John B

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Y/n pov
"Babe I'm back!" I yelled walking through the doors of the chateau. I heard a low groan which scared me for a second. I turned to the noise and saw my boyfriend, John B, curled up in blankets on the couch.
Immediately I dropped my bag and rushed to his side. I was concerned and confused why he was like this.
"JB you ok?" I asked pulling the blankets away from his face.
"I don't feel good." He wined out and gripped the edge of the blanket.
"I'm gonna get you some water and meds hold on." I sighed and stood up.
"What hurts?" I asked him as I looked at the medicine cabinet.
"My head." He said very quietly that I almost didn't hear him. I grabbed some aspirin and a bottle of water.
"Here babe." I said getting his attention when I got back to his side. He sat up and took the meds from my hands.
"Thank you." He mumbled after he swallowed them.
"Your welcome." I told him while I pushed some of hair long brown hair out of the way. "You been like this all day?" I asked concerned. He nodded his head. He closed his eyes and sighed. I could tell he was tired.
"Let's get you to your room." I said softly. I didn't want to rush him so I waited as he took his time to get off the couch.
"Will you stay with me?" He asked as we walked to his room slowly. The blankets he had were basically dragging on the floor as they were wrapped around him.
"Of course." I told him. He threw the blankets on his bed and got under his covers.
"Here's your water." I said setting it on his desk next to his head. I sat again the headboard instead of laying down. I wasn't very tired so I'll probably just sit here in my phone. When he noticed I wasn't gonna lay down he immediately moved over and cuddled into me. His head rested on my stomach and his arm holding me tight. I played with his hair and rubbed his back.
"Why do you think your feeling like this?" I asked him. I don't think he was around anyone that was sick. It is allergy season though.
"Wards wife is sick from allergy season and I think I got what she has." He mumbled into my shirt. I let out a sigh.
"Great." I mumbled more to myself then him.
"Will you sing for me?" He ask me quietly.
"You sure? Your head hurts." I told him. I didn't want it to get worse. John B always told me he loved when I sang. He especially loved it when Kiara would play the ukulele and I would sing.
"I'm sure." He sighed out.
"Ok let me think of a song." I said running my hand through his hair. "You want the song you are my sunshine?" I asked thinking of the most simple song I could. When I was a little girl my mother always sang that to me when I couldn't sleep.
"I've never heard it." He said quietly but also sadly.
"Oh." I poured. "Then I'll sing it." I said giving him a smile even though he couldn't see my face.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy, when sky's are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away."

I continued on singing the rest of the sing. When I finished I looked down to see John B sleeping peacefully on my body.
"Goodnight baby. I love you." I whispered and kissed his head. "Feel better." I told him even though he was asleep.

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