One-Shot no. 79: iFinally Find Out

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So here it is. The one-shot we've all been waiting for. You guys will finally get to find out how Sam and Freddie fell in love. This won't follow the actual story line but I will use some iCarly episodes. Enjoy!

Normal POV

Sam Benson was lying down on the couch, listening to some peaceful music, enjoying the quiet. Sam called the performing arts school and said she was sick and that she will be off her feet for a week or two. You see, she actually just wanted a break from teaching snotty little kids how to dance, sing and act. She also pulled a muscle trying to stop her twins, Tahlia and Matthew from playing tag/tiggy. She ran around her back yard for 25 minutes, straight after she came home from teaching dance.

While Sam was enjoying her peace and quiet, Freddie and their 4 children bursted into the house and started creating a ruckus. "OMG! That is so adorable!" Natalie squealed into her PearPhone. "I got into the soccer team! Woo!" Yelled Lachlan. "PLEEEAAASE DADDY?!" Begged Tahlia and Matthew.

Sam groaned and sat up from the couch and greeted her family. "You guys are so noisy baby." Sam said with a half irritated smile. "Well they are part you." Freddie smiled as he kissed her softly. "Gross!" Cooed the children. Sam and Freddie rolled their eyes as the kids walked up to their rooms.


While Freddie and the twins were cooking dinner and Natalie was on the phone with Lauren, Sam walked up to Lachlan's room wondering why he has been quiet a few minutes after he got home. Once Sam reached Lachlan's room, she knocked on the door and opened it slowly.

"Lachie?" Lachlan looked up and smiled weakly at his mum. "Hi mum." Sam quietly shut the door behind her and sat next to Lachie. "Are you okay hun?" Lachie sighed and shook his head. "I just want to ask out Ellie. But, I don't know to get her attracted to me. And the whole 'be yourself' doesn't exactly work either."

Sam looked around the room and smiled. There were no signs of interruptions. "I'll tell you the story of how your father got me to like him. Except, it's the other way. I had the biggest crush on your father. It was hard to hide, but for some reason, it easily concealed." Lachie looked confused.

"I met your father long before I met Aunt Carly. We were 6. Your grandma, used to take me to this park and I always saw your dad there. He was pretty cute. Although, I didn't exactly have a crush on him. I just grew the guts to say 'hi'. I was just happy I had a friend." Sam felt slightly teary at the thought. 

She used to be a victim of bullying before she turned into one. She used to get picked on because of how short, how dumb and how boyish she is. Freddie though put a smile on her face for the first time ever by agreeing to be her friend.

"Okay, cute story but can you just skip to the part where you guys fall in love?" Sam rolled her eyes as well smiling at the same time. "I'm getting there! So, blah blah blah... we met Carly and your dad had the biggest crush on her. So we met Carly at 11 years of age and I just realised my like for your father. He even had some feelings for me. He was the sweetest person to me, until Aunt Carly came into the picture and moved across the hall from your dad."

Sam remember that scene exactly. As much as she loved Carly, she pissed her off at how perfect she is. How gorgeous one can be. How smart this girl is. Sam used to get all the attention and it actually felt nice. But then, all the attention disappeared. 

"Anyway, that's why I started hating your father. I started hitting and teasing him. I actually sometimes regret it. But, it hurt that he did that to me. Dropped me into the bin like I was some unwanted Moonbucks drink."

Lachlan looked worried. This story wasn't exactly what he thought it would turn out... but his parents are Sam and Freddie. They're the unpredictable. "How does this boost my confidence?!" Sam slapped his arm but not too hard. "Ow!" Sam rolled her eyes at her son but hugged him. 

"You're half me, that shouldn't hurt as much. Back to the story, as we got older, my feelings for him grew like a grapevine around Rapunzel's tower. There was so much feelings and all were growing way too fast. I didn't know what to do. Until one night... I kissed him."

Lachie nodded at his mother. "Oh yeah, Aunt Carly told Lauren who told Cole who then told me that you randomly kissed dad at some thing called a 'lock-in'. Way to go mum!" Sam smiled but felt annoyed that Carly told her children about the lock-in. It was already embarrassing enough to have kissed him in the middle of the night, at the school's courtyard.

"So yeah, I kissed your dad and I'm guessing you know the rest right?" Lachie nod. "Yeah, you checked yourself into a mental institution and dad kissed you there. But that still doesn't help me to ask out Ellie." Sam shook her head. 

"Well there's more. So we broke up and Carly had to move to Italy. She told me she wasn't going to come back until 2-5 years. Although she came back 1 and a half years later. But during those 18 months, your dad wanted to get back together with me."


Sam was sitting at home, on the couch in her sweats. For an 18 year old, you thought she would be more busy. Nope, she's the same girl that's never going to change.

She reached forward to the coffee table, about to grab a slice of pizza when her doorbell rang. She groaned and lazily walked to the door to reveal Freddie. 

Her and Freddie have slightly gotten closer ever since Carly left. Which was bad since they were still in love with each other and both wanted nothing more then to get back together.

"Can I come in?" Sam moved aside and let Freddie into her home. He started pacing nervously around her living room. "Dude, what's wrong?" Freddie couldn't take it anymore.

"I LOVE YOU!" Sam did a double take. She didn't know if it was just a joke or if he really meant it. "I mean it Sam. I still love you so much and I want to be your boyfriend again."

Sam couldn't speak. She was dumbfounded. It was a dream come true. The guy of her dreams, professing his love to her. "Really?" She felt stupid to say that.

"Yes! You are gorgeous, smart, amazing, talented, beautiful, awesome, wonderful, sweet, loving, caring, abrasive, silly, funny and most important... the love of my life."

Sam started crying right there. She ran up to Freddie and embraced him in the tightest hug  she has ever given. She then attacked his lips with hers.

They made out passionately but sweetly for a good 10 minutes before pulling away and sticking their foreheads together. "I love you." They both cried together. 

~End of Flashback~  

"Okay, I'll admit. That was kind of cute But that still doesn't help me to ask out Ellie." Sam smiled and kissed her son's forehead. "I know you didn't want to hear this but, just act like yourself and ask her out the way you wanted to. Ignore what anyone says."

Lachlan smiled and hugged his mother. "Thanks mum. Call me when dinner's ready." Sam smiled and quietly walked out of Lachlan's room. Once she got outside, she slightly jumped when she saw Freddie.

"You gave me a mini heart attack baby!" Sam giggled. "Well I try. So, what happened? Is he okay?" Freddie asked his wife. Sam kissed him and smiled. "Yeah. He's got an idea to ask out Ellie now. He's not all depressed about it anymore."

Freddie gasped. "You told him our story?" Sam laughed. "Yep, and no interruptions. I love you Freddie." Freddie pulled Sam into a dip kiss and kisses her sweetly. "I love you too Sam."


Well there you have it! I finally posted it! I wasn't planning to post it but I thought it would have been nice. Sorry for any mistakes :)

-jeeesssiii ☯

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