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Y/n pov
"Babe stop it!" I laughed pushing JJ hand away. We were driving John B van to the chateau because we were in charge of getting ice for the leggier tonight. We were on our way back now thankfully.
JJ kept taking his hand and trying to tickle me while he drove.
"What? I didn't do anything!" He laughs trying to deny it.
"Stop, focus on the road." I said shoving his shoulder playfully.
"No ones out he-." JJ was saying but when I looked forward. A truck was coming straight at us. I felt like the world slowed down for seconds. A loud crash, then pain, then yelling, more loud noises and more pain. It seemed to slow down but at the same time go so fast.
"Babe?" I heard JJ voice.
"Call 911!" Someone was yelling.
"Baby! Come on wake up." I heard JJ voice again and my body shake. I opened my eyes and saw a blurry figure of JJ over me. He was bleeding on his face but seemed fine other then that.
"JJ?" I breathed out. I winced from the pain. My whole body hurt but I wasn't sure what was wrong with me.

JJ pov
"Ya. ya I'm right here." I told her as she winced. The truck had hit us straight on and it was all my fault. If I just paid attention I wouldn't have my girl, my whole world, practically dying in my arms. The van had tilted and landed on her side. Her door had crushed in and was hurting her legs. I however got off fine. I wish I was her right now though. I will never forgive myself for what I've caused her. Tears were running down my face.
"Ambulance is here." A mans voice said. I didn't even hear the sirens.
"JJ?" Y/n asked again confused.
"I'm here. I'm not leaving you. We're gonna go to the hospital ok?" I told her stroking her face. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she passed out.
"No! Y/n!" I started screwing trying to get her to wake up.
"Sir. We need to get her on the stretcher." A paramedic said trying to pull me back. Police cars were all around us. I saw peterkin make her way over to me.
"JJ. Calm down son. They need to get her help." She said grabbing my shoulders and pulled me away.
"Call the routledge house." She said as I cried on her. I didn't care what I looked like right now I just wanted my girl to be ok.
"Sir do you want to go with her?" Someone said getting my attention.
I gave him a nod and he walked me over to the ambulance.
I sat there holding her hand while I cried.
"I'm sorry." I whispered over and over to her again. We drove quickly to the hospital and once we got there things started to get super real.
"Prep her for surgery." A man said.
"Wait! Y/n! Where are you taking her?" I asked quickly trying to follow them inside.
"She needs surgery for her legs. You need to sit down." One of the nurses said. I tried to follow her but I was pulled back.
"JJ. It's me." A deep voice said. I was turned around. "Hey. JJ. Listen to my voice. It's me, John B." He said. I finally looked up at him. My eyes were red and I all I wanted to go was hold y/n.
"I-I didn't mean to." I cried to John B. He gave me a look of sympathy and brought into his chest. I sobbed into him.
"No one is mad at you, no one blames you." He said.
"JJ." A girl voice said. I looked up and backed away from John B. I was hoping it was y/n but it Kiara.
"I-I." I started to say again but her and pope brought me into a hug.
"Why don't you guys go sit down." A familiar voice said to John B.
"Thanks sherif." I heard him respond. Kiara helped me to the waiting room and we waited for hours.

"John B?" I sniffled and looked at him. They were all surprised I talked. I've been silent this whole time.
"I'm sorry about your car." I mumbled.
"It's alright. Sarah offered to pay for it." He said patting my back. That's right. Sarah was with John B, and gave him just about everything he asked for.
"Family for y/n?" A doctor said coming through the doors. I jumped out of my chair.
"Me! That's me!" I said loudly and stood in front of him now.
"Y/n is ok son." The doctor said putting a hand on my shoulder. "The door had crushed her legs against the dash and made it painful for her. She got away with a hurt ankle and probably will have to wear a knee brace for a little bit. But she is a fighter. Most people would break a bone at least." He said giving me a smile. My y/n. She was ok.
"Can we see her?" I asked.
"Yes of course. Room 218." He said and pointed down a hall. We all quickly rushed down the hall and made it to a closed door. Room 218.
"JJ why don't you go in by yourself." Kiara told me pushing me forward a little. I gave her a small nod and walked in to the room. I shut the door behind me so they didn't hear me.
She was connected to some wired and her face was all bruises up, similar to mine.
"Babygirl." I whispered out running to her bedside. I immediately grabbed her hand

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