"Whether it's the same person or not, we still need proof," Seungcheol says, "Our theories mean nothing without evidence. Let's keep looking." With that said, the group all turn their attention back to the books. They dig through them, flipping through the pages in search of something that could also be a threat to vampire kind aside from hunters. As they look, time passes and the sun slowly sets. The doors to the library make a noise that turns all of their focus to the doors. Mingyu smiles and waves at them as he walks over to the table. "Did you get Jihoon home safe?" Seungcheol asks.

Mingyu nods, "That human is something else. He's got a pretty tall personality. Lots of snark and I'm pretty sure he threatened to injure me. But, other than that he's a great guy. I'm actually kinda surprised you fell for him, hyung. He doesn't seem like someone that would click with you."

"Why do you say that?" Seungcheol asks.

Mingyu shrugs, "He's a bit brash, a bit rude, and cold sometimes. Then, again, he is kinda like you."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Seungcheol says, "He's been nothing but sweet to me from the second I've met him."

Mingyu chuckles, "Well, he's a whole other person if you spend a couple more hours with him. Especially, when he's at work. Man...he's like a drill sergeant. You know he had me clean the toilet."

"Are you complaining to me about my boyfriend?" Seungcheol asks.

"No, no, I'm just making an observation," Mingyu says, "Jihoon hyung and I bonded. I love the guy to death. I mean I call him hyung even though I am older than him...technically..."

"Will you two stop making small talk and help us?" Jeonghan huffs, tossing a book at Mingyu's head. The vampire catches it and quickly opens it, heading his hyung's words. The library falls silent again as they begin to research once more. After a couple more hours pass, Seungkwan slams the book he's holding shut. "I give up," Seungkwan exclaims, "I can't find anything."

"Ditto," Hansol sighs, "There's absolutely nothing in any of these silly books."

Jun shakes his head, "It seems like the library doesn't have much regarding a possible suspect."

"What about the past King's papers and journals?" Soonyoung suggests, "Do you think your father would let you borrow them?"

Seungcheol scoffs, "As if...he always lectures me on how they are for the eyes of the King and since I won't have that title for a very long time, it is not something I am allowed to see."

"Well, there goes that idea," Jeonghan mutters.

"Wait a minute..." Wonwoo murmurs, "That reminds me of something I read..."

"Something you read?" Mingyu questions.

Wonwoo nods, "Hao...do you remember that time when we were younger and we were playing hide and seek?"

"You mean over a couple millennium ago?" Minghao asks.

"Yes," Wonwoo says, "We hid in the King's study." The others look at Wonwoo with raised eyebrows, surprised that he would do such a thing. "I was a kid, okay. I wasn't thinking about the consequences. I just didn't want to get caught," Wonwoo says, "But that isn't the point of this story. Hao and I hid underneath the King's desk. When we were trying to get under it, I hit a journal on his desk and knocked it onto the floor. I read a bit of it out of curiosity. It mentioned something about a group of vampires that left the society."

"That's a thing?" Jun questions.

"According to the journal, it is," Wonwoo continues, "It's supposedly a bunch of vampires that couldn't stand the new laws in place and left the society."

"Do you think they're the ones behind all of this?" Soonyoung asks.

"I don't know," Wonwoo says, "Possibly. I mean who else could have turned humans into vampires. That would explain why none of the newborns matched with our people. As for the killings, maybe it's out of anger with our people. They left for a reason after all. I doubt they're on good terms with us."

"Wait, wait, wait, before we make any more assumptions like this," Seungcheol says, "Are you sure you read that correctly? Are you sure you remember that?"

"Pretty sure," Wonwoo says, "But, I was young, I don't know how much you trust my mind was back then."

"We should try to get our hands on the journal to make sure," Jun says, "It's better to confirm that they actually exist before pinning them as the culprits."

"I said it before," Seungcheol says, "I'm not getting anywhere near any of the King's journals..."

"Then ask your father yourself," Jeonghan states, "What proof is better than that of the King?"

"You really think he would answer me. No one knows about this supposed other faction of vamps," Seungcheol says, "If they actually exist, they were hidden. Most likely by my parents. They wouldn't just reveal the truth to me."

"You don't know that for sure," Hansol says, "You're still the crown prince. You're going to have to find out about the secrets of the society eventually."

"Ask him, Seungcheol," Wonwoo says, "You'll never know until you do."

The boys have a lead. The question is...will it take them anywhere? You'll just have to keep reading and find out. Let me know if you have any theories. I'd love to hear all your thoughts. While you're at it please also vote, follow me, add this story to your library and check out my Romance One-shots. I post a lot of Jicheol in there, so go give it a whirl. Anyway, that's all I have for you all today. I hope you have a wonderful day and a great rest of your weekend.

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