Chapter 22

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Izuku walked into the agency that day looking more paranoid than ever. Kirishima and Bakugou were on either side of him, but they weren't making contact. With pro heroes, it's always better to keep your relationships hushed and away from prying eyes, you never know when the information could fall into the wrong hands. Not only that, but Izuku was an omega. If people found out he was with two alphas, it would call into question his status, which the public knows as beta or alpha (he's never confirmed or denied it for any of them).

"Mido, calm down." Kaminari said, walking over to the three of them. "He's not here right now."

The green haired omega let out a breath of relief. "Can we just find Shin and get out of here please?" He asked his two alphas, who quickly nodded as they all set off to find the other alpha.

Five minutes later and they still hadn't caught sight of him. They'd searched the entire first and second floors.

"Where the hell is he?" Kaminari mumbled, more to himself than the others. It wasn't like Shinsou to just take off without his team or at least telling his mate where he was going. It worried the poor omega.

Izuku grabbed his arm, rubbing his thumb in circles to try and comfort the omega. "Don't stress too much, it's Shinsou. He can definitely take care of himself, besides he probably just fell asleep on the couch in one of the lounges or something." He assured with humor in his voice, hoping that the joke would ease the other omega.

Kaminari let out a big breath of air and nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right. He hasn't been sleeping the best recently."

The shorter of the two wrapped an arm around the blond's shoulders as he led him to the elevator so they could check the third floor. "Why's that? Any particular reason or is his insomnia just acting up?" He asked.

Kaminari shrugged, which was difficult with Izuku's arm on him. "Not sure. If something is bothering him, he hasn't talked to me about it."

"Just give him time. He'll come around eventually, he always does." Izuku told him, scooting them over slightly so Kirishima and Bakugou could also ride with them.

"Am I a bad omega?" Kaminari suddenly asked, turning to Izuku with watery eyes.

"Huh?" Izuku asked in complete surprise. "Why would you ever think that, Kami? You're an amazing omega!" He said while grabbing both of his arms.

"My alpha isn't sleeping and he won't even talk to me about it and now I can't even find him! What kind of mate am I if my alpha doesn't want me to know where he's going and what he's going through?" Kaminari asked as the tears started flowing.

Izuku pulled him into a tight hug, the taller omega having to bend slightly. "You and I both know Shinsou doesn't like talking about his problems or burdening anyone with them, least of all you. If there really is something going on, I'm sure he just doesn't want to worry you with it. If you talk to him about it, explain how you're feeling, he'll open up. You just have to be patient with him."

The other omega sniffled and nodded into the hug. "I know. I'm sorry, usually I wouldn't act like this but I guess my heat's getting close." Kaminari mumbled.

Izuku chuckled quietly. "Don't worry, so is mine. I almost didn't let Kacchan get out of bed this morning."

When they all made it to the third floor, they heard shouting from a conference room at the end of the hall. Kaminari recognized one of the voices as Shinsou and took off at a sprint. Izuku ran right with him, his alphas slightly annoyed but following as well.

"I'm not apologizing for you!"

"Then distract Bakugou and Kirishima long enough for me to do it myself! All I want to do is tell him I'm sorry."

The voices were slightly muffled from the door, but Kaminari paid no attention to it as he threw it open and jumped at his alpha. "I couldn't find you." The omega mumbled.

Shinsou quickly looked at the door and saw Izuku looking at the other person in the room with wide eyes. "I"m sorry Denks, but-"

"Midoriya, please just let me apologize." Todoroki said, walking over to the omega.

Shinsou quickly let go of Kaminari and intercepted the other alpha, pushing him backwards and away from both the omegas. "Don't get anywhere near him." He spat.

That was when Kirishima and Bakugou made it to the room, looking around in confusion until they spotted Todoroki on the other side of Shinsou.

Izuku was pushed behind both of them as they started growling at the other alpha.

"I just want to apologize!" Todoroki said again. "I was drinking and the room we were shoved in reeked of an omega in heat. I tried so hard but then he fell and I caught him and... well..."

"You think being drunk excuses what you did?!" Kirishima shouted at him. Bakugou probably would have beaten him to it if he wasn't so pissed off he couldn't properly talk. "Wanna know who else was drunk and didn't try to rape someone? Literally every other fucking person at that party."

*Oh my god I'm cackling and I feel bad about it*

"I'm not saying it excuses it, I'm just stating why it happened." Todoroki said, throwing a small glare at the other alpha.


Bakugou growled lowly and went to move forward, but a small hand held him back. He turned to see Izuku with wide eyes staring up at him.

"Don't. He's not worth it." The omega told him.

The blond alpha took a few deep breaths, not wanting to get violent for the sake of Izuku.

Todoroki watched the two with silent reserve. How had Bakugou of all people, someone who used to bully and harass Izuku, steal the omega's heart?

Kirishima wasn't an easier question either. The two barely spoke much in high school, to his knowledge. How had Todoroki possibly lost to these two alphas?

"Midoriya, please." Todoroki pleaded again. "We've been best friends for years. You know-"

Izuku was quick to cut the alpha off. "No, I don't know, Todoroki. Everything I thought I knew about you went out the window that night. I thought you were a good person, I thought I could trust you, but-" He cut himself off as he took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions.

"I told you to stop, Todoroki. Multiple times. You didn't listen to me once."

The alpha flinched away as if the omega had hit him, keeping his gaze on the ground. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Please, just leave." Izuku mumbled, grabbing onto Kirishima's arm tightly, grateful for the fact he was quickly pulled into the redhead's arms.

Todoroki looked hesitantly, but walked past Izuku and out the door a few seconds later.

Once he was gone, Izuku let out a deep breath of air. "Can we please just go on patrol now?"

Todoroki's actually my absolute favorite character and I feel so bad about this!

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