Chapter LXXVI- March 20

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Your POV


[March 20]


Today is March 20, and Omi's 17th birthday. His parents asked me to keep his birthday party a secret and we'll surprise him once we got home from school.

I don't know what to gift him, so I just bought some things he would use daily. I'm giving him a new lint roller, disinfectant sprays, salonpas, and more sanitising products.

I actually planned on acting like I forgot that his birthday is today, but I'll feel bad about that. It seems like the secret birthday party operation is a good one.

But I bet that the school is going to be flooded once we got there. And Omi just wanted some peace in his birthday and not the loud squealing fangirls.

Right now, I was waiting for Omi right outside my house and I can't believe I'm earlier than him, for the first time. It took about 3 minutes until he arrived.

"(Y/N)? Wow, I never expect you to be early.", he mused and I chuckled and gave him a peck in the cheek.

"Anything for the birthday boy. Happy Birthday, Omi!", I said with a grin and he flashed me a soft smile.

"Thank you, (Y/N).", he said and gave me a hug.

"Well then, let's go.", he said I nodded my head as he then held my hand.

The two of us arrived at the train station several minutes later, and rode our way to school. As we are at our stop, we got off and continued walking while holding hands.

It looks like we came here quite early, and good thing that no fangirls are spotted. And so we changed into our indoor shoes without problems and went to the classroom then wait for the class to start.



"Sakusa-kun! Happy Birthday!"



Girls crowded the hallway as we walked our way to the cafeteria. There's no end to these greetings and I could see that Omi's pretty annoyed by now.

He really hates it when the path is crowded, especially by his annoying fangirls. I know how much he wanted to spray them with pesticides, and I hope he won't end up doing that.

The girls continued on talking as Omi can't take it anymore and gave them a menacing glare.

"Will you shut it up?! I already have a girlfriend yet you still kept of bugging me. So mind your own business!", he snapped with his eyebrows knitted together as the girls went silent and nodded their heads.

I mused as I then gave him a smirk, as his scowling face softened when he turned to face me. He raised a brow when he saw me smirking.


"Nothing. It's just that your fan girls are so obedient with just one command.", I said and he just ignored me and grabbed my hand, dragging me to the cafeteria.

We lined up and ordered our food. And after that, we then went to our usual table and the others are already there, with smiling faces.

"Happy Birthday Sakusa/Sakusa-senpai!", the four greeted as Omi just hummed in response and sat beside me.

"Man, time sure flies fast, huh?", Iizuna-senpai asked as the others nodded in agreement.

"I wonder what our future selves are gonna be like? I bet I'm so cool and married to the man of my dreams!", Shizune-senpai beamed as she and Iizuna-senpai gave each other lovey dovey looks.

By My Side (SakusaxReader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon