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Seungcheol sits on the floor of the morgue, leaning against the wall. Tears still pouring down his face and his chest aching in a way that shouldn't be humanly possible. Jihoon is on a table with a white sheet covering his entire body. Seungcheol refuses to go look at him again. Having seen his dead body in the car already and thinking he won't be able to handle seeing it again. He already feels so broken. So empty. So useless. He's never felt this way before. He's never felt pain and sorrow like this. It hurts so much. It's like his entire world has come crashing down in mere seconds. And it did. Jihoon was his world. His everything. Seungcheol slams his head back into the wall as an image of Jihoon appears in his mind. His mouth shakes and he lets out breathless sounds as he thinks back to all their moments together. Their accidental meeting. Random visits. Eating food. Watching movies. Hugging. Flirting. Kissing. Loving. All of it plays through his mind like a movie. A sad movie with a heartbreaking ending that will make you use up an entire tissue box. Suddenly, the door to the morgue slams open. Chan and Joshua enter with distressed expressions on their faces. They don't even notice Seungcheol and rush over to the table. Chan yanks back the sheet and lets out a painful noise when he sees his brother. "No...no...no," Chan murmurs, "This can't be happening...."

Joshua stares at his best friend's body and stumbles back, "Jihoon...."

"He's gone..." Seungcheol whispers, staring at the floor with hollow eyes. Chan and Joshua glance at Seungcheol, noticing him for the first time. Seungcheol runs a hand through his hair and lets out a dry laugh, "It's all my fault..."

"What happened?" Chan asks, his eyes burning with anger. Seungcheol can only imagine what Chan is going through. He's lost both of his brothers in such a short amount of time. That must be absolutely heart-wrenching. "We were going to get some tteokbokki," Seungcheol mutters, tears building up in his eyes as he speaks, "A car started tailgating us and then ran right into us. They started pushing us forward and we reached an intersection...a truck hit us and we flipped and crashed...Jihoonie...h-he didn't make it." The vampire lets out another choked sob and lets his head fall limp.

"T-that wasn't your fault," Joshua stutters out, his eyes becoming watery.

"Maybe, not," Seungcheol chokes out, "But, I was driving...I should have done something." Chan stares at Seungcheol, most likely taking notice of the lack of injuries on the vampire's body. Seungcheol can't bring himself to care. His entire body feels numb. He doesn't have the energy to explain why he's perfectly healthy and Jihoon is lying dead on a table. Seungcheol makes a fist and slams it into the floor. He grits his teeth and squeezes his eyes shut, tears still peeking out of his shut eyelids. Chan slowly turns to look at his brother again, leaving Seungcheol alone after seeing how broken up he is. "You can't leave me too," Chan mutters, trying his best to be strong even though his voice cracks, "Come back to me...hyung...I cant live without you as well...what am I supposed to do without you or Seokmin hyung! You're supposed to take care of me....remember...I'm your baby brother...don't leave me...don't leave me alone..."

"I...I don't know what to say..." Joshua says, sitting down beside Seungcheol, "I...I never imagined something like this would happen."

"You and me both," Seungcheol says bitterly, "To make matters worse...I don't even know who did it..."

"I don't think that matters now," Joshua sighs, "It won't bring him back..."

"No...I guess not," Seungcheol mutters.

"Are you going to bring him back?" Joshua asks.

"I...I don't know," Seungcheol whispers, still having no idea what to do. Joshua nods his head and falls silent, watching Chan cry over his hyung's body. "If you do, we'll all help," Joshua says, "It'll go smoother than it did the first time..."

"Yeah," Seungcheol murmurs, the process being the last thing on his mind. The vampire sighs before slowly pushing himself to his feet. He walks over to the table and stares down at Jihoon's battered body. There are bruises all over him and cuts that are visible. It breaks Seungcheol's heart to see his Jihoon in such a condition. He shouldn't look like this. He should be awake and lively. His eyes shining and his skin full of life. Not lying on a metal table with his eyes sealed shut. Seungcheol slowly lifts his hand up and brushes it against Jihoon's cool cheek. He lets out a shaky breath before looking over at Joshua. The human looks back at him and notices the determined look in the crown prince's eyes. Joshua nods his head and gets to his feet. He wipes at his tears and goes over to Chan, "C'mon...we need to contact your parents."

Chan scoffs, "So they can rush through things again and turn him to ashes instantly...yeah...no thanks..."

"Channie..." Joshua murmurs.

"Fine," Chan huffs before heading towards the door. Joshua turns to give one last look at Seungcheol before exiting the room. The vampire looks down at his lost lover with a sorrowful expression. "If this is the wrong choice, I'm sorry in advance," Seungcheol whispers, "But, I just can't see you like this...not when you can live..."

Oooooo, here we go guys. The craziness is about to begin in full. I hope that you are looking forward to it. I don't really have much to say other than that about this chapter, so I will see you all in the next one. Please vote, comment, follow me, add this story to your library and check out my BTS AU Night of Sin. Until next time, goodbye my lovely Carats!

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