One-Shot no. 78: iLook Beyond

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Carly's POV

"UGH!" Sam yelled as she walked into Sam and I's shared apartment. "Woah there King Kong. What's up?" I ask while walking into the living room. She sighs and flop down onto the couch with me. "That's the 5th unsuccessful date I have been on this month! They're all so hot but why are they such butts?"

That's right. Sam has been on 5 dates this past month and none have turned out very well. She's always look at how hot the guys are. That's what I did in high school but since now we're in college, I have been looking beyond hotness and have been trying to find someone sweet and understanding.

Luckily, I did. He isn't as hot as the guys I used to date but he is extremely handsome and smart. He's also really sweet and funny. His name is Brad Hudson. Cute name huh? Anyway, back to Sam. "Have you thought about looking beyond hotness?" Sam looks at me as if I went crazy.

"WHY WOULD I DO THAT?! I want to have a sexy boy-toy. Not a geeky freak. I get that you're dating a gee- grrreat guy but that doesn't mean I have to." I roll my eyes. She was always so picky with guys. But now, all she does is find some hot guy and go out on a date with him. It's so dumb.

"Seriously Sam. It gives you more options. I know one guy who has an obvious crush on you. He's not hot but he's kinda cute. He's a friend of Brad's." Sam thinks for a bit. She then narrows her eyes at me. "Show me a pic to prove he's kinda cute."

I whip out my phone and get a picture with Brad and his friend. "Here, the one on the left." Sam's eyes widen. They were the size of golf balls! "Oh Freddie! He's really sweet. I'd drop my books and he would always stop whatever he was doing and pick them up for me. He'd also hold the door for me."

I smile. This could be the perfect chance to find the perfect guy that's not just hot. "I'll set you up! Brad and I can plan everything. You guys could-" Sam puts a hand to my mouth to shut me up. "I just said he's really sweet, not I would date him." And with that, she walks back to her bedroom. This chick is impossible.

Sam's POV

Carly and I got to college early in the morning when I accidentally bumped into Freddie and dropped my books everywhere. "Oh gosh! I'm so sorry Sam!" He kneeled down and picked up my books. If I had a hot, sporty boyfriend who didn't care about me... he wouldn't do that. 

Once Freddie picked up my books, he handed them back to me. I didn't even realise what he was doing. I just got lost in is melted dark chocolate eyes. "Um Sam?" I snapped out of daze. "Hmm yep?" Freddie slipped my books in my arm. "I'm so sorry for bumping into you and dropping your books."

I smiled and gently rubbed his forearm. He blushed. "It's okay. It wasn't exactly your fault anyway. It was partially mine." Freddie smiled and just looked down at his feet with embarrassment. We were just standing in the middle of the hallway doing nothing... 

"Um, I'll see you around?" I ask, breaking our awkward silence. Freddie looks up and smiles. "Um, sure. I'll see you around." And with that he walked off. Maybe I should look beyond. It will probably give me the best relationship than the hottest.


I'm so sorry for not posting lately! I just ran out of ideas. Comment or private message me your requests and I will give you shout outs and credits. Sorry for any mistakes :)

-jeeesssiii ☯

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