"I merely saved two innocent vampires," Seungcheol states, "I don't think that warrants any scolding."

"Ha, really? Well, you're thinking is very misguided!" The Queen exclaims, "You have just made a fool of your father. How do you think it looks when the crown prince goes against the word of the King!?"

"I would assume not well," Seungcheol says with a blank expression on his face.

"Yes, your assumption is correct," The Queen huffs, "The people will begin to question our leadership! The very family that has led the society since the beginning! They will wonder if we are really fit to be the heads!"

"As they should," Seungcheol says.

"Excuse me," The Queen says in a surprised tone.

"They should question you. They shouldn't be subservient. They should wonder about the secrets the King and Queen have," Seungcheol states, "You hide things from them after all. The recent deaths. The influx of newborns. The faction..."

"I thought your father made it clear that you should not be talking about this made-up faction again," The Queen says, her nostrils flaring.

"Of course," Seungcheol says, "Just a slip of the tongue..." He looks at his parents with suspicion in his eyes, trying to exude the fact that he is on to them. The King and Queen faces remain blank, if they had noticed their son's message, they were choosing not to show it. "I am trying to understand you," The King states, "The actions that you have been exhibiting these past few months. It is unlike you."

"I guess a couple millennia of living changes you," Seungcheol says calmly, knowing that the only reason he's grown more comfortable in himself is due to Jihoon, "You couldn't have expected for me to remain the dutiful son until the day of your passing..."

The Queen shakes her head, "I thought I raised you better than this..."

"Raised me?" Seungcheol scoffs, "Please..."

The King frowns, "Did you just...that is not how you speak to your mother! That isn't how you speak to the Queen!!!"

"My apologies," Seungcheol says, slowly bowing in a way that was more mocking than respectful.

"Well, I never," The Queen says, titling her nose up with an air with disgust.

"You may yell at me or scold me or look down on me as much as you wish," Seungcheol states, "It will not make me regret my actions. It will not change my mindset about you or the society as a whole. And it will most definitely not make me return to the person I once was."

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

Seungcheol knocks on the door and waits until he hears the soft voice of someone saying come in to enter. He slips into the room and shuts the door behind him. Seokmin flashes the crown prince a small smile from where he sits on the large bed. "How are you?" Seungcheol asks.

"Good," Seokmin says, his gaze flitting around his new quarters within the society.

"Is the room to your liking?" Seungcheol questions.

Seokmin nods, "It's much better than the dungeons..."

"Ah, yes, I apologize for that," Seungcheol says, "I never expected for you to be taken like that the second we entered the society. I still have yet to find who told my parents about you and Soonyoung."

"Don't worry about it, hyung," Seokmin says, "In the end, you were able to save us both. A couple of days in the dungeon is nothing compared to getting to live..." Seungcheol hums and looks at the newborn vampire. Seokmin has a soft smile on his face and his body appears relaxed, considering he was about to be killed. Nonetheless, there are subtle changes to the boy. His heartbeat is gone and his skin lighter than before, but other than that he retains the same disposition he did when Seungcheol first met him. "Were you scared?" Seungcheol asks.

"About what?" Seokmin questions.

"The execution...turning? All of it," Seungcheol says, "It must have been a lot at once." Seokmin sighs and shifts a bit where he sits. He nods his head and shrugs, "I guess a bit overwhelming. I mean...I knew you were going to save us. I had no doubt about it, but those machetes were close...I don't want to go through that again. As for turning into a vampire, it was honestly kinda underwhelming. Yeah...I mean it, becoming a vampire was probably the most boring thing that's happened these past few days. I don't know why. I guess I just expected it to be more painful and stuff. The only reason it wasn't is probably cause I had you and the others to help me during the transition...thanks for that by the way."

"We all want this place to feel like your home," Seungcheol says, "I know that it'll be hard. You've lived as a human for all your life and now you're a vampire...it's different. It will be difficult for you to adjust. If there's anything we can do to make it easier for you...or anything you need just ask. I will do what I can to help you."

"Can...can I see my brothers?" Seokmin asks in a hopeful tone, "I know it's against the law since I'm a vampire to interact with humans, but it's not like I would ever turn them or drink from them. I just want to see them again...to tell them I'm okay...they must be so heartbroken..."

Seungcheol nods, "I can bring you to Jihoon, but Chan...he doesn't know about vampires and I don't know whether or not you wish to tell him." Seokmin falls silent after that. Seungcheol watches him as a look of thought crosses the newborn vampire's face. "I...I guess it's better for him not to know," Seokmin murmurs.

"Are you sure?" Seungcheol asks.

Seokmin slowly nods, "He's probably really sad, but I don't want him to be exposed to this world. He deserves to live his life..."

"If that's what you want," Seungcheol says, "I'll arrange something with Jihoon as fast as I can."

"Thank you," Seokmin says, looking at the crown prince with sincerity, "For everything..."

That's it. You'll have to wait until a few weeks for the reunion and hopefully more fluffy moments. This one was sort of crazy and tense, but it all worked out in the end. Except Seungcheol and his parents aren't on good terms, so we'll have to see how that changes things. Cough cough. Anyway, enough spoiler esque things. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and look forward for the next. Please vote, comment, follow me, add this story to your library and check out my Romance One-shots book. There will be a new Jicheol one-shot posted there next week. Until next time, Carats! Fighting~

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