you when I'm there.

Me: Okay. I'll go get ready for now. See ya!

After I replied, I immediately went to the bathroom as I clean myself then went to the kitchen after I dressed up in my casual retro outfit. I ate in a hurry that I choked on my food as I then brushed my teeth then went back to my room after I finished.

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