Chapter L- Tempo

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Your POV

"Now things are getting interesting aren't they, (L/N)-san?", Tsukishima said, his teasing manner now replaced with a calm and collected attitude as I mused.

"Where did the annoying beanpole go? I can't see him here right now~", I said with a teasing smirk as an irk mark appeared in his forehead.

"You know, (L/N)-san? I think you're irritating me more than the king, despite the huge gap of your intelligence. I could make out that he's the idiot one in your family tree.", he said as I chuckled.

"Yep! I agree with you about him being the biggest idiot.. But I'm used to irritating people so no can do, Tsukishima-kun.", I said as he scoffed then looked at the others.

"Don't you think this is a bit unbalanced? Most of the other team were good ones, well except for the human tangerine there. He's still sucks", Tsukishima said and I could make out Hinata's ears perked up as he gave Tsukishima a frown. A moment later, Suga then walked towards us.

"Mah~ Don't go badmouthing people, especially your teammates, Tsukishima.", Suga said as Tsukishima just stood there in silence.

"(L/N)-san!!!!!!", a loud voice said and I already know it's Tanaka.

"I'm doing my best and I'm not going to disappoint you, my maiden.", Tanaka said as he tried his best acting like a main character from a shoujou manga, but that doesn't affect me at all.

"Tanaka! Stop acting like that all the time!", Suga scolded him as Tanaka bowed in apology.


"I agree that they do have the advantage.. What a cliche lineup.", Tanaka muttered as he suddenly laughed.

"Hmm.... Wait! So that means.... Guess I'll be the one who's going to score points the most!"

"Tanaka, just focus in the match! You're up!", Suga said as Tanaka then went to do a serve.

"Yosha!!! We're going to beat you into pulp!", he yelled as all of the opposing team sweat dropped.

"Tanaka! Nice Serve!"

Tanaka went in for a jump serve and clicked his tongue when Noya received it with a smirk. The ball went up as Tobio is going to set it. I wonder who's he going to use.

And out of nowhere, I could see an orange hair at such speed and jump as he then spiked it to the other side of the court. Their number 6, whom I believe is Ennoshita, failed to receive it.

Wow! That was surprising!

I looked at Tobio, who had a smirk in his face while looking at me now that they revealed their trick. Was that just pure luck? Or maybe not. He really has improved a lot, and what's more, he pinpointed it to Hinata. I can see that Hinata put so much trust in Tobio's tosses.

Hinata pumped his fists up in the air as he looked at the palm of his hands. I was also astonished that someone with a small height can do a monster jump, just like Hoshiumi.

"There it is~ The oddball toss-and-spike~", Tsukishima said with an unenthusiastic tone as I looked at him.

"Do they really do that all the time?", I asked him as he tsked.

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