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Y/n pov
"Stay off our side of the island." Rafe said and spit on pope. I was still trying to catch my breath from when he choked me. We had gotten in a argument about beer and how pope and I were on their side of the island. Rafe almost brought me to death and beat pope to death. I was still so scared to sit up, but pope helped me.
"Come on y/n we need to go." He said and helped me up. We tried to get back to the boat as fast as possible. It was hard considering we were both in severe pain.
"Listen don't tell JJ ok?" I asked him and as I watched him put hit hay over his cuts.
"I don't plan on it." He mumbled and fixed his shirt. Rafe choked me and punched my face a couple times but around my neck was super red but it kind of looked like sunburn. I didn't try to hide my neck but I kept my head down so maybe JJ wouldn't see my face that had a bruise.
"Yo guys! Count me in on every delivery! That was the easiest $100 bucks I ever made." JJ exclaimed all happy and got in the boat. I watched him walk over to Pope.
"Woah what happened to your face?" He asked pope and lifted his hat up a little. Pope swatted his hand away.
"What the fuck?" JJ asked again.
"Rafe jumped me. And y/n." Pope said.
JJ glanced over at me with anger written all over his face.
"He touched you?" JJ mumbled coming over to me.
"He just got a punch in, but Pope he's more hurt." I said lying. I hated to lie to him but he'd kill Rafe if he found out the truth and I can't have JJ sitting in jail.
"Well What are you gonna do?" JJ asked pope.

That's how we ended up at toppers house. I sat by the wheel and watched pope take his shirt off. He shouldn't do this. This was gonna end bad for us I know it.
Pope had pulled the plug from toppers brand new boat. I watched it slowly sink in the water as we drove away. I had promised to not tell anyone about what we did.
"Hey y/n you up to go surf?" JJ asked me as I laid on my back trying to forget today.
"I'll just watch this time." I said letting out a breath. Getting choked to almost death takes a big tole on you.
We had gotten to the beach and I watched as JJ and pope ran into surf. Kie and John B already out there.
"Hey save some waves for us!" JJ yelled as he ran in.
I could feel my neck starting to hurt more over time but I brushed it off. He can't know the truth. JJ can't know. I almost wanted to thank topper for ripping Rafe of me. I was one second away from death that's for sure.

"Oh how I've missed this." JJ said. We all sat outside the chateau. They all talked about missing surfing all the time and just relaxing. This gold mission was taking a tole on everyone here.
"Do you think it's really out there?" I asked John B.
"My dad did so ya I do." He said glancing my way.
"I think it's out there." Kiara said. "Even JJ believes." She added on.
"Oh my gosh JJ do you really believe?" John B asked him sarcastically.
"Wait we talking 4 mil?" He asked.
"400 hundred mil." We all said in unison.
"I'm gonna dream about ship wrecks. Night bird." JJ said and snuggled into my body.
"Night bird shit." John B joked.
"Night babygirl." He told me.
"Night JJ." I said running my hands through his blond hair to get him asleep. He told me when we started dating that the one way he could go to sleep was if I ran my fingers through his hair.
I watched him fall into a deep sleep. Chasing after gold was a tiring job. Although I couldn't sleep. I waited a while to make sure JJ was fully asleep and I slowly got up. I slid off the hammock and went inside the chateau.
I walked to John B room to grab some cloths. It was freezing tonight.
"Y/n?" JB asked. I turned around to see him leaning on his door frame.
"Sorry I got cold so I was gonna wear this." I told him and held up his jacket.
"Oh ok well That's fine." He said giving me a smile. I gave him a tiny nod and walked to the bathroom to change.
"Y/n?" I heard him ask again. "Are you ok? Please tell me." He asked. I quickly changed my shirt with his and opened the door.
"Is JJ asleep?" I asked him.
"Ya their all outside." He said confused.
"Ok come here." I told him and walked into his room. We sat on his bed next to each other.
"Today Rafe almost killed me. And I don't mean that lightly. Like in one more second I would've been dead if topper didn't pull it off of me." I told him. "I didn't tell JJ though. He'd do something bad and I can't lose him." I added on and tried my best not to cry.
"Is that why your not sleeping?" He asked me. I gave him a nod.
"I'm scared that if I close my eyes I won't wake up. Or if I close my eyes Rafe will be there choking me again." I said sadly.
"I promise Rafe will not be here. He won't come near you again." John B said.
"I can stay here if you want while you sleep." He suggested.
"It's ok I won't be able to sleep so you can just go ahead." I told him.
I moved so he could lay down. After a while I heard his snores and knew he was asleep. I wanted to close my eyes and sleep but I was so scared. I was scared of Rafe. I was scared that if I told JJ he'd react badly and get in major trouble. I let out a sigh and decided to just close my eyes. I hopped on John B bed and laid next to him. I created a distance between us because I didn't want him to get the wrong message. Once I closed my eyes I was out.

"What the fuck!" I heard a yell. I sat up immediately along with John B. JJ stood there fuming at the door.
"What are two doing inside?" He asked. I glanced at the clock and saw it was in the am. Why is he awake?
"I got cold so I came inside and grabbed a coat. John B followed me because he thought I was upset with something but I'm not and then we just fell asleep." I said trying to play it off. I hoped he didn't see right through my lie.
"Bull shit." He said coldly. "You expect me to believe that my best friend and my girlfriend just fell asleep? What the actual fuck!" JJ screamed again.
"Listen JJ it's not what you think." John B tried to tell him.
"Did you two kiss?" JJ said ignoring him.
"What? No!" I said in disbelief.
"Then what where you doing in here together? Because I sure as hell don't believe your story." He said getting more angry and upset.
I looked at John B. I didn't know what to say and I guess I needed to be told what to do.
"I'll give you guys some privacy." He said and left the room.
"JJ. The reason I was inside was because I got cold yes but I also got scared. Today, Rafe he um almost killed me. Topper had pulled him off but if he didn't I definitely wouldn't be here right now. I just. I'm just scared to close my eyes because what if he comes back and I was scared that if I told you that you'd go and doing something crazy and end up in jail." I told him and started to cry. His anger turned into sympathy.
"Babygirl I'm so sorry." He said and brought me into his arms. "I-I didn't know. I'm gonna kill him." JJ said getting angry again.
"No! JJ that's exactly why I didn't tell you! Just please leave it alone ok? Please I'm begging you." I said getting worried again.
"Ok, ok." He said cupping my face. "I promise. But I really am sorry for thinking that bad of you and John B." He said guilty.
"It's ok I forgive you." I told him. "Just next time wait for an explanation I don't like it when you yell." I told him sadly as I brushed his hair back.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled and looked down.
"I know how you can make it up to me." I trailed off and lifted his chin so he'd look at me.
"Kiss me." I said with a smirk.
"Don't have to tell me twice." He said and grabbed my body to pull my closer to him.

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