John B

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Request by the100teenwolf123

Y/n pov
The feeling of getting out of work and being able to go home is the best feeling. However I went to my boyfriend, John B, house instead of my own.
"John B! Im back!" I called walking inside the chateau.
"Hey y/n." JJ said stuffing his face full of chips.
"Hey J." I chuckled at him. "Where's John B? Also shouldn't you be at work?" I quirked a brow at him. He gave me a nod and stopped shoving food in his mouth.
"Yes." He said pointing a finger at me. "But I called off today I had a massive hangover. And your boyfriend is in the bathroom puking." He said and immediately went back to stuffing chips in his mouth. I dropped my stuff on the table and quickly went to the bathroom.
"Babe?" I asked knocking on the door. I cringed when I heard him vomit again. "I'm coming in." I said opening the door. John B was hunched over the toilet, and his shirt thrown over the sink. I quickly moved to sit next to him on the ground. Rubbing his back gently I let him finish before I talked.
"Hi." He croaked out at he wiped his mouth.
"Hey baby." I said sympathy laced in my voice. "What's going on?" I asked him confused. He let out a sigh and gripped his abdomen.
"I woke up and went to work feeling fine but I got home and felt like shit. Now here I am." He said leaning a lot of his body weight on me. I tried to think of what could he possibly be vomiting for.
"Is one of the Cameron's sick?" I asked.
"No." He said softly.
"Ok, what did you eat today?" I asked i him. He thought about it for a moment before talking.
"I didn't have breakfast but I got a sandwich from downtown." He shrugged.
"Maybe you got food poisoning?" I said to him. "What else do you feel like?" I asked.
"I'm shivering but I feel hot. That's why I took my shirt off." He said and hunched back over the toilet.
"That's it I'm taking you to the hospital. You could have food poisoning and we can't treat this at home." I told him. I let him finish and got him cleaned up.

"JJ were going to the hospital you gonna stay here?" I asked the boy watching tv.
"Yeah, why are you guys going to the hospital?" He asked confused.
"I think he has food poisoning." I said. I felt John B drop his head in my shoulder from tiredness. "We'll be back." I said and helped JB to the van.

"Well you were correct. He's got food poisoning." The man said as we sat in John B hospital room. His name was Dr.Zeller.
"Ok so what do we do know?" I asked him. John B was asleep in his hospital bed right now but I've been waiting for his results to get back for hours.
"We're gonna watch him, keep him overnight and monitor him. Well give him some medications to help him but this also just has to pass through his system and he'll feel better." He said to me.
"Ok, am I aloud to at least stay the night with him?" I asked concerned.
"Well does he have any parents to call? We need to contact his guardians." The doctor mentioned.
"Um well." I said not sure what to say. "Let me make some calls. Their always so busy that I'm not sure if they'll answer their phone." I said playing it off that John B doesn't actually have parents anymore.
"Ok well let one of the nurses know when you get a hold of them." He said and walked out. I needed to think. I could ask Kiara to act as a parent? She'd say no though and say it's bad to lie. I couldn't use JJ dad because he was a piece of shit. Maybe popes parents?
I called pope quickly and waited for him to answer.
"Hey y/n." Pope chirped on the phone.
"Hey uh Pope I've got a question for you." I said nervously.
"Oh ok what's wrong?" He asked.
"John B in the hospital because he has food poisoning. Don't worry he'll be ok and you guys can visit him tomorrow but they wanna talk to his parents. I don't know what to do." I said growing more anxious.
"And you called me?" He asked confused.
"Well I thought maybe your parents would just say that their his parents." I said hopefully.
"They definitely wouldn't do that but I could try to act like his dad or something." He said.
"Really? Yes oh my gosh yes please!" I said letting out a sigh. "Listen all I need is for you to keep your phone ok you at all times ok? If they want me to call you I need you to answer." I said.
"Yeah ok. I'm not working until tomorrow night so I'll be free all day." He said.
"Pope you're the best thank you!" I cheered. John B stirred awake from my loud voice. "Oh he's waking up I gotta go bye Pope." I said quickly hanging up the phone.
"Hi baby." I whispered to him. He looked so tired and sick. I grabbed his hand and gave him a squeeze. He was still pretty tired I could tell.
"Am I sick?" He asked and then coughed. I handed him his water cup so he wouldn't be so dehydrated.
"You've got food poisoning." I said sadly. I brought my hand up his face and pushed the couple hairs that fell into his eyes away.
"Am I gonna have to stay the night?" He asked.
I gave him a nod. "Yeah for a couple days." I said.
"Will you stay with me?" He asked with hope.
"Of course I will." I chuckled at his soft side coming out. "Get some rest though." I said running my fingers through his hair. He nodded his head and closed his eyes again. Soon I watched his breath go even and he fell asleep.

"Y/n." I heard a voice. "Miss." I heard again. I jolted up in my chair. I looked around the room to see John B asleep on his hospital bed and the doctor standing in front of me.
"Sorry." I mumbled sitting up.
"It's ok." He laughed. "I'm glad you got some sleep I know it's not very comfortable here." He said. "But I was wondering if you got ahold of his parents?" He asked me.
"Oh yeah I did." I said grabbing my phone. "Do you want me to call them?" I asked.
"If you don't mind. It's just since he's a minor I want to make sure his parents know of his where abouts." He said.
"Oh I completely understand." I said calling popes phone.
"Hi y/n." Popes voice rang out.
"Hey sir, the doctors wanted to talk with you if that's alright?" I said trying to play the part. I think realization hit Pope.
"Oh right ok." He said quickly. I handed the phone to the doctor with a smile.
"Hi Mr.Routledge I'm just making sure you're aware of your sons condition." He said. I couldn't hear Pope on the line but I hoped it went well.
"Oh good I'm glad. Will you be coming up today...?" The doctor asked.
"No. Ok, oh no that's perfectly fine I just wanted to make sure." He said with a smile. It seemed to be going well. They quickly said their good byes and I took my phone back.
"I assume you knew they wouldn't be coming up to stay with him?" He asked me.
"Yeah they told me that already." I said giving him a nod.
"Alright then. I'll be back later to check on him. Again I'd you need anything push that button." He said pointing to the button on John B bed to call the nurses station.
"Ok." I mumbled and let him walk out.
"So who's playing my dad?" I heard John B voice. I quickly looked to him and let out a small laugh.
"Pope was. Your dad is currently on the mainland and won't be able to make it back." I joked with him going along with popes idea he made up. John B laughed a little.
"Thank you for doing that. I didn't want DCS on my ass again." He sighed.
"Hey don't worry about that right now ok? Just focus on getting better. I've got everything under control." I said giving him a reassuring smile.
"Thank you baby." He said grabbing my hand.
"You're welcome." I smiled kissing his cheek.

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