One-Shot no. 74: iWill See You Later

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So this is the sequel to One-Shot no. 70: iMeet Carly's Cousin. I suggest you read that one first otherwise, you will be confused. This is just Sam and Freddie going out on their date. 

Freddie's POV

I'm finally going out on a date with Sam! I've been texting Carly all night to find out what Sam likes. She said that she doesn't like the boring, movies and dinner because she says it's too cliché and that it's also too girly. Carly also said that she likes something fun and casual, but romantic at the same time. I can make the perfect first date for her.

I really want Sam to like me and agree to be my girlfriend even though we'll be far apart. I would rather be a million miles away from her, knowing I can kiss, hug and hold her sooner or later then be right next to her and not be able to do any of that.

I don't know why she can't just move here. Carly says it's because they don't have enough money. I have a spare room in my apartment, I could always give that room to Sam's mum (Carly's aunt) and have Sam share with me or even she could have my room while I go and sleep in the lounge... that won't work.

Anyway, I get dressed into a casual outfit. It's not too casual though. I did put effort and some fanciness into my outfit. Carly texted me saying that Sam was going to do the same thing. I'm wearing a plain white... tee. Hahaha, no. I'm wearing a plain white button down shirt with some dark wash jeans, grey Vans and a black Armani Exchange watch. 

I fluff up my hair a bit and spray some cologne that I made. Yes, I made it. Carly got this perfume and cologne kit for her birthday so we decided to make some. It smells pretty good though. I named it, 'Freddie'. I know, not so creative but it suits me. 

The kit came with this big blender that would blend anything and turn it into the best perfume or cologne ever. I put in an old computer that didn't work, an old camera that also didn't work, a Galaxy Wars DVD (I had two copies of the DVD), some spaghetti tacos, peppermint and cinnamon. 

(A/N, There's a YouTube video above in media showing you where I got the perfume idea from)

I know it sound all weird and chiz but it's actually not. It turned out to smell pretty good. Carly added so much girly crap that turned into a pretty good perfume. She called it 'La Carly' which translate to The Carly. It's French. 

Enough about perfume and cologne. I finish getting ready and straighten out my clothes. I slowly and hesitantly walk over to Carly's apartment which is across from mine and again, hesitantly knock on Carly's door. I could hear screaming from the other side... I'm so nervous.

Sam's POV

I'm finally going on this date with Freddie. I've only known him for two days and I know that he's the sweetest guy I've met. I want to be his girlfriend but I'm scared that long distance won't work. I'm also scared that he finally realised that he doesn't like me. Carly says that he's pretty in love with me. I guess that's good.

Carly and I couldn't find anything good for me to wear. All the clothes I brought were too casual and I didn't want to wear any of Carly's girly clothes. Ew! We decided on a pretty red and white striped top with some floral lace on the edges, a black skirt, a pair of American Flag Converse high tops and a white Crystal stone necklace to finish off my look.

It's kind of fancy in a way. The only this that's new is the skirt. I had to borrow it from Carly because I had nothing else to wear. It's not half bad though. It's still me, I just put more effort and... love into it. I wouldn't want to go on a date and wear something completely different to my personality. 

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