JJ - Teen Parents Part 1

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Y/n pov
"JJ could we talk? Privately?" I asked him as I fiddled with my fingers. We all were at the chateau and I had this secret that was eating me alive.
"Yeah sure babe." He smiled at me and took me inside to his so called room.
"So what's wrong?" He asked confused as we sat down in the bed.
"I need you to promise you won't leave me and you won't freak out." I stated clearly. He gave me a nod but still looked confused.
"I'm pregnant." I said nervously as I looked down at my lap. I couldn't look in his eyes. Would he leave me? Regret everything we had done together?
"Y-your pregnant?" He questioned quietly. I gave a tiny nod.
"So I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked as enthusiasm was laced in his voice. I looked up quickly.
"Your not mad?" I asked confused. We were still teenagers. We had years ahead of us and now everything was gonna stop because of this baby.
"Of course not! I mean it's unexpected but I love you. I love you so much and I'm gonna love her just as much." He said cupping my face. I almost cried from his words.
"You think it's gonna be a girl?" I asked him with a smile.
"Yup, and she's gonna look just as beautiful as her momma." He said kissing my lips. I let out a sigh of relief and then hugged him.
"I love you too." I told him holding him tight. When I pulled away from our hug he gave me a look.
"We need to tell them." He said gesturing to our friends outside. I was so nervous about what JJ would think that I didn't even realize we needed to tell our friends. Would they think we were stupid? Dumb? Would they not wanna hang out with us anymore? JJ could tell I started to get anxious.
"Hey. Baby, calm down." He said holding me. "Don't worry about this ok? I will tell them. You just sit there and look beautiful." He told me trying to cheer me up. I gave him a nervous nod of my head and he stood up with me. I wanted to stay in that room forever but all to soon we were in front of our friends.
"Guys. We have something to tell you." JJ said loudly. Kiara, Pope and John B all looked at him confused.
"Are you guys breaking up?" Kiara said in shock and sadness.
"What? God no!" JJ said quickly. "Um. Please don't hate us you guys ok? But y/n is pregnant. With my kid." JJ said gripping my hand tighter.
"Holy shit." Pope said in shock.
"Woah." John B mumbled. Kie looked like she was gonna cry.
"I'm sorry! Please don't leave us!" I said my words getting the best of me and making me upset.
"Y/n! No! We aren't leaving you! Fuck I'm so excited!" Kiara said getting up quickly to pull me into a hug. I shed a few tears on her shoulder.
"We love you both, and we will help you guys with whatever we can." She said to me as she didn't let me go.
"Thank you." I mumbled into her shoulder.
"Kiaras right." Pope started and stood up. "We will be here for you two always." He said smiling. I gave him a smile back. John B stood up next.
"I'm happy for you guys." John B said pulling JJ into a tight hug. I could tell
John B was so excited and proud that JJ was actually doing something good with his life that he was kinda shocked.
"Thank you all." I told them as I got out Kiaras hug.
"How far along are you?" Pope asked me.
"I'm not sure actually. I took the test a coupe days ago." I shrugged.
"I bet it's gonna be a girl." JJ smiled and bounced on the balls of his feet.
"Nah definitely a boy." John B said shaking his head at JJ.
"I agree, definitely a boy." Pope said. Quickly they all got into a small argument about what the babies gender would be.
Kiara let out a sigh and we both looked at each other. "Well at least the baby will have many people that love her." She said trying to make light of the boys arguing. I let out a laugh.
"Good point." I said back. It was actually nice to see the boys excited about this. I was so nervous for this whole thing and honesty expected it to go terrible. However I had on the biggest smile because I was so happy.
"Guys stop!" Kiara laughed getting the all to quite down.
"I'm gonna head to bed, JJ?" I asked seeing if he'd join me. He quickly came over and grabbed my hand.
"Night guys." I told everyone.
"Goodnight soon to be parents." John B laughed.

JJ and I cuddled close on his bed. I had my head rested on his arm as we faced each other. Our legs were tangled together.
"I love you." He mumbled and made small circles on my cheek.
"I love you too." I smiled at him.
"I can't wait to have her or him. I already love her so much." He said referring to the baby as a girl again.
"You think we'll be good at parenting?" I asked him getting serious. He seemed to think about it for a moment.
"Well." He sighed. "I don't know, but I'm gonna try my damn hardest to have patience and be kind to our baby." He said placing a hand on my stomach. I immediately kissed his lips after he said that. I'm falling in love with him even more. Soon we'll have a baby in our arms. Our baby. Baby Maybank.

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