John B

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Y/n pov
I woke up to my phone ringing loudly. I looked at the time and saw it was about 11pm. I had only been asleep for an hour. JJ contact was showing bright on my phone. I sighed and answered him.
"Y/n? Thank god you answered! John B he's like freaking out! He called me crying but then hung up and never said anything. You gotta get to the chateau." JJ panicked voice rang loudly through the phone.
"Uh o-ok." I said still kind of confused. Quickly I got dressed and grabbed my keys to my car. My parents were asleep so I didn't bother them to tell them I left.
I lived a few minutes from John B house luckily and made it there in record timing. I sprinted from my car to the door of the chateau.
"Guys?" I called as I walked in looking around. JJ sat on the ground in front of John B bedroom door.
"Y/n!" JJ exclaimed standing up. "Listen he's been crying and I tried to ask him why but he won't say anything." JJ said quickly. I gave him a nod and moved to knock on the door.
"John B? Baby?" I asked him through the door. "Can you open the door please?" I asked resting my hand on the wood. I heard some shuffling and the door opened. John B quickly pulled me in and slammed the door. Looking around, his room was a little messy. I looked at him and saw his tear stained face and puffy eyes.
"Baby what's wrong?" I asked placing my hands on his cheeks to wipe some tears away. I was worried of what was going on.
"My dad." He said and starting to cry again. I pulled him to his bed and sat us both down. He kind of looked like a dear in headlights as he just sat there.
"Baby?" I whispered trying to gain his attention. I watched his breathing pick up and his chest rise and fall violently.
"Hey John B." I said grabbing his hands. I placed one over my heart. "Hey breath with me." I said lowly taking a deep breath. Slowly he calmed down and was breathing with me.
"There ya go. Now tell me what's going on?" I asked him. He moved our hands to his lap but still gripped mine.
"My dad." He said shaking. "He's um missing...he was supposed to be back a couple weeks ago, but now their saying he's dead." He said and started to sob and shake. He fell into my hold and I just squeezed him tight. His dad was missing? The police thought he was dead.
"The last time I talked to him." John B cried out. "We fought." He said holding me tight. I remember him telling me about that argument. It was how big John was never there for John B.
"John B I'm so sorry." I said and started to cry myself. I loved his dad. Big John taught me how to fish when I was younger and taught me all about the waters of OBX.
"Your dad is just missing ok? He's somewhere on his boat laughing drinking that nasty sparkling water he likes." I said trying to joke. John B looked up at me.
"You really think he's alive?" He asked me. I honestly did. I didn't know if it was me trying to reassure myself that he was alive or if I really did believe that.
"Yes I do. I think he's somewhere out there right now and thinking about you." I told him cupping his face. "John B don't hurt yourself over that argument ok? Your dad even knew you were right." I told him. He gave me a tiny nod but still had tears running down his face. I moved him and I so we were laying down. His head was rested on my chest and his arms gripping my body.
"What do you think he's doing right now?" John B asked me.
"Well." I said taking a deep breath. "I think he's out there fishing. He could be thinking of a lot of things though. Maybe about you surfing. Or telling you what to do for our dates." I said chuckling. John B admitted to me that our first date was all his dads idea. When ever John B didn't know what to do about something involving me he'd go right to his dad. His dad and I would laugh about it.
"Probably planning our next date." John B mumbled into me. I smiled at his words. He seemed to be a little less upset now.
"John B we'll find your dad ok? I promise you." I told him sadly. However I wished I hadn't promised because little did I know at the time that big John was already dead on some random island.
"Thank you." He mumbled quietly.
"I'll stay the night. You just go to sleep." I told him and played with his hair.
After a couple minutes I could tell he was asleep. I grabbed my phone and texted JJ what had happened. Like normal JJ was sleeping on John B couch. Soon I fell asleep too, listening to the water hit the shore outside of the chateau.

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