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Y/n pov
Topper, my boyfriend of one year sat at his desk in his room looking over papers about their family's business.
I came over to hang out with him but clearly that's not happening. My impatient self was getting irritated by the seconds.
"I'm not gonna stop poking you until you give me some attention." I said poked his cheek. I sat on the heavy wooden desk as he sat in the office chair.
"Really babe?" He asked me and looked over at me.
"Ohh attention." I smiled and batted my eyelashes at him. "Come on! I care over to hang out with you not watch you read boring papers and sign stuff." I groaned out. He leaned back in his chair and looked at me. He let out a huff.
"Fine c'mere you can sit on my lap until I'm done working." He said and pushed himself away from his desk a little. I perked up and moved to sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms around and his head was resting on my shoulders. I was so short and small I wasn't really in his way.
"I've got two more papers to read then I'll be done." He said as he looked at the papers and signed one. I nodded and watched him. I also read the papers he had. They were boring. All about business and regulations, things I could give less shits about.

"Alright I'm done." He said and let out a long sigh as he leaned back in his chair. I turned so I was sitting on him sideway.
"Finally." I said dramatically which earned a chuckle from him.
"So what are we gonna do?" He asked me and gripped my hips.
"I was thinking we could go to the zoo? The one on the mainland?" I asked him.
"Sure but we're gonna have to go now because the ferry leaves..." He trialed off and looked up the times on his computer. "In 20 minutes." He finished.
"That's the perfect amount of time. Come on!" I said hopped of him and ran downstairs. I loved going to the zoo. Seeing the tigers and the monkeys. I loved when you could feed the birds or giraffes.
I slipped my shoes on and waited for topper. He slowly ascending down to the front door.
"Come on." I laughed and dragged him outside.
"Babe my shoes." He said behind me. I stopped.
"Right." I said and turned around to face him. He laughed at me and ran back in to grab his shoes.
"Ok now let's go." He said coming back out and opened the car door for me.

"Two adults." Topper said to the front desk lady.
"Alright that will be $12." She said. I went to pay for ya but topper beat me to it.
"My treat baby." He said and wrapped an arm around me. I blushed and looked down at my shoes. I loved when he called me that.
"Um if we want to feed the animals do we pay here or in there?" I said pointing to the zoo animals.
"Oh you pay in there." She said with a smile. I thanked her and we walked in.
"Look the wolves!" I smiled and pulled him along.
"It says that the white one over there is named Hera. And the brown and white one is named zay." I said as I read the board that held the names of each wolf. There was only two outside today.
We moved on to the next animal which was an owl. It sat there perched on a limb. It looked all fluffy with its feathers.
"Look how fluffy it is." I laughed and held toppers hand.
"You think you could get a owl as a pet?" Topper asked and quirked his head to the side. I chuckled at him.
"No. This isn't Harry Potter." I said and we kept walking through the zoo.

"You wanna feed the giraffes?" Topper asked me as I stood there in awe looking at them. I nodded quickly and we went up to pay.
"Can I pay please." I told him as we Waited in line.
"" He smirked down at me. I chuckled lightly and we moved up to pay.

"Just hold it out and they'll take it from your hand." The zookeeper instructed to topper and I. We got to feed them lettuce.
"Look at their tongues!" I laughed. It was a bright purple-blue color.
"Thank you." I said to the zookeeper as our turn to feed the animal was over.
"We've got one last animal to see." Topper said. The elephants!
"Their a lot bigger then I thought." Topper joked.
"It says that these ones out today, are all rescue ones. Saved from people who were gonna kill them." I said sadly.
"They kill them for their ivory sadly." Topper said. It was sad to think that not all elephants could be saved.

"You ready to head home?" He asked me as we walked down the path in a garden. There was butterflies everywhere.
"Yes I'm tired." I groaned out and leaned on him. He wrapped an arm around me.
"You can sleep on the ferry come on." He said and pushed me along.
Today was perfect! It was the second time I've been to a zoo with topper and I loved watching the animals and how calm topper was around them.

"So what are we gonna do tomorrow?" I asked topper with excitement as we sat on his bed. He let out a small chuckle.
"Leave it to you to be excited about tomorrow." He joked. "And I'm not sure." He said with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Let's Just cuddle for now." I said with a smile. We both laid down and I laid on top of his chest. We laid in comfortable silence. You could the boats go by and the birds outside.
"I love you." He blurted out. I did a double take. He loved me? He's never said that before!
"I love you too." I told him and hugged him tighter. Holy shit I was in love.

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