Chapter 6

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It was a few days later and the little group of four was still just making their rounds on patrol. Next week is when they were expecting to actually get to work and try and sniff out the trafficking ring.

Until Izuku caught sight of something that made his blood run cold.

He tugged on the sleeve of Shinsou's hero outfit, too terrified to speak yet. The alpha turned to him, immediately understanding his distress.

"What? What is it, Mido? C'mon, you gotta talk to me." Shinsou instructed, knowing that the omega had caught onto something. Something that would definitely help in their investigation, but the three alphas needed to know what it was first.

Kirishima and Bakugou had been close by when Izuku froze up, so they were quick to be confused by the situation. They didn't have a single cluse what made the other pro react like this.

Izuku still wasn't sure he could speak, but he pointed to what he had seen.

It was two people, a man and a woman, walking down the street. The man was well built and held himself in a proud manner, and obvious alpha. The woman on the other hand, was meek looking. She was slouched in on herself and never lifted her eyes off the ground, clearly she was an omega.

"What so bad about that?" Kirishima asked. It wasn't uncommon for subgenders to behave as just that. Omegas regularly were timid and shy, while alphas usually had too much confidence and pride for their own goods.

"T-the bracelet she's wearing." Izuku stuttered out, his eyes locked to the woman's right wrist.

Shinsou quickly looked over and glanced at it. It didn't seem like anything special to him, just a red bracelet made of small chain materials layered together. Seemed like any normal fashion bracelet. "What about it, Mido?" He asked, already aware that the omega definitely knew something he didn't.

Izuku clung tightly to Shinsou's arm, trying to ground himself so he could explain it without being pushed back into that dark place in his memories. "W-we all w-wore one. D-different colors are d-different ranks. R-red isn't g-good. It's not good, Shinsou." He said, looking up at the alpha hopelessly while knowing the woman's fate. Red wasn't the worst color to have, but it was close to it.

"Whoa, what'd you mean 'we'?" Kirishima asked, beyond confused by how the other pro heroes seemed to know so much about an omega trafficking ring. More than the other pros that had been trying to infiltrate it for years.

Bakugou's mind was whirling at the new information and Shinsou could see that. It was only a matter of seconds before the blond alpha would connect all the dots.

"Bakugou, now is not the time. Let it go." Shinsou said sternly, trying to calm the omega down before the alpha across the street got wind of his pheromones. It wouldn't end well if someone in the ring knew that the pro hero was an omega.

Without waiting for a verbal response, Shinsou pulled Izuku into a secluded alley just a few feet away from where they had all been gathered. "I need you to calm down, Mido. You're okay. You're safe. Nothing's going to happen to you." He whispered to the omega, standing in front of him and trying to get him to snap out of it.

Izuku looked up at him with watery eyes. "But what about her?"

"We're gonna save her to, dumbass. That's the whole point of this. You just need to calm down so that we can all do our jobs. That's what you wanted, right?" Bakugou spoke up, walking up behind Shinsou and staring down at Izuku.

The omega's green eyes went from Shinsou to Bakugou. "Promise?" He asked weakly. He had been through the hell that woman was currently going through, he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemies. He wanted to save her if it was the last thing he did.

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