One-Shot no. 76: iAm a Little Star

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Sam's POV

Carly and I were standing at the lockers while talking to Wendy and her friends. They were talking about the new guy at school who is 'oh so hot and romantic'. Wendy would always keep Carly up to date with the latest gossip about anything really. And while they all talk about it, I would just stand next to Carly and feel out of place.

Carly is literally the sun and I'm like Pluto... even though that Pluto is now a planet but whatever. She would always have boys lining up to ask her out, always get nominated for president of a club, dance princess or queen, captain of some team, always get good grades, be the most loved one in the school etc.

And then there's just me. The girl who stood next to Carly and just looked like some accessory. I don't care about all that stuff though. I just want to be the big star for once instead of the little one.

~Time Skip: After School~

 After school, I went over to Freddie's house. Freddie had a headache this morning so he didn't go to school. I bet you're wondering why I'm going over to Freddie's house. It's because he and I are dating. He asked me out 2 months ago and we're almost on our third month. Pretty cool huh?

I knocked on the door and wait for some response. 10 seconds later, the door opened and revealed a very tired but handsome Freddie. "Hey Freddie. You feeling better?" Freddie smiled and nodded. "I am now that my beautiful girlfriend is here." I blushed at his comment.

I never felt out of place next to Freddie. He always made sure I'm included by putting his arm around me or cuddling closer to me or kiss any part of my body. Those would be the only times I feel like a slightly bigger star then Carly.

Freddie softly gripped my hand and led me to the couch where a plate of strawberries and chocolate sauce was present on the coffee table. We got onto the couch and just cuddled there without saying a word. It was nice and peaceful.

Freddie looked down at me and saw I wasn't as calm as I usually am when I'm around him. I seemed for insecure and worried right now. "Hey, Sammie? Are you okay?" I softly nod my head but that got me to burst into tears. 

I cried out a loud sobbed and choked out the word 'no'. Freddie pulled me onto his lap and held me tightly up against him while he was humming sweet lullabies into my ear. I started calming down after a little bit, but I was still pretty upset.

 "Now, can you tell me what's going on right now?" I sigh and cuddled up to Freddie even more closely. "W-well. I've been f-feeling like I-I'm a st-stupid l-little star next t-to C-Carly." I said to Freddie while pretty much stuttering every word. Freddie gently kissed my ear and slowly rocked me back and forth.

"Can I tell you a story?" I slightly nod my head. "Well, this story is about two little stars and one giant star. So, one of the little star's names was Eddie and the other was Ham. The giant star's name was Barley. Anyway so Barley was the main star that everyone adored and Ham was Barley's best friend even though Ham felt as is she was just some dumb little light next to Barley."

Freddie paused for a bit. The story made sense but confused me in so many ways. "And?" Freddie playfully slapped my shoulder, not very hard. "I'm getting there! Anyway, while Barley was getting all the attention and love, Ham was all alone. One day, Eddie came along and sat next to Ham, even though stars can't sit of stand, you get what I mean. Ham asked why Eddie didn't go over to Barley and he said it's because Ham was too beautiful compared Barley and he wanted to get to know Ham more."

I blushed so hard. The story made full sense now. Carly is Barley, Freddie is Eddie and I am Ham. Oh great, now I feel stupid because the story confused me at the start. "Is your story done?" Freddie smiled and shook his head. "No quite. It almost is though."

"So, Eddie got to know Ham a lot more and he pretty much fell in love with her. A another star  came along and asked Eddie, 'Why do you like Ham better then Barley? She's nothing compared to her. Eddie got very mad but simply said, She's unique, fun, cute, sweet, feisty, interesting, smart, abrasive and beautiful. She's a star that I want.' Now Ham overheard Eddie and came zooming up to him and thanked him. All Eddie did in return was say 'I love you'. I love you Sam."

I gasped. There were tears in my eyes and my cheeks were bright red. It was the first time we had ever said the 'L Word' and it was a pretty big thing. Thank god I love him back or otherwise... it would've been so awkward. "I love you  Freddie. Or should I say... Eddie the little star."

Freddie laughed. "I love you too Ham the other (but amazing) little star." We kissed right there and I could feel two little stars smiling above us. So what I am a little star? I'm Freddie's little star.


This story isn't exactly the way I wanted it to turn out but I just recently remembered this idea I had so I just typed it out because I was running out of things to type even though I have about 50 ideas roaming in my mind. It makes no sense, I know. Sorry for any mistakes :)

-jeeesssiii ☯

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