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Y/n pov
I took a deep breath. I had to relax. I took 2 pregnancy test. My period was two weeks late which has never happened before. Part of me hoped the test said negative but another part of me wanted to be a mother. Although my biggest concern was if it said positive, how was I gonna tell Rafe. He was gonna be a dad; we've never talked about having kids or a family I don't know what he thinks about that. He probably would leave me. We were both 20, we had no real job, we currently were in college, and if he didn't want the baby then he could just leave me. While I had to stay and have him or her.
The timer on my phone went off and I looked down at the test.
Damn it. I was scared. All the what if's ran through my head. What if he hated me? What if he left me? What if he turned into a dad like Luke Maybank?
"Babe." I heard Rafe call from outside the bathroom. He wasn't supposed to be home right now. My heart rate quickened. I could just throw the test away? No, he'll see them in the trash can.
"Um ya?" I stuttered out still standing in the bathroom.
"What are you doing?" He asked and opened up the door. I didn't lock it. Rookie mistake right there. Fuck!
"Are those..?" He trailed off his focus not leaving the two test that day on the counter.
"Ya." I mumbled. "Their positive." I added on and stepped towards him. "I'm pregnant Rafe. " I said quietly. I was afraid I'd scare him.
"S-so I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked and finally looked at me. I gave him a weak nod. Slowly a smile crept onto his face.
"I'm gonna be a dad." He said with a nod of his head. It was like he was reassuring himself. "And you gonna be a mom. We'll be parents!" He said and took me in his arms.
"So your happy? Your not mad? Your not gonna leave me?"I asked him and leaned back from his hold. I needed him to say that I had him forever and that he'd be with me through this whole thing.
"I mean it was unexpected but yes I'm happy and I would never leave you. I love you and I love our baby." He said and cupped my face to kiss my lips.
"We need to tell your parents." I told him.
"Your dads gonna be pissed at me won't he?" Rafe joked. I lived with the Cameron's but I still talked with my dad and saw him sometimes.
"Ya but he'll get over it." I shrugged it off.

-4 months later-
"I'd like the chicken tenders." I told Rafe as he ordered me food. "Oh and two baskets of fries. Hmm that looks good too, so get me that please, the onion rings." I told Rafe.
"Babe your gonna eat all of this?" He asked me. Is he calling me fat? A pig? My hormones got the best of me and I started to tear up.
"I'm eating for two people you asshat!" I yelled at him and stormed inside to the living room. I didn't want to go out and people see how fat I looked so Rafe was gonna order me food to go from my favorite restaurant.
"Baby no." I heard him call out to me but I ignored him and sat on the couch crying.
I could hear Rafe and rose talking. She was scolding him about what he said.
"Babe?" He called as he opened the back door. He heard my cries and found me in the living room.
"I didn't mean it like that ok? I'm really sorry." He said as he sat down next to me and pulled me into his arms. He rested his chin on my shoulder.
"I'm fat." I cried. "Everyone thinks so, so don't deny it." I cried more. I could be fine one moment but then a emotional wreck the next.
"No your not fat. Your pregnant. We're gonna have our own kid and she or he is gonna have the best mom. Don't say your fat because your not." He told me and placed a hand on my stomach.
I slowly started to calm down and stop my cries. I needed to remind myself that I wasn't fat, I was pregnant. I was gonna bring a human into this world and love him or her unconditionally.

-baby shower-
The whole backyard was full of pink and white flowers, balloons, banners etc. It was amazing.
"Thank you for doing this." I told Sarah and rose as we stood together.
It was Rafe and I baby shower for baby our baby, Lily Cameron. We wanted it to be different then other baby showers so boys and girls were at ours.
"Oh your welcome! It's least I could do I'm excited to have a baby round here." Rose smiled at me.
"Me too." I blushed and grabbed my stomach. Our babygirl was definitely gonna be loved.
"Hey babe are you ready to open gifts?" Rafe asked me as he walked over with topper and kelce.
"Ya sure." I told him and grabbed his hand. We walked over to the table that had two chairs next to it for us. The table was full of gifts and pink ribbons.
"Open mine first." Sarah said and handed me a gift. It had a pink bow on top.
I ripped opened the paper and saw a picture frame. It was a white stained wood and had a picture of Rafe and I and then next to it was a ultrasound picture of our baby. I loved it. It had the word family written at the top.
"Thank you Sarah! I love this." I smiled and gave her a hug.
"Your welcome." She said and hugged Rafe. "Here's the next one." She said and handed Rafe a bag.
"It's from topper." He said. I chuckled. Who knew topper would go buy a pink bag and a gift for a baby. His mom probably did it for him let's be real here.
Rafe opened it to be a night light. It had the letter L in cursive to cover the light.
"Thank you topper." I smiled at him and watched as Rafe set the bag back down.
A while later we finally finished all the gifts and were thanking everyone for coming.
"We gotta clean this up now." I sighed as we said goodbye to the last person. I turned to see the whole backyard.
"Nope. We'll clean it you can go relax." Rafe said and kissed my cheek before he walked of to go clean up. Well alright then.

-months later-
"So can we bring her home today?" I asked my doctor as I sat in the uncomfortable hospital bed. They could at least make them more comfortable for us patients.
"Yes actually. First thing to do is I have to sign you out then you'll be good to go." He said giving me a smile. Rafe and I thanked him.
"Thank god I hate hospitals." I groaned when the door shut. Rafe just laughed at me.
"You ready to go home?" He cooed at our baby girl. I couldn't wait for everyone to meet her.

"Guys were home." Rafe said walking inside the Cameron's house.
"Don't yell!" I scolded him. He cringed and apologized.
"Rafe! Y/n!" Sarah said running down the hall to us. She had the biggest smile on her face. Ward, rose and wheezie joined her and all stood around us.
"Guys meet Lily Cameron." Rafe said and took her out of the carrier. She was so small in his arms. I could watch those two all day. She was definitely gonna be a daddies girl.
They all awed at her and held her.
"Rafe." I whispered to him as rose held our baby.
He looked down at me. "Hmm?" He asked.
"I'm tired." I told him. I didn't want to interrupt everyone's time with lily but all I wanted to do was go to bed with her. He gave me a nod.
"We're tired so you guys don't mind if we lay down right?" Rafe asked and reached out to grab lily.
"You guys go ahead call us if you need something." Ward said and then helped us take our bags upstairs.

I laid on our bed with lily on my chest.
"I love you." I mumbled to her. Rafe laid down next to me on his side and kissed her little head.
"When can we show our friends?" He asked and stroked Lily's back slowly and softly.
"In a few weeks. I don't want her to be around a bunch of people right now." I said. "And I just want to spend time with you and her." I said shyly.
"You know she looks like you." He said and looked me in the eyes. I laughed.
"Babe she's a baby. She doesn't look like either one of us right now." I said and brushed some hair out of his face.
"Well I hope she looks like you. Cause if she does she'll be the most beautiful little girl ever." He mumbled and glanced down at her. My heart swelled as he said that.
"I love you." I told him. "And I love you lily." I told her and kissed her little head.
"We both love you too." Rafe said and kissed my lips. He grabbed lily from my chest and then placed her on his bare chest. She was like a little ant compared to him. She snuggled right up to him and stretched her little arms out.
"She loves you." I told him and watched them lay there together.
"Well id hope, I did help make her." He joked. Good way to ruin the moment Rafe.
"Really?" I asked him. "You ruined the moment." I said chuckling lightly.
Like I said before, I could watch them all day together. He was always the best Rafe when she was in his arms.

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