I remember drawing tons of pictures of him when I was upset at him. It felt good to get out my rage on a deadly Humagear like him. It isn't like I could take him on back then. He probably would have defeated me within a few seconds. He's a ruthless fighting. 

He stops and turns to me. "I see."

"I wanted to know more about you once we started living together. Since I could rely on you, I felt like I should know more about you. You knew a lot about me, but I hardly knew you."

He nods his head. "You relied on me a lot when you were living with me and Jin."

"I needed you two at the time. Now I'm starting to rely on myself a lot more and become a stronger person," I reply, looking down at my feet. "But that doesn't mean I don't need anyone you know." I was going through a hard time and could only count on those two. 

"It is great to know that I am someone you can rely on."

"Oh, I didn't care about you being human or not after a bit as well. As I got to spend time with you, that didn't matter. I think Humagears and humans can mix if we try hard enough. I know you don't agree with that, but that is how I feel." I look back up at him and smile warmly at him.

"You're allowed to have your own thoughts, Mari." Yeah, but can't you too? 

"Thank you for thinking so, Horobi. So, what do you think about me?"

"You're human."

My smile drops. "Huh?" What's that supposed to mean?

"For you, Mari, it is a good thing. If you were other humans, that would be a bad thing."

"I see..." That doesn't make sense to me. "Can you rely on me?"

He nods his head. "Yes. Oh, where are you currently staying at? You don't seem to be staying at that one place now."

"Ah, Yua's." It is the best place for me to be right now. "She's been nice to me lately. I am not sure if I should trust her or not. Also, before you think I'm being serious, I'm not. I'm joking about the trust thing. I can trust her."

"Yua Yaiba is hosting you right now? I hope she can take good care of you."

"I am the one taking care of her. My specialty is taking care of people." I look to the side and smile. "I love taking care of people."

"That is just like you, Mari."

"It won't be for long. I just needed a change, so I left the other place I was staying. I would go back to you, but I doubt you know who would like that."

"Ikazuchi wouldn't like it for sure. He doesn't seem that fond of you." Horobi can even feel the disliking Raiden has for me just from being around him and mentioning me. Wonderful.

I look back at him and nod. "Yeah, he wouldn't. I am glad you don't mind if I stay with you or not. You and your refurbished body keep me smiling."

Horobi stares at me in confusion and I laugh, making him narrow his eyes a bit. He doesn't get my teasing of him does he? He is really just a cutie!

"You're so cute sometimes, Horobi," I comment, looking away from him as my lips twist even more upwards.


I look back at him and nod my head. "Yeah, you're capable of being cute. Your confusion is the cutest thing ever." Of course, I don't mean that it actually is. Just in this moment.

"I see."

"How about we get you home? I'll walk you there," I suggest. I don't want to keep him out for too long away from where he belongs.

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