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Request by Clary_S-Winchester. Hope you enjoy it also love the user name! Supernatural is such a good show!

Y/n pov
"Well what do we have here?" The man said smirking at me. The other one had dropped the boxes he held and now gripped my body so I wouldn't run away.
"Please just let me go. I promise I won't say anything." I pleaded with the scary men.
I probably should back up a little so you can understand what's going on. The square groupers who shot at us and then hurt Lena Grubbs were currently standing in front of me. I had no idea where my friends were at and I was pleading inside that they got home soon. I couldn't take on these men by myself! It looked like they had raided John B house. Boxes labeled merchant were on the ground by me. They were looking for the royal merchant just like us pogues.

"Put her in the truck." The man said ignoring my pleas. I was dragged through the dirt as the shorter of the two threw me in the truck.
"HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could.
"Shut up!" The man said and covered my mouth. I watched his other hand grab duck tape and put it over my lips. Then he tied my hands behind my back. I tried to argue, talk, yell but it just was muffled sounds.
"Alright let's go." The man said as the truck started and they both got in. I took once last glance at the chateau and watched it get farther and farther away. Tears streamed down my face as I pleaded and sobbed to the men up front.

We drove to a house on the kook side of the island. Definitely not one of the biggest house but it was much bigger then what any of us pogues lived in.
"Take her to the basement." The talker man grumbled. "And Cruz." The man said again. So that was this ones name. "Don't let her yell again." He added and left.
I was brought to the basement and sat on a black couch. It was cold and dark down here. Since this house must've been a rental the basement was kind of remodeled. There was carpet and painted grey walls but that was about it. Along with some seating and a tv. A shelf was to my left that held beach boys and board games. The washed and dryer were also down here.
Cruz came back and ripped the tape off my mouth. I hissed from the pain.
"Were is your friend John B?" He asked angry. I rolled my eyes at him and spit in his face.
"I'm not saying." I said. He glared my way and snarled. All of a sudden his fist came flying towards my face. I saw black immediately and was out.

JJ pov
"Peterkin please you have to let us go with you!" I pleaded with the officer. Peterkin, Shoupe and three other officers were helping us find y/n. They had gotten the location of her from her phone. Stupid idiots left her with it or had it for themselves.
"Boys. And Kiara. Listen to me. These men are dangerous and I can't have you going in there trying to take them down. This is police work." She said glaring at us. We all nodded and let her leave.
"We're not actually waiting here are we?" I asked turning to my friends when the cop cars were out of sight.
"JJ you heard her. Well just sit here and wait. Y/n will be fine I know it." Kiara said.
"But-." I tried to argue but John B stopped me.
"JJ we can get in a lot of trouble with the police if we disobey their orders." He reminded me. I just nodded in defeat. We were told to sit inside and wait until they got her. However I didn't even know if she would still be alive. It took us hours to find where she was at. Then the police thought of trying to find her phone which took another couple hours. She could be hurt or dead for all we know!

Y/n pov
I woke up with a terrible pain all over my body. I heard screaming from above me and a lot of stomping. We're the police here? Was there more square groupers? I was so out of it I didn't even hear footsteps coming closer to me. I backed away the best I could from the person. I whimpered out from pain and being scared.
"It's ok y/n, it's me officer Shoupe." I heard. I opened my eyes more to see the older man crouched down in front of me. A look of worry over his face.
"I'm gonna pick you up alright? We've got an ambulance outside waiting." He said motioning you get me. I let my eyes close and nodded my head meekly. I just wanted the pain to be gone. I wanted my boyfriend, I want JJ to hold me and tell me I'll be ok. I felt limp in Shoupes arms as he carried me up the stairs and outside. I saw two cop cars driving away and assumed it was the two men who captured me.
"Y/n I'm Lisa ok hun? I'm gonna take you to the hospital." A lady said and I felt a soft cushion under me. The gurney. I heard a door slam shut and then felt Lisa moving around.
"I-it hurts." I said barley in a whisper.
"I know. I'm giving you some pain medicine right now." Lisa said and I felt a needle in my arm. I felt sleep take over my body once again and I was out.

"Y/n!" I heard a shout. "Baby!" I heard again. I felt a rush of wind on me. I woke up to see the sky above me. We were moving inside the hospital now.
"Where are you taking her?" I heard JJ familiar voice. He seemed to be right there.
"Sir calm down. She's going to be perfectly fine. The doctor is gonna look at her and run some test. Give us a little bit ok?" I heard a ladies voice.
"J." I said much louder then I talked with Lisa before.
"Yes! Y/n I'm right here!" I heard his voice and his hand grab my hand. I turned my head to see him crying. He looked so worried about me.
"Patient has multiple bruises and lacerations on her body. Possible concussion also." Someone voice rang out. JJ hand slipped from mine. I tried to look back but it hurt my neck too. I was brought into a room and immediately moved to a bed.
They had changed me into a gown and had a doctor come in to look me over. She was really nice and understood why I was so quite. Unlike the male nurse who got mad at me for dropping my water cup earlier.
"You can go in and see her now." A voice said from the other side of my hospital room door.
"Y/n!" JJ voice yelled as he charged into my room. I gave him a tiny little smile and hugged him tight. He basically threw himself at me.
"Dude be careful!" I heard pope scold him.
"It's ok." I said to Pope with a smile. "I'm ok just in some pain now." I said flinching when I moved my body. JJ moves to sit up next to me.
"Fuck I'm so sorry baby! We-we watched them just take you! I should've gone after them and I didn't." He said starting to get tears in his eyes.
"J." I whispered and grabbed his face in my hands. "You shouldn't have gone after me at all. They had a gun, two guns actually and would've shot you. You staying hidden helped me more because you got the police. Do not blame yourself ok? And I'm fine. A couple bruises and cuts but I'm good." I said scolding my boyfriend when he blamed himself for this mess.
"Y/n I gotta apologize though." John B stepped in before JJ could respond. J moved so cuddle next to me I rested my tired body again his. "They were after the compass. I gave it to peterkin but that's why they took you. I'm so sorry." John B said looking as if he was gonna cry too.
"Guys." I said looking at them all. "It is no ones fault. Some people like those two men are just so fucked up in the head. I should've been paying more attention and realized the truck sitting there. We don't always have to blame someone ok?" I said trying to get us all on the same page. It wasn't anyone fault but those two men. They all gave me a nod and hugged me.
"Now would you guys mind if you got me food? I'm hungry." I said raising a brow.
"I'm not leaving you so they can go get you food." JJ mumbled and gripped me tighter. I laughed slightly at his response and played with his blond hair.
"That's ok. There's some money in that bag with my cloths. Just some soup and fruit is fine." I said to the three pogues.
"Ok, we'll be right back." Kie said giving me a smile as I watched them leave with my money.
"JJ." I said getting his attention. He immediately perked up and looked at me.
"What what's wrong?" He asked frantically.
"You still haven't kissed me yet." I jokingly said and gave him a pout. He rolled his eyes playfully but moved down to kiss my lips.
"Now I feel much better." I said to him with a bright smile when I pulled away. I went back for more though. His lips were addicting.

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