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Y/n pov
I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and tried to heal the scrape on my arm. Zach, my shitty boyfriend had pushed me and made me fall over his desk chair. Now I was sporting a bruised arm and a scrape from the hard plastic. We had gotten in another argument. This time it being about how he was jealous of topper. Aka my best friend. Topper and I have always been best friends since we can remember. Zach at first was fine with it but over time got possessive and jealous, and I got all his hits. I could hide them well and lie very easily so no one second guessed me. Not even topper.
"Hey y/n- woah!" My bathroom door was shoved open. I only had it cracked open which was stupid of me. No one was home but I'm not surprised topper came over to see me.
"What happened?" He asked and held my arm out to him. Letting out a sigh.
"I fell. Not big deal." I shrugged playing it off.
"What about that?" He asked pointing to the bruises that were all down my arm. I gulped. I didn't have time to come up with a lie.
"Uh." I stuttered.
"Y/n what is going on?" He asked confused. I needed to tell him. Topper was my best friend and he meant the whole world to me. I couldn't lie to him anymore.
"It was Zach." I mumbled out.
"Your boyfriend Zach?" He asked shock. I shook my head yes.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked furrowing his brows.
"I-I just." I said trying my best to find the right words.
"No you know what? We're supposed to be best friends! We tell each other everything!" He yelled and then scoffed. He threw up his hands and then walked out.
"Topper wait!" I cried after him. He didn't even stop, he just walked right out of my house. I was shocked for a moment but then my emotions flooded my body. I cried and sobbed right in the middle of my house. I moved to go lay down on my couch. I needed topper. My best friend and I know I should've told him but I was scared. I don't want Zach to find out that topper knows and then before I can even get away Zach hurts me much more then ever before.
I fell asleep that night crying to myself and wishing I could have my best friend back.

Y/n pov
I woke up and noticed I was still on my couch. I glanced around and saw topper here. Last time I saw him he was running out of my house. The hell was he doing here?
"Topper?" I asked him trying to get him to wake up. I sat up on my couch and planted my feet in the ground. He stirred in his sleep and finally opened his eyes.
"Y/n!" He jolted awake now. He immediately came over and hugged me. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." He said holding me still. I wrapped my arms around him.
"Topper." I sighed. "You don't have to apologize. I should've told you." I said glancing at my feet then back to him. He shook his head.
"I shouldn't have left you though. Fuck I'm shitty friend! You've been abused by your boyfriend and the first thing I do is leave you alone!" He said angry with himself.
"Topper how about this?" I said getting him to stop talking and pulling at his hair. "Let's move last the fact that you ran out last night alright? I need you right now and I can move past that nights actions, can you?" I asked him as I held his shoulders.
"Yes. Oh yes." He said happily and pulled me into another hug. Once we pulled away he talked again.
"I'm gonna beat his ass." He grumbled as he looked at my bruises.
"Topper I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to leave him." I said and starting to get tears in my eyes. He moved and held me against his body. His big arms wrapped around me.
"I will help you. I'll get you out if that relationship." He mumbled into my hair as he held me.
All I needed was topper. My best friend. He would save me from that shitty boy Zach and I could finally live. I'm glad he let us move on from his actions. I knew he felt super bad about leaving me but we needed to let that go. We had bigger problems at hand.

Outer Banks Imagines जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें