Chapter XIII- An Unexpected Visit

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Your POV

Morning came and I did my daily routine. I folded Sakusa's cleaned jacket into my bag then went outside to go to school. As I stepped outside, I saw Sakusa who just also happened to be going to school.

"Good morning, Sakusa-kun", I greeted with a smile as he nodded in response.

" 'Morning", he said with a yawn as I walked up to him. He definitely is not a morning person but he's always not late in class. I then took out his jacket from my bag and handed it to him.

" Here, thanks for lending it to me last night", I said and he hummed as he took it in his hands then put it in his bag.

" Shall we go there together?", he asked as I nod with a smile. We then started walking then I remembered what Yamada-sensei  messaged me earlier.

"Oh yeah. Yamada-sensei said that we're taking the day off since we've been doing intense training this past week. He will go this afternoon to the meeting for the Spring High Preliminaries "

"So what are we going to do this afternoon?"

"I don't know. I bet some will go home early while others will hang out somewhere", I shrugged as we're on our way to school.

It took us a while to get to school. When we arrived there, those fangirls of his are glaring again at me. Well, they won't try something funny since Sakusa's here.

We reached our classroom then sat on our seats. Our homeroom teacher hasn't arrived yet so we talked for a while.

"So what are your plans this afternoon?", Sakusa asked as I predicted that Shizune-senpai will drag me with her.

"Aside from the possibility that Shizune-senpai will drag me with her, there's none", I said.

"Then, will you come with me go to the sports store? I need some new volleyball shoes for the Tokyo Tournament"

"Sure, no problem"

"Good. It's settled then", he said as our homeroom teacher just went in to begin our class.


??? POV

Last Evening

"Hey Yuki-senpai! Which school are we having a practice match with tomorrow afternoon?", I asked as we played shogi in my room.

"Itachiyama Academy", he replied then moved a piece as his attention was mainly focused in our game.

"Oh are they strong?", Kuramochi asked while playing a video game.

"We shouldn't underestimate every team", Yuki-senpai replied as Kuramochi sweatdropped.

"I just asked", he said and suddenly the door bursts open, causing all of us to look except Masuko-senpai who was sleeping peacefully in my bed.

"MIYUKI-SENPAI!!!!!! PLEASE CATCH FOR ME!!!!", Sawamura said as he argued with Furuya. Good timing! I can make my escape hehehe!

"Yo Sawamura! Furuya!", I greeted as I let them in.

I then pushed Sawamura to my place. Jun-senpai ordered Furuya to give him a massages and so he did. Good thing they're here.

"Before we will do our night training I'll buy some coffee for a moment", I said with a snicker as I then proceeded to walk out.

"Have Fun!", I said as I closed the door then went to the vending machine and bought a coffee.

I sat in the bench as I drank my coffee peacefully. I then remembered that my precious cousin went there. A smirk was plastered on my face.

Oh I get to see my precious (Y/N)-chan tomorrow. I wonder how she's doing?


Your POV


Class just ended and we planned to meet in the gym with the others. Sakusa and I were the first to be there as the others then arrived.

"Oi (Y/N)-chan!!!! You're coming with us right?"

"Yeah, I don't have anything to do this afternoon after all"

"Well then, let's go!!"

As we were near the gate, there arrived a bunch of athletes who seemed to be here for practice match. They were wearing a baseball attire and when I saw the logo, it says Seidou.

As they scattered a bit, I saw a familiar brunette with glasses. I immediately knew who it was. I ran to the said person, ignoring the stares given at me, and I tackled him in a bear-crushing hug.

"KAZUYA!!!! It's been a while, hasn't?", I happily said as he smiled at me without breaking the hug.

"Yeah. Long time no see, (Y/N)-chan!", he grinned as I grinned back. Since we're born in the same year, we were the best of all best friends since birth.

"Yo! Kazu!", a voice said and we turned to see Shizune-senpai waving her hand.

"Yo! Shizu!", Kazuya replied with a grin as he broke the hug then approached her.

"It's been a while, eh?"

"Yeah, it is. So how's (Y/N)-chan doing in the team?"

"Oh she's very good. She's very smart and quick-witted, too"

"Well, she takes after the smart and handsome me after all", he snickered as Shizune-senpai playfully punched his stomach, which wasn't quite playful to me.

"Oooff! Hey! Don't murder me before the match!"

"Yeah yeah, I'll murder you later you idiot"

The two of them were bickering as I felt a hand in my shoulder. I looked up to see another brunette who seems to be a first year.

"You're (L/N)-san right? I'm Sawamura Eijun. It's nice to finally meet you. Miyuki-senpai talks about you a lot", he said as I nod at him.

So he's the annoying brat Miyuki was talking about. But he saw something different from him when he pitches. I wonder why though.

I felt someone staring at me as I looked to see a boy with dark olive hair. He kind of looks like a deliquent as he suddenly dashed to Miyuki who was still talking with Shizune-senpai.

"Oiii!!! Miyuki!!! How dare you get a girlfriend before us!!", he then jumped to his back, Kazuya trying to take him off.

"Aaagh! Get off Kuramochi! She's not my girlfriend!"

"Then who's she?"

"She's my cousin you dimwit!", Kazuya said as the Kuramochi person then hopped off him.

"Oh?", he was dumbfounded as he then walked up to me then bow.

"I'm sorry for assuming things! Miss..."

"(L/N) (Y/N)"

"It's nice to meet you (L/N)-san!"

"It's nice to meet you too, Kuramochi-san", I said as Kazuya then walked to us.

"Oi oi, stop bothering her Kuramochi. So (Y/N)-chan, would you like to watch us?", he asked as I looked at Shizune-senpai.

"Well it depends on you. After all, you two haven't seen each other for a long time. So, why not?", she said as I nod then flashed a smile.

"Thank you senpai!", I said as she and the others walked passed us. I noticed Sakusa glaring at Kazuya. He then turned his eyes to me and looked away after we briefly made eye contact.

After they're gone, Kazuya then swung his arm around my neck as he then walked forward.

"(Y/N)-chan!! Lead the way!!", he said with a grin as I smiled. It really was a while.

To be continued,

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