Chapter 31

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Without Wen Lingyi separating Ji Yu and Lu Qingjia, they were separated by a strange light.

Not only them, all the people who entered the door after the picture scroll were separated at this moment.

Ji Yu felt the strength of holding her suddenly disappear, and she tried to open her eyes wide, but only saw darkness.

Unconsciously, she wanted to shout Luqing Jia, thought of his hidden identity, can only shout: "? Qing Yuen, where are you ''? Xuan Qing" She tried to move forward, there is no obstacle, then straight ahead,

this place is too It was weird. She wondered if Ling Yijun was coming, and she was a little scared.

The courage that had just been when Lu Qingjia was about to grab someone Ma Zai disappeared. Ji Yu clenched the whip in his hand, condensed a subtle light with magic techniques, and barely checked the situation around him.

But there was nothing but darkness.

She sent the light to the left, struggling to move forward in the darkness, and then she got a very, very shiny light-

bald? ? ?

Ji Yu's fear was interrupted. She opened her eyes and looked at the bald head. There were nine scars on the bald head.

The bald head also found her, he slowly stood up straight and raised his head, Ji Yu condensed the light and sent it up a little bit, seeing the other's face clearly.

It's an individual.

Still a Buddhist cultivator.

He was very young, wearing a white robes, his face could not be said to be very good, but he gave people a kind of compassionate and reliable sense of steadiness, Ji Yu was relieved the moment he saw him.

"You..." She wanted to say something, but was preempted by the other party.

"Amitabha Buddha." The Buddha's voice is clear and gentle, and there is a sense of rhythm as if he is singing a scripture when he speaks. "This female benefactor, the poor monk has the phoenix fire that he asked for from King Qionghua ten years ago. Although there is only a small cluster of flames, it can burn for a long time, and is more suitable for lighting than the spells of the female donor."

Ji Yu: " want to send me?"

Buddha Xiu was startled, his eyes widened and looked at Ji Yu incredulously: "Female The donor is misunderstood. The poor monk means that you can loan to the female donor, as long as ten pieces of superb spiritual stones, the female donor can use twelve hours."

"..." Ji Yu bit her lip, suddenly felt that she was because of the other party. I feel at ease and ashamed of appearing.

She took a breath, suppressed the complexity in her heart, and reluctantly asked: "Ten exquisite

spirit stones ?" "Exactly." Buddha Xiu smiled gently, his appearance is really inconspicuous, like Lu Qingjia's gorgeous and elegant The peerless beautiful man will line him in the dust here, but his combination of such ordinary facial features gives people an indescribable sense of dust.

That's how the monk who came out of the dust said with a thin lip and smiled: "Don't worry, the poor monk comes from the Shangqing Temple. He has a pure dharma name. He has practiced for many years. He is honest and honest. An hour, half an hour will not be less."

Many years of practice? Have you been in business for many years?

Ji Yu slowly moved forward and said, "How about you show me the fire first?"

The Female Cultivator of Hehuan Sect Never Admit Defeat (MTL) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now