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Y/n pov
"Y/n come on we were just messing around." John B laughed trying to get me to sit down. We've been arguing for a solid 15 minutes because they thought it was funny to pretend to drowned me today at the beach. I was pissed to say the least.
"You guys know that it's a fear of mine!" I screamed at them and flew my arms around.
"Babe we're sorry." JJ said trying to get me to calm down.
"No!" I cut him off. "No your not! Because if you have to apologize to me about something you did then you knew you probably shouldn't have fucking done it!" I said tears running down my face.
"Y/n." Kiara whimpered trying time talk to me.
"You know what?" I said stopping everyone. "I'm done. Forget about me helping the gold hunt. Forget that we were ever friends! I'm done. And you JJ? Fuck you! A good boyfriend makes sure their girlfriend isn't crying in the water because her friends tried to drowned her as a joke!" I screamed and shoved him hard. He stumbled back a little bit. I shook my head and grabbed my key chain. Like JJ I drove my dirtbike everywhere I could.
I started it up and let the engine roar to life. I was supposed to stay at John B tonight's but I definitely had to go home after the argument that just occurred. I normally stayed at John B actuallys. My family life was a shit show. My parents, both drunks, loved to fight. Mentally fighting? Check. Physical fighting? Check. Making me feel worthless? Check.

I skitted to a stop in front of my house. Hopping off my bike I let out a deep sigh. Here goes nothing, I told myself as I walked inside. If my parents weren't home, which I hoped they weren't, then my brother would be.
I looked around the corner and saw both my parents drinking on the couch. That meant my brother, junior, wasn't here. Damn it, I cursed to myself. I tried to sneak pass them but the old floor boards gave me away. The wood floors let out a squeak and I stopped in my tracks.
"Where do you think your going?" My dad sneered was he gripped my arm. I turned around in his hold to face him. I struggled to get out of his grip but sadly managed to hit the glass bottle that sat on the shelf. It fell to the floor and shattered to multiple pieces.
"You piece of shit! Did you see what you just did!" My dad yelled at me. My mother now also standing by us looked angry.
"God y/n can you do anything right? Always whoring around and then you come home acting all innocent really? It's pathetic." My mother rolled her eyes. She was definitely drunk. She had no idea what she was talking about. I was FAR from a whore that's for sure.
"I-I didn't mean to." I said scared and glanced to my dad then the broken glass.
"Oh you didn't mean to?" My dad laughed. All of a sudden time stopped and a stinging pain was on my face. My dad just slapped me. If wasn't a new thing to feel but it always shocked me. I guess I always hoped that he and my mom would change one day but I was wrong.
The slap made me stumble back and I lost my footing. Falling to the ground on my butt. My dad picked his leg up and kicked me down on my back. I let out a scream of pain.

JJ pov
After much talk about y/n after she left we all felt extremely worried and guilty. Guilty that we scared her and most definitely ruined this friend group, but worried about where she would go. She only was at two places. Her work, which was closed right now and John B house. She never went home because of her parents and their shitty parenting.
"Guys she wouldn't go home." Kiara sighed. I ran my hands down my face in stress from the situation.
"Definitely not." Pope agreed with her.
"Where would she go then?" I asked angry. I was panicking very badly. "She was supposed to stay here tonight! Fuck!" I yelled kicking a chair over.
"JJ!" Kie called me.
"JJ stop!" John B said getting up. He grabbed me and held my arms down so I didn't move. "Getting angry will get you know where. You think y/n would want you to go around breaking shit?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow. I shook my head no. He was right. Y/n hated violence. She always said that because of what her parents were like she didn't want anyone to go through that or see that.

Y/n pov
It's been probably 10 minutes of the kicks, punches, and slaps. I was bleeding from just about every part of my body. Tears ran down my face at an alarming speed and I was slowly losing consciousness on the floor. My eyes were seeing black dots everywhere and there was a ringing in my ears. I watched as their feet stomped away from me and went around the corner. Finally they were done.

-time skip-
I woke up and noticed it was now dark outside. Right as I opened my eyes I felt immense pain everywhere. It even hurt to open my eyes. I let out a groan of pain. I quickly realized no one was home. Thank god I was alone right now. I didn't and couldn't stand another beating. I saw my phone on the floor a few feet away from me. It had fell from my hands when my dad hit me the first time. Letting out a groan I braced myself to move.
I crawled as fast as I could. I couldn't stand and crawling was my last option. Picking my phone up I hit the most recent contact that I called.
JJ Maybank.
"Y/n!" He yelled through the phone. I ignored him.
"Get the pogues and my brother. My house. Now." I said letting out a cough and a wheeze as I dropped my phone. It hurt to hold my phone up. I could hear JJ still yelling through the phone but I was seeing black dots again.

-time skip-
"Y/n." A voice said.
"Fuck!" Another voice yelled.
I was woken up by voices shouting around me. They were calling my name. JJ voice rang out. Then Kiaras, popes, John B and lastly my brother.
I opened my eyes and adjusted to the light. I saw a tear stained JJ in front of me. My brother on the other side of me holding me close to him.
"Junior." I called my brother name quietly. "JJ." I whispered looking at them both. My brother, also crying, ran a hand over my hair.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said. I gave him  a weak smile.
"It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. Even if you were here they know to get to your first so that you can't protect me." I mumbled.
"Guys we should leave. We don't know when your parents will come back." Pope said worried. I nodded my head and let my brother and JJ help me sit up. I groaned in pain.
"I can't walk right now." I moaned out.
"It's alright. I can carry you." JJ said quickly. I wanted to be mad the pogues right now but I needed help badly right now. I let JJ carry me bridal style out to the van. Us pogues and my brother got in and we're off to John B house.

"I'm gonna start to clean you up ok?" JJ asked I laid on John B couch. I gave him a weak nod.
"I-I'm sorry didn't storming out." I told the pogues was JJ started to clean my legs first and put bandaids on the cute. "Fuck I'm so sorry. You guys I didn't mean what I said I was just scared and JJ please! Please don't leave me I'm so sorry." I said getting emotional. I couldn't lose my friends. I was so caught up in the moment and realized that I couldn't have drowned anyways because we all knew how long a person can last underwater. They weren't gonna really drowned me I realized that now.
"Y/n don't apologize. We shouldn't have done what we did. We are so sorry." Kiara said holding my hand. "What we didn't was wrong. Majorly wrong!" She added on. I gave her a nod. I guess she was right. However after what I just went through I really needed my friends and I could put this behind me.
"I-I'll try to forgive you the best I can." I said honestly. "I just really need my friends." I said finally finding the correct words to say.
"Y/n." My brother said gaining my attention. "I'm sorry I wasn't home. I took an extra shift at work and I fuck! I should've been home." He said getting angry.
"Junior stop." I said sternly. "This isn't your fault. If you didn't take that shift then we wouldn't be eating. Don't blame yourself for this alright?" I said trying to get it through his thick skull that it wasn't his fault. He gave me a sad nod and kissed my forehead.
"Um are we ok?" JJ asked gaining my attention now. I watched at the pogues and my brother looked at each other and then left to go outside. It was just JJ and I left now.
"Yes. I'm sorry about what I said. I never want us to end. I was mad and angry and worried. I just-." I tried to find the words but I couldn't.
"Stop." He mumbled and kissed my lips. I let out a sigh against his soft lips. I tangled my fingers into his blond hair.
"Get some rest babygirl. You've had a long day." He said caressing my face with one of his hands. I nodded and closed my eyes. I fell asleep quickly and had a good nights sleep with JJ next to me. Which was surprising after the day I've had.

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