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Y/n pov
"Ow fuck!" I said in pain and gripped my ankle. I heard Rafes bike quite down and him running over to me.
"Baby you ok? What happened?" He frantically asked me. He tried to move my hand away from ankle so he could see but I didn't want to let go.
"I think I broke it." I cried in pain. "It hurts Rafe." I mumbled as I watched him take out his phone.
"I know baby just hold on. I'm calling someone right now." He said. He moved behind me so I could lean against his chest. He had one arm on my leg and the other held his phone.

And that is how we got to where we're at now. He had called his dad to come get us and then I was taken to the hospital. I had small break in one of my bones and now was sporting a cast for a few weeks.
"Ok one more step." My boyfriend Rafe told me as he helped me up the staircase.
"I know." I said irritated with him. "I broke my ankle not my eyes." I said to him and continued up the last step. He let out a quite sorry but still helped me.
I had been riding dirt bikes with Rafe and broke my ankle today. I wasn't to worried about it but i had to use crutches and have a cast on.
"Want anything? Water? A snack?" He asked as he got me situated in his bed. I didn't wanna go back home yet so he just took me to his house.
"I'm fine." I said and grabbed the remote to watch some tv.
"You sure? You know what I'll just go get you it anyways." He said quickly and left his room. I let out a huff. I didn't need to be babied all the time.

"Here." He said coming back and setting the bowl of gold fish down along with my water.
"Let's prop this up." He said more to himself then me. He reached behind him and took a pillow to prop my leg up.
"Feel ok?" He asked me. I gave him a nod.
"You done?" I asked raising a brow at his annoying antics. He let out a sigh.
"Yes. For know. I'm just trying to make sure that your ok." He said kissing my forehead.
"I know babe but I don't need to be helped with everything." I stated and let out a sigh. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.
"I'm kinda tired but you can stay up alright?" I told him and moved so I was laying down.
"Ok. Night babygirl." He said and held me in his arms as I drifted off to sleep.

Y/n pov
I woke up and noticed Rafe was still asleep. This wasn't an odd thing for us. I was always staying over with him even before we dated. We've been friends for many years. I got up the best I could by myself and grabbed my crutches.
I can do this. I told myself as I stood up and hobbled to the long stair case. I had to take it step my step. The first few weren't to hard but then I got tired. I didn't want to ask for help and I knew with determination I could do this alone. I had three more steps left.
"Babe what are you doing?" I heard a frantic voice say behind me. I stopped and turned my head around to see Rafe at the top of the stairs.
"I got hungry. I'm gonna get breakfast." I said like it was obvious. I went to take another step but he yelled at me.
"Y/n no! Stop I will help you." He said storming down the stairs to me. I rolled my eyes.
"Rafe I've made it this far. Clearly I'm fine." I said giving him a leave me alone face.
"No. No. It's my fault your hurt just, god, here." He said trying to help me although I protested. I gave up at some point and let him just carry me down the three steps I had left. Once I was on the ground I looked up at him. He gave me a sheepish smile.
"I told you I could do it myself." I said annoyed with him. I was getting irritated because I was hungry, but also because I hated to be babied.
"But I made it easier." He said trying to get me to agree with him.
"Rafe listen." I said and let out a deep sigh. I closed my eyes to calm myself down so I didn't yell at him. Once I opened them he now looked at me with worry. "I hate being babied ok? I don't need you to help me with everything. It's not your fault I'm hurt it's mine. I was stupid and tried to do that stupid trick. Your really testing me with this helping shit." I said. My fav clearly showing anger and annoyance. He let out a sigh and dropped his head.
"I'm sorry. I just don't want you in pain or to get more hurt." He said finally looking at me. I gave him a sincere smile.
"I understand but I also can do things by myself. Ok?" I asked him.
He nodded. "Ok." He agreed with me.
"Thank you. I love you." I told him trying to cheer him up.
"I love you too." He smiled at me and kissed my lips.
"Now let's go eat. I'm hungry." I bossed him and hobbled way my into the kitchen.

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