One-Shot no. 55: iBelieve in Fate

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Ok so this is a one-shot of them being little kids. I did two before but here's a third. Except this one doesn't link with the other two. This is a completely different story. Although it is a little similar. Enjoy!


Normal POV

It was a normal day at Seattle Park. Kids were running and playing outside, dogs were chasing, adults were bonding... it was a perfect day. Left alone in the sandpit was 8 year old Freddie Benson. He was just minding his own business. All his focus went to his toy truck and his sand dunes.

8 year old Sam Puckett was watching him from behind the big oak tree. She had always thought he was cute. She would always see him here after school everyday, she would always beg her mum to go to the park to spy on him. Most days she would want to run up to him and say 'hi' and play with him. But really, she knows he would never want to play with her.

If you haven't figured out yet... she has a crush on him. Her first crush... it freaked her out a bit. Once Freddie went home, Sam would run over to her mother and start talking about her little crush on Freddie. Her mother would laugh and say that love was a silly but amazing thing.

Of course her mother would say that... her mother gave up on love when Sam's father had died. Sam would then believe her mother and try to forget about Freddie. Except, she couldn't.

One day she finally had the guts to go talk to him. She stood on her little stool so she could see her reflection in the mirror. "I am gonna talk to this kid! I am gonna play with this kid! I am gonna be friends with this kid!" Sam then shook her head. She had a crush on him but she has no idea what his name is. That was something she was gonna have to ask.

"Hey Sam you ready to go? I've been talking with this lady for the past few days... she's the mother of your crush actually. Her name is Marissa Benson and her son's name is Freddie. I told her a bit about you and she told me a bit about Freddie. Now come on sweetie, if you wanna talk to Freddie then you better hurry!"

Sam hopped off her stool, put on her sneakers and ran to the front door to meet her mother. Once they got to the park, Pam (Sam's mother) walked over to Marissa, leaving Sam to hide behind the big old tree like usual.

She peeked from behind and saw Freddie. She took a deep breath and walked over to the sandpit. "Hi." Freddie looked up and smiled. "Hi. I'm Freddie." Freddie stuck out his hand. Sam slightly giggle then shook his hand. "My name's Sam. What are doing?" Her and Freddie ended up becoming best of friends.

Everyday after school, they would meet at the sandpit to play. They would talk, laugh and play. Their mothers would watch them all the time. They were happy that the two found each other.

But that all changed... Freddie had to move. His mother had gotten a promotion all the way in Boston, Sam was heartbroken. She knew another man in her life would leave her. That was pretty much the day she stopped believing in love.

Before he left, Freddie same to visit Sam one last time. Once he saw her, her ran over to her and hugged her so tight. Sam returned the hug. Once they pulled away, Sam took off her special 'Samantha' necklace her father gave her. She put it in Freddie's pocket and smiled sadly. Freddie took off his lucky bracelet and gave it to Sam. Sam decided to be brave and briefly kiss Freddie on the lips. Freddie gladly kissed back. Once they pull away, they hug one last time before Freddie had to go.


8 years later, 16 year old Sam Puckett was sitting under the big oak tree, listening to music on her phone and drawing in her diary. She looked up and remember the times she spent with Freddie 8 years ago. She never found anyone like Freddie. She would always think of him even though it was so long ago. Freddie would do the same. He would dream about Sam and wonder how she is.

One day, Marissa had decided it was time to move back to Seattle. So they did. Freddie decided to visit the park where most of his memories lived there. He went to the sandpit and remembered that pretty much he lived in the sandpit. He then went to the old oak tree where Sam pretty much lived. He walked over there to see a familiar blonde girl sitting there with her earphones in and drawing in her diary. He then saw her wrist... Freddie's bracelet. He knew he had found Sam.

"Sam?" Sam took out an earphone and looked up to see who was annoying her. She was about to yell at the person, 'til she realised who it was. Her eyes grew wide. She stood up so she could be level with Freddie. "Freddie?! Is that really you?" Sam asked in disbelief.

Freddie just smiled and nodded. Sam squealed then jumped into his arms. They stood there, loving each other's embrace. They pull away from the hug and lean in. Which caused them to have the best kiss they've ever had in 8 years. After about 10 minutes, they break away the kiss in need for air.

"I thought you were in Boston! Why are you here now?" Freddie smirked. "Why? Do you want me to go back?" Sam shook her head vigorously. "NO! Just, why are you here?" Freddie smiled at her bubbliness. He missed it so much.

"Mum thought it was time to move back. I've missed you so much Sam. It killed me not to have you by my side." Sam blushed. "I know the feeling. And, I've missed you too." They shared one more hug 'til Freddie said an important question that Sam had always wanted to here. "Sam, will you go on a date with me this Friday night?" Sam blushed deeper and nodded. "I'd love to go on a date with you." They both kissed for the second time today. The two were finally happy after 8 years. It was definitely fate, right?


Was that adorable? Hope so! I didn't think it was too good. Sorry for any mistakes :)

-iDreamAboutSeddie ☯

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