JJ - Teen Parents Part 2

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Y/n pov
I sat there in the couch in the chateau alone. JJ was outside fixing his bike, and everyone else was at work. We had found out the babies gender. A baby girl. JJ was about to burst with happiness that he was right. We were having his little girl. I cried, happy tears, when we found out. I was gonna have a babygirl to spoil and let her dress up if she wanted or get dirty in the mud.
However my hormones were not pleasant. I started to get more nervous as the days went on. We were only teenagers. How could we have a kid? JJ dad is a piece of shit, his mom left him. Then my dad left me and my mom doesn't really care much about me. I was afraid we'd turn out to be our parents. Tears started to flow down my cheeks as my nerves got the best of me.
"Babe-. Woah! What's wrong?" JJ said coming inside. He immediately sat next to me as he saw I was upset.
"We're only 16 JJ! We can't have a kid! What if we're like our parents? Fuck JJ!" I yelled and sobbed harder.
"Y/n. Calm down. Take a breath." He said pulling me into him. I tried my best to calm down but I still was pretty worked up. "You and I are not going to end up like our parents. We love, we have kindness, we have adventure, and we have each other. I know we're young but I like to think that our babygirl is going to be the best thing to ever happen to us and we got lucky to have her now." He said. His words really did help me. He was right. We got lucky enough to have our little girl now instead of later, and she would love us and we'd love her. I wiped my tears and gave him a soft nod. I could tell he was smiling a little that I was better know. He moved me forward and bent down in front of me.
"Babygirl. I don't know if you can hear me." JJ said placing his hands on my stomach. He had never done this before. My hormonal tears came back.
"But we're excited to see you. We're nervous to because we don't want to screw this up. However we love you and I want you to be nice to your momma ok? Don't kick her to much." He said rubbing my stomach. I pulled JJ up and kissed his lips.
"Here." He said and lifted up my shirt after the kiss. He bent down again and kissed my stomach twice.
"I can't wait to kiss you when your born." He said talking to the baby again and gave my stomach another kiss. I brushed my fingers threw his hair and he moved to sit up next to me. I leaned against him and let out a sigh.
"Your gonna spoil her I know it." I said trying to lighten the situation. JJ let out a laugh.
"Of course I am. And her uncles, John B and pope. They'll spoil her too." He said kissing my bare shoulder.
"Kiara is excited to be a aunt. Said she's gonna get her bows and cute toys." I chuckled leaning farther into JJ chest. His hands wrapped around me stomach and he opened his hands to hold my baby bump.
"We'll be fine I promise you." He said going back to why I was upset earlier.
"Ok." I mumbled tired from carrying our baby all day.
"Go to sleep momma." He said using his nick name for me. I let a small smile overcome my face and closed my eye. We'll be ok. I knew it.

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