One-Shot no. 86: iDraw Something Beautiful

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No One's POV

"Done." Freddie finished writing whatever it was and looked down at it proudly. You'd imagine it was some paper for some class but no, his French paper was sitting on the edge of his desk, untouched. What Freddie was currently working on for the past few hours was a little drawing with his usual scrawly, cursive handwriting underneath it.

Freddie recently took Drawing as one of his electives only for one reason. One reason he'd never admit to. When people ask why Freddie chose Drawing instead of something like Software Development, he'd lamely say he just wanted to become a better drawer. But most people knew he was already a really good drawer thanks to the bunnies the trio drew.

He looked closer at the photo and smiled a bit. He got it perfect. Freddie was comparing his work of art to the photo on top of his neglected French paper. He gently lifted up the photo and kissed it, before placing it next to his proud drawing.

"Beautiful. She's absolutely beautiful." Freddie continued smiling at both his drawing and photo. He captured in both his drawing and the photo (since he took it) her soft, voluminous hair. Her creamy, porcelain skin and her perfect facial features. Freddie couldn't stop staring. He was just so mesmerized by her beauty. Freddie finally looked away when his phone started ringing.


"Hey Fredward have you done the French paper? I'm too lazy to do mine and Carly's no help since she swapped from French to Mandarin... no thanks to the brainy hot guy uh... Kyle!"

Freddie looked at his desk and blushed. Thank god Sam couldn't see him blush. All she'd do is make fun of him. He was meant to do his French paper that night, but he was obviously distracted by the drawing. Besides his embarrassment, he was surprised Sam called him on a Friday night to work on a school paper.

"Frednerd? You still alive? Did someone kill you before I did?"

He really couldn't help himself but smile. He could hear Sam's giggle from the other line. It made him feel... jiggy.

"Yeah um about that... I haven't started. But I can come over and help you if you want?"

On the other side, Sam was shocked that the Mr Freddie Benson hadn't finish a paper that was given within a week. But she was more shocked by the fact Freddie asked her if he could come over and help her. It made her blush and hopelessly confused.

"Um okay. My mum's home though so it might get awkward."

"No problem. I'll be over in 10."

Freddie heard Sam hang up the phone. He shoved his French books and papers. He looked at the drawing and photo. He was very hesitant to bring it but he did. He liked having it by his side. It made him feel so much closer to her.


Freddie got to Sam's house and pressed the doorbell. Pam Puckett opened the door and greeted him with a smirk on her face. "Sam, your little friend his here." She heard her mum yell and she blushed. Ever since the family therapy, their relationship had grown a lot stronger and closer. They felt like they were a truth mother and daughter pair.

Sam ran through the hallway of her one storey house and saw Freddie smiling the boyish cute smile of his. "Curse you Freddie." she muttered under her breath. Pam, still smirking, walked past the two, giving them some privacy. "You kids have fun." Pam laughed to herself, knowing her daughter.

"So... the paper?" Freddie asked. Sam nodded. She couldn't focus. She could sense her mum still smirking at the idea of the pair being alone. And to what she thought was the most beautiful guy she has ever seen was standing in her living room. "Let's go to my room." Sam walked in front of Freddie to her bedroom, they sat down on her bed and took out their papers. "Okay so, all we have to do is write about ourselves. But I understand absolutely nothing! Like what must there be different conjugations and why must we follow these rules in order to make sense? Because I think 'Je deteste un School et je bored' makes perfect sense."

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