One-Shot no. 26: iGet First Date Blues

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Normal POV

15 year old Natalie Benson was getting ready for her first date with Mikey Hudson, Carly and Brad's son. It was her first ever date. She was excited but a little nervous. 

"Mum, does this dress look ok? Do i look ok? I don't want to look like tried hard but i don't want to look like i didn't try enough." Natalie starts speed talking when she's nervous.

"Natalie! FOR THE 500th TIME TODAY.... YOU. LOOK. GREAT! Mikey is gonna be blown away!" Sam exclaimed.

Natalie sighed "I'm sorry mum but it's my first date and... i'm nervous! How did your first date go?"

Sam smiled at the memory. "My first real date was with your dad. And omg was it the BEST!" 

~FLASHBACK~ (A/N a lot of flashbacks! Also, this refers to iHave a Date... actually it is, iHave a date)

Carly's POV

Sam and i are busy in my room. For the past 3 hours i've been 'dolling up' Sam for her date. WITH FREDDIE! Yeah, Freddie finally had the guts to ask Sam out. They both have been waiting for this moment their whole life. 


"Ok Sam. There's something i've been meaning to ask you so here it goes. Will you do me the honour of going on a  date with me?" Freddie asked with hope.

"A date?" Sam asked with shock.

"Please don't hurt me" Freddie said quickly.

Sam smiled and kissed his cheek. "I'd love to go on a date with you. Next week since we have exams this week and actually care getting into college so is that fine?"

Freddie blushed. "Yeah. Exams first, then date!"


After 3 long hours with stubborn Sam, i finally got her ready. She was wearing a gold sparkly top with simple black leggings, sparkly pumps and a Michael Kors watch. For beauty she had a dramatic eye look, simple pink lipstick, sparkly black nail polish and straight hair. (A/N link of sam and freddie's outfit in comment section). 

Sam's POV

After 3 long hours with crazy Carly, i was finally ready for my date with Freddie! I'm really excited and happy 'cause Freddie finally asked me out! I looked in the mirror and liked what i saw. I never saw myself with straight hair. Only curly. But i looked... beautiful! Let's hope Freddie thinks so.

"SAM! YOUR DATE IS HERE!" Spencer screamed. 

I looked towards Carly and we did a little excitement shriek. Carly was so happy for me! Carly had told me to wait in the iCarly studio. I was wondering why but meh. I went up to the studio and waited there. I then heard someone else coming up the elevator. Probably Carly. But i was wrong. When the elevator opened i saw Freddie. He stepped out of the elevator smiling nervously. 

"Wow Sam. You look absolutely beautiful." He smiled.

I blushed. "Uh, thanks Freddie. You look great too!" 

He blushed too. We both stepped closer to each other and gave one another a hug.

"Haha Sam, you're my height now!" He laughed.

I playfully punched him in the arm. "Shut up Benson!"

We both started walking into the elevator for the best night of our lives!


~At Sam's Door~

"I had a lot of fun Freddie. Maybe we could do this again some other time?" I asked with a flirty smile.

Freddie did a flirty smile back. "That's would be awesome. But..."

My smile dropped. "But what?"

"But i want to take my girlfriend out on a date, not my best friend." He said.

I smiled again. "Then you should!"

We kissed on the lips for about 10 minutes 'til we ran out of air. 

"Bye Freddie!"

"Bye Beautiful!"


"Aww! What did you guys do on your date? You didn't exactly cover that part." Natalie asked.

Sam blushed at the thought. Freddie had taken her to this fancy meat restaurant that's private. They were able to have quality food and be at some fancy restaurant without everyone looking at them since the restaurant had little rooms with a table and 2 chairs instead of one big room with tables and chairs like every other restaurant. 

"I'll tell you that some other time Natalie." Just then, the doorbell rang. Natalie was walking calmly to the front door when Freddie came running down the stairs in a rush, picked Natalie up and carried her upstairs and locked her in her room. Freddie came running down stairs and opened the door. Before Mikey could even say anything, Freddie had also picked up Mikey and sat him down on the couch. Sam was just in the kitchen really entertained.

"Hey dad? Why is- oh hey Mikey!" Lachie exclaimed and waved to his best friend's brother
(A/N omg that song!). 

Sam had covered Lachie's mouth with her palm and dragged them both back to the kitchen. 
"I'm listening to their conversation! I'm pretty sure your father is gonna start scaring Mikey. You're lucky your father can't do that to your girlfriends but your girlfriend's father will do that to you. Now HUSH!"

"Ok, listen here... Michael Reed Hudson! This is my daughter your taking out, not some random 15 year old who's very unreliable. And i know you're a Hudson/Shay so you're not going to do anything bad... but if you do... you will regret it!" Freddie said with his 'Serious Daddy' tone. 

Lachlan whispered to his mum. "His middle name is Reed?"

Sam nodded. "Uncle Brad wanted to name his child Reed but Carly didn't allow it so they just used it as his middle name. Like your father wanted to call you Joe but i thought it was a dumb name so we just made it your middle name."

Just then, Natalie came down stairs with her bobby pin in her hand. Something else she got from Sam was picking locks. "Hmm, the locks in this house suck. I just slid my bobby pin through the key hole and ta-da! Oh hey Mikey! My mum is driving us since i know she's going to be calm and normal unlike the oldest male in the house! Let's go! Mum, c'mon!"

Natalie and Mikey walked out the door and were waiting outside Sam's car. Before Sam left, she gave Freddie a quick kiss. "Nice job at scaring Mikey, Baby! But please don't do it to Tahlia's first boyfriend! Or date." Then Sam left.

Matthew and Tahlia came running down stairs and Lachie walked out of the kitchen. Freddie picked up his 8 year old daughter Tahlia and asked her a question. 

"When you get a date or boyfriend, are you gonna let daddy scare him?" Freddie asked while tickling her stomach.

Tahlia giggled. "Yes daddy. Boys are icky and have cooties!"

Lachie and Matthew screamed simultaneously "HEY!"

"But Tahlia, if boys are icky... then how come you love Uncle Gibby's 8 year old son, Oli?" Lachie laughed.

Tahlia blushed. "DO NOT! Besides, you love Oli's older sista, Ellie! AND SHE LOVES YOU TOO!"
(A/N she' can't say 'sister')

Now it was Lachie's turn to blush. "Uh so?! Um, ah... MATTHEW LOVES BRIDGIT!" 


The 3 ran to their rooms and Freddie fell onto the couch chanting....

"Too young to love. Too young to date!"
Stupid first love/date blues. Freddie thought.


Note that this wasn't supposed to be cute and fluffy but funny and different. 
Sorry for any mistakes :) 
Also, Sarah's outfit in comment section!

-callmeprada ☯ 

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