John B

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Y/n pov
It was night time and we all sat out on John B dock.
"What are you gonna do with your gold?" Pope asked Kiara.
She went on about wanting to make music and how Peter Tosh was dead but his sport lived. It made me laugh.
"What about you pope?" JJ asked him.
"Pay for college in advance. Text books aren't cheap." He said.
"Well I know what I'm gonna do!" JJ said with a smile. He sat up straight. "I'm gonna go full kook! Get a marble statue of myself and one of those koi ponds with the fish in it." He exclaimed all excited.
"I'm never visiting." Kie scoffed at him.
"Me neither." I agreed with her and laughed.
"Ok well what are you gonna do with your gold y/n?" JJ asked. I thought for a moment. I never really thought that I could do with so much many.
"I'm gonna travel the world." I stated with a bright smile. "If I can ill sail around the world." I said in a dreamy state.
"Let's go to Greece together!" Kiara said as excitement laced her voice.
"Yes!" I said and we high fives.
"John B what about you?" I asked him. He was silent for a second. He looked like he was gonna cry at any moment. I don't blame him we just found out that his dad was probably dead.
"To going full kook!" He said and raised his beer and then drank it.
"Full kook!" I smiled and downed the rest of my beer.
We sat in comfortable silence for a while with some conversations here and there.
"Guys I'm tired." Pope said as he laid down on the dock.
"Me too." Kie said.
"Alright time for bed then children." I joked and got up from my spot on the dock.
"Your the youngest out of all of us." JJ rolled his eyes. I chuckled.
"Yes younger, but I'm the best." I said and skipped my way down the dock.
"I got the couch!" JJ and Kiara yelled as we ran up to the house.
"I get big John's room!" Pope said before I could even take a breath. Fuck. That means I'm sleeping in the floor.
"Awe no fair! Ugh fine I'll sleep on the floor. The hard, cold floor." I said and tried to bribe them into switching with me.
"Y/n you can sleep with me." John B said like it was nothing. We all looked at him like he had two heads.
"It's just sharing a bed." He said and rolled his eyes. I looked to Kie and she gave me a smirk. She pushed me towards his room.
"No macking." She said and slammed the door. I cringed at the loud bang.
"Um can I borrow some cloths? I didn't think I was gonna stay the night?" I asked John B as we stood awkwardly in his room.
"Uh ya. This ok?" He asked and pulled a shirt and some boxer briefs out of his closet.
"Ya thanks." I said. I walked out of his room to go change in the bathroom. The shirt I wore made me look tiny. It ended right at the middle of my thighs. I walked out of the bathroom.
"Well well." I heard JJ snicker. I rolled my eyes but turned to face them.
"Your wearing his cloths!" Kie screamed and jumped up and down in excitement.
"Guysss stop!" I wined out and blushed.
"Go to sleep." We all hear John B groan from his room. We immediately stopped and ran to our beds. I shut John B door and slowly walked to his bed. This was awkward. I got in and laid completely still on my back.
"Relax y/n." He mumbled out.
"How can I? I've never slept with a guy before." I exclaimed. He knew that. Did he expect me to just crawl right in and koala him?
I heard him let out a sigh.
"Do you think my dads alive?" He asked me and turned on his side to face me.
I had to think about it for a moment.
"Ya JB. I do think he's alive right now." I said and turned just my head to him. I don't know if by the time we found the gold he would be alive but for right now in this second, I thought he was alive.
"I think so too." He mumbled out. Now I turned on my side to face him. Talking with him was getting me more comfortable.
"I'm so sorry JB." I told him. He closed his eyes and I saw a tear fall from his eye.
"I miss him." He said another tear fell.
"Come here." I said and held my arms out for him. He moved over and laid his head on my chest and his arms wrapped around my body. One of my hands was running through his brown hair and the other rested on his back.
"I know you miss him. But right now we're gonna find that gold. And you've got me. You've me through it all." I told him.
"Thank you." He said. I could tell he was falling asleep. His breath was being steady.

I woke up to whimpering. I looked down and saw John B gripping my body even more. I turned my neck to see the alarm clock on his desk said 4am.
"Hey John B, it's ok, you're safe wake up." I said and shook his shoulder. He woke up with a start and jumped a little.
"Hey look at me." I said and grabbed his face. His face was wet from crying in his sleep.
"Your ok now. What was the dream about?" I asked him and wiped his face dry. I saw him glance down at something and then back up to my eyes. He was probably embarrassed about crying.
"My dad. I found him dead." He said and let out a deep breath.
"I promise you we won't find your dad dead." I told him and made him look me in the eyes. We laid there in comfortable silence and just started at each other. Millions of thoughts racing through both our heads.
"John B." I whispered out.
"Hmm?" He said lowly and moved so he was hovering over me.
"Kiss me." I said breathlessly. His eyes widened for a quick moment but then he dove down and kissed me deeply. He wrapped his arms around me again and tightened his hold on me. My hands cupping his face. I pulled away from our kiss to breath.
"Fuck." I whispered out. That was an amazing kiss, I wanted to kiss him all over again. We broke the number one rule though.
"C-can I kiss you again?" He asked me. I nodded quickly. Fuck that rule. He dove down again and kissed me harshly. This time much more hard and passionate. I reached down and pulled my shirt over my head.
He backed away more when he saw I wasn't wearing a bra.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." I smirked at him. He chuckled but went back to my neck and kissed down leaving marks here and there to claim me as is.

I woke up and quickly realized I was naked. A hard and toned chest was under me. I looked up to see John B.
"JB." I whispered trying to get him to wake up. I looked at my phone and saw it was already 9am. We had to get up to go find that gold.
"Wake up." I said and pushed his shoulder with my finger. He didn't move. God he was a heavy sleeper. I groaned. I thought of the only way I could get him to wake up. I moved so I was straddling his waist. The blanket fell off me leaving my chest in plain sight. I leaned down and kissed his hips. He immediately kissed me back and gripped my thighs. I pulled away and sat up straight.
"I knew you were awake!" I said and chuckled at him as he gave me a smirk.
"You should wake me-." But he was cut off by JJ barging into the room and screaming.
"Wake up!" He yelled. He finally came to a stop at the door and realized the position I was in. I've never moved so fast in my life. John B quickly pulled the sheet up and pulled me down to cover me up. I heard him whisper out a fuck.
"Dude get out!" John B yelled as JJ stood there frozen with his mouth hung open. JJ immediately ran out and slammed the door. We heard him yell,
"I just saw y/n boobs!" He yelled. I blushed and snuggled closer to John B.
"That fucker better forget what he just saw." JB said and clenched his jaw.
"Calm down, he'll forget don't worry." I chuckled at him and ran my finger across his jaw to relax him.
"I'm never gonna unsee what! She was on top of him! Probably with his dick in her!" JJ screamed probably talking to Kiara.
"Ew JJ stop! Before John B gets out here and kills you." We heard Kiara say in disgust.
"Shut it JJ." John B yelled through the door. I laughed.
"Please don't hurt him." I told JB.
"I won't." He said and kissed my lips. I snuggled back into him and fell back asleep. The gold can wait.

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