One-Shot no. 24: iFight

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Idea from this:
and this:
also this:
But hope you like it and links will be in comment section (Btw, the last two links are linked together. So like a sequel to the first one or part 1 and 2, if you understand). ENJOY!

Normal POV

After a long day at work, Sam put her stuff down. Freddie was still at work and the four kids were at school. Sam is a Performing Arts teacher. She teaches kids to adults dance, singing, playing piano and guitar, rapping and acting. She had been working with a bunch of fat women for 7 hours and those women didn't understand anything. Nothing

When Sam got home, it was 3 pm which means Sam has to go and pick up the kids, unless Freddie comes he usually let's him pick up Natalie and Lachlan or Tahlia and Matthew. Natalie is in 9th grade in high school. Lachlan in 7th grade in high school (A/N from yr 7-12 it's high school for me) while the twins, Tahlia and Matthew are in 2nd grade. 

Since Freddie hasn't arrived, Sam went to pick up the kids. She went to Tahlia and Matt's school first then Natalie and Lachie's school after. 

When she finished picking up the four kids, each of them went to get ready for their after school sport. This is usually the time when Freddie comes home and takes the children to the place where they need to be. Natalie and Matthew do Hockey and Tahlia and Lachlan do Fencing.

Sam went up to her and Freddie's room thinking he was up there but wasn't. He wasn't anywhere. Sam called him but didn't answer. Natalie also called but he didn't answer. She was stuck taking the kids to their sport. And usually she rests now because he teaches Natalie singing and dancing, Lachie Guitar, Matthew Dancing  and Tahlia acting and rappinh. But since Freddie isn't here she can't have a rest.


Sam's POV

I had just finished teaching the kids and it's 6 o'clock. Freddie isn't back yet. 15 minuted later i here Freddie's car pull up in the drive way. I'm so mad for making him leave me like that without telling me! When Freddie unlocks the door he has an angry look on his face. Shouldn't i be the one who's mad?!


Freddie scoffed. "It's your fault I'm late. I was about to leave when i had gotten a call from the your parole officer! How come your still seeing him? Oh yeah, because of the damage you had caused in the mall! I spent at least half of my wages from this year to re-pay the damage! Why did you damage the place?!"

"Someone was trying to attack me! Attack i mean trying to steal my churro but still! Maybe you should call me and i could've helped you out!" I say in my defence.

"Sam... we're banned from there! Where are we going to do out shopping? Sure there's a grocery just around the corner but what if we need to get something from there?! Well we're going to have to drive an extra 20 minutes since someone got us banned! That doesn't include the kids but it includes you and me!" Freddie shouts.

I roll my eyes. "Big deal! I'm so tired, not once have i gotten a rest! I woke up really early today since i had to prepare for work and get the kids to school early instead of them being late as usual. Then i had to teach dance to fat women who knew nothing for 5 hours straight. Then when i got home and just was about to lie down, the clock says 3:00 pm which meant i had to pick up the kids and when i got home you weren't there so which meant i had to take the kids to their sport and watch half of each of their training and then right after i had to teach the kids their private performing art lessons then now you came home and start screaming at me! WHY MUST YOU BE SELF CENTERED?!"

"IF I'M SO SELF CENTERED THEN WHY DID YOU MARRY ME?!" Freddie then ran out of the door and drove away. I sit on the couch and start crying. I really did make a big deal out of nothing. I had promised Freddie that i'd stop getting into trouble, i even said that in our vows! Oh i'm such an idiot. I walk to the front door and notice Freddie's wedding ring. Knowing that he pulled it off and not dropped it made me cry harder. I slide my back against the door and the kids start running to me hugging me.

Natalie's POV

Me, Lachie, Tahlia and Matt were watching from upstairs. We know about mum and dad's fight. I turn to look at my siblings. Lachie has a slight scared look, Matt is trying his hardest not to cry and Tahlia is tearing up a bit. I give Tahlia a hug and Lachlan hugs Matthew. We heard a door slam which shocked the twins. We look over the railing and see mum crying. She then walks to the front door and picks up what i think is dad's wedding ring. She slides her back against the door and crys harder.

The four of us run down to our mum and hug her. I miss her and dad being all happy and kissing every second. Sure it was kind of scarring me a bit but i was happy that i knew that they loved each other and will always be there for each other. I stand corrected. 

"Mum, you ok?" I ask while wiping her tears away.

"I'm... not fine. Your dad will probably never come back and it's all my fault." She breaks down crying. I start crying too. Heck we all started crying. 

"Kids, please give your mum some alone time. Not that i love you, i do but i want to be alone." We obey our mum's order's and walk into my room. We all sit on my bed and take out my phone. I decide to phone dad and see where he's at.

"Hello?" Said our dad, in a more depressed way. 

"Natalie, put it on speaker." Whispered Lachlan while shutting my door.

"Daddy, where are you? Mummy is crying and said you left because it's all her fault. I think she's saying you don't love her anymore. PLEASE COME HOME!" Tahlia exclaimes.

"Natalie Lachlan, Tahlia and Matthew, I love your mum. So much. I just... it's compicated. I gotta go now. I'll see you later. I promise i will come home. Just not now. I love you all." 

"We love you too dad. Please come home." Then i hung up. We need to fix out family.


I'm going to create a sequel to this! Sorry for any mistakes :)

-callmeprada ☯ 


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