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Angie pov
I sat there watching as my best friends, the pogues, got along with my other best friend, Sarah Cameron. Being a kook, like Sarah and Kie it was a little odd to be with the pogues at first but I was very similar to Kiara and that brought me much closer to these boys.
Sarah and John B had made it official you could say about their relationship. It was definitely surprising that they would end up together. I really thought topper and Sarah would but I'm kinda glad those two didn't. For the last months I've started to like topper much more then the friend/acquaintance thing we had going on.
"Angie you ready to go?" Sarah asked me snapping my attention to her.
"Oh yeah sorry." I mumbled standing up from John B couch.
"You good?" Kie asked me with worry as I fixed my cloths to leave.
"Oh yeah." I said glancing to her quickly. "I was just thinking." I shrugged and bent down again to grab my shoes.
"About topper?" Sarah asked me loudly. I snapped my head towards her.
"What?" I asked quickly. Worry was laced in my words.
"It's ok Angie, we know you like him." Sarah said giving me a tiny smile.
"What? No I don't." I said trying to play it off. I didn't want my feelings to get hurt by topper. Knowing the pogues they can't keep their mouth shut and if topper knows I like him he'll just belittle me and reject me.
"Angie come on we're not stupid." Kie said.
"I mean he's a total asswipe but he's got money so get his cash if you know what I mean." JJ winked at me. I rolled my eyes at his comment and chuckled.
"Sarah I wouldn't do that to you." I told her softly. She just shrugged at me.
"I never did like him. Maybe a little for a couple months but Angie he likes you back! You're not hurting me or betraying me at all ok? I'm with John B now and I will forever so don't hold back, ok?" She said placing her hands on my shoulders at the end of her little pep talk.
"Thank you Sarah, really thanks guys but he doesn't like me back. We've hung out a couple times since you two have gotten together." I said motioning to Sarah and JB. "But he doesn't like me more then a friend." I said putting my hands in my pockets. I always did that out of nervous habit.
"Angie you're with him like everyday you two are definitely more then just friends." Pope laughed. I gave him a small laugh also at how right he was.
"Ok fine. We're a little close. I just- I was afraid I'd hurt you Sarah, I was afraid you pogues would hate me for liking a kook, and I was afraid of topper hating me." I sighed out. "I'm scared of the rejection." I mumbled on.
"Angie were not gonna hate you. JB isn't dating a pogue and we got over that. If you like topper I say you just go for it." JJ said as he hit his vape for the millionth time today.
"He's right Angie." Kiara sighed.
"So what do I do?" I asked them confused on what to do now.
"Go get him. Go tell him how you feel." Sarah smiled big at me.
"You guys sure?" I asked worried.
"Yes now go!" John B laughed as he pushed me out the door. "Go get him tiger!" He yelled to me as I ran to my car that day in the grass. I laughed at his comment and started up my car. I gave them a small wave as I backed out and drove down the dirt road to figure 8.

Topper pov
"Topper!" I heard a girl shout. I looked up from my phone to see nothing.
"Topper!" I heard again and then a big oof.
"Angie?" I asked as the voice sounded familiar when it got closer.
"Yeah it's me." She puffed out and then came around the corner of my house. "Fuck. When did you put that wall there." She said and rubbed her head. I chuckled at her appearance.
"It's always been there. You just didn't see it this time." I laughed at her. I brought her into a hug as she got close to me. "You good?" I asked and looked her over.
"Yeah I'm alright. Stupid wall I ran into it." She huffed.
"I love that you're here but uh why are you here?" I asked her confused and ending the previous conversation.
"Oh right!" She said with a smile but then it faded. "I've got to tell you something and it's really embarrassing, but ever since sarah and JB got together you know we've gotten much closer and I guess just over the time I've started to um. You know like you. But I like you a lot." She said. Her eyes were looking anywhere but me.
"I like you too." I chuckled at her little rant. I wanted to tell her my true feelings but I was scared she only liked me as maybe a best friend now.
"I don't think you're getting it." She sighed out and ran a hand through her long blond hair. "I like you. I'm falling for her topper." She said finally looking at me. My eyes widened a little at her confession.
"It's ok if you don't like me back though!" She said quickly and shook her head. I didn't say anything. I didn't want to. I grabbed her face to stop her shaking. She looked up at me with the most beautiful face. I leaned down to her height and kissed her soft, salty pink lips.
You know how in movies when a couple kisses and fireworks and lights go off around them, well that's what this felt like.
Fire works. A whole damn parade.
I pulled back and dropped my hands around her waist.
"Woah." She mumbled in shock.
"I'm falling for you too Angie." I mumbled to her and caressed her cheek. She smiled up at me with her perfect smile. She was perfect I'm everything.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" She asked me with a smile.
"Damn I wanted to ask you to be my girl first." I pouted at her in a joking manner. She laughed and leaned into me.
"Fine then you ask first." She said still smiling.
"Ok, Angie will you please be my girl? My girlfriend?" I asked her as a big smile spread across my face.
"Of course I will." She said excited and jumped up to kiss my lips.

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