John B

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Y/n pov
There I stood. My dad yelling at me for being such a disappointing daughter. His only daughter might I had. My mom left us when I was 5 because of my dads anger and abuse. She left me to deal with all of his issues.
Every argument we had was the same, your worthless, just run away never come back, and more but then, he'd apologize, hug me and act like nothing happened. I of course just took it all and tried my best to forget it. This night though. Was different. This day years ago my mom up and left. My dad had remembered oddly and now it was more then just mental abuse. I got a slap to the face and shoved into a wall. Which broke a picture frame and now I'm bleeding on my neck and scalp.
"Dad stop please!" I begged, tears ran down my face.
"She ran away because of you! Don't you get that you piece of shit!" He yelled and shoved me back again. My face stung from the slap and my cuts hurt.
I couldn't take it anymore. After that shove I ran to my room, slamming the door and locking it. "You open this door up right now!" He yelled and banged in the door. The sad thing was, he wasn't drunk, he was completely sober and still did this to his daughter.
I packed my bag as fast I could. I had to get to John B or somewhere away from him. I packed a couple days worth of stuff and grabbed my pocket knife.
I opened my window the best I could. It would squeak if I opened it to hard or fast. I didn't want him to know I was trying to leave. Putting one leg out the window I landed on the ground. It was not a big fall but I still landed on my ass.
"Ow fuck." I whispered in pain. "Who puts rocks under windows." I said to myself again. My ass landed on the grass but my arm and right hand landed on rocks. I checked for any broken bones. None, well that was good.
Standing up I took one last look at my house and I made a run for it. All the way to John B.
"John B! Baby!" I was yelling as I ran. Tears still running down my face. I was afraid my dad would find me running here.
"Y/n?" John B said coming out the front door. I saw JJ behind him. They were always together I didn't mind though. JJ was like my big brother.
"Woah baby what's wrong?" John B asked me. He placed his hands on my shoulders as I caught my breath but also cried.
"He, my dad, he hit me. I'm bleeding." I told him out of breath. I reached my hand to the back of my head and showed them the blood.
"Holy shit." JJ mumbled.
"I'm gonna kill him!" John B yelled. It made me flinch. I was already scared because of my dad yelling I didn't want John B to yell at me too. John N gave me a sympathetic look when I flinched.
"Calm down JB, don't yell right now, let's just get her inside." JJ said patting John B on his back. I was hugging John B so tight I'm surprised he could breath. I didn't want to let go.
"Come on." John B said lifting me up in his arms to carry me bridal style inside.

I sat on his bed as he and JJ cleaned up my cuts and put ice on my face. "Y/n, why did he hit you? Why this time?" JJ asked confused.
"My mom. Years ago today, she left us." I sighed. John B slipped his hand into mine and squeezed it.
"Oh." JJ mumbled.
"I hate to ask, but I need a place to stay tonight." I said turning around to look at John B who was cleaning my neck.
"Of course you can stay here. You don't even have to ask." He said furrowing his brows. I hated asking for favors, I hated asking for money it just wasn't who I was. I was always independent.
"Thank you." I mumbled.
"No sex though, I'm staying here tonight too." JJ said while inspecting my bruised cheek. I rolled my eyes.
"Really JJ? You think so low of me." I said trying to make myself laugh. I couldn't be sad forever. And the best way to be happy was to laugh. But that wasn't a smart move. It hurt to move my cheek to much. I flinched.
"Fuck I can't even laugh." I mumbled out. John B chuckled behind me.
"You could've been shot at by Rafe Cameron and still tried to laugh." He said.
"What laughter is the best medicine." I stated with a shrug of my shoulders. John B came around to face me. JJ had left to give us some space.
"I really am sorry. You shouldn't have to deal with him." John B said caressing my face. I leaned into his touch.
"I've got you. So I'm ok." I said and leaned in kissing his lips.
"Stay with me forever?" He asked and placed a hand on my thigh, while the other one still held my face. I nodded.
"You've got me forever." I smiled at him.

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