One-Shot no. 31: iMiss Us

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Ok, so, i changed my username from callmeprada to iDreamAboutSeddie
I got the inspiration from:
hope you like it! Enjoy!

Sam's POV

Everyone knows me as the tough, fearless, abrasive blonde who hardly cries, all excited and bright even though i'm aggresive and hardly becomes depressed. But that all changed when Freddie and I broke up. It's already been a month but i still can't get over it! I know i'm pathetic. I always cry myself to sleep because i miss Freddie. Usually his warm, comforting arms is what gets me to sleep. They're like a blanket and he cuddles me like i'm a giant teddy bear. I regret listening to Carly's speech. And sure the break up was mutual but it still broke my heart into a million pieces.  I MISS US!

Freddie's POV

I'm known as the hot techy nerd. I was weak but became stronger and more... manly. I'm usully happy and positive, but i changed. I'm more depressed and upset and sometimes, i actually cry myself to sleep. It takes a lot for me to cry and i guess breaking up with Sam is something that can actually make me cry. When i dated her for a month... man, that was the best time of my life. I miss Sam. I was able to kiss her, hold her and call her beautiful. But i can't anymore... we're broken up. Even though it was mutual, it still hurts. I MISS US!

Normal POV

Sam and Freddie decided to go for some fresh air. Sam walked out of her house and Freddie walked out of his apartment. They were both heading the same way, coming from the opposite direction. Both were strolling through the park with their heads down. Both were walking towards their special spot by the wishing well at the back of the park. Both arrived at the wishing well, not noticing each other's presence. Both threw a coin in at the same time and their heads shot up finally noticing the other person is there. There was an awkward silence, 'til Sam couldn't take it in aymore and broke down crying in his arms.

"Freddie, i honestly can't take it anymore!" Sam cried.

Freddie hushed her. "Sam calm down. What on Earth are you talking about?"

Sam looked up to him with red, puffy eyes. She was a mess but Freddie thought she was still beautiful. "I- i re-regret brea-breaking u-up."

Freddie hugged her tight. "So do i Sammy. I still love you."

Freddie lifted Sam's head with his finger. He looked into her eyes and kissed her. And of course it must start raining. So cliché. 

Sam's POV

So i accidently bump into Freddie at the park, i admitted to him that i regret breaking up with Freddie, he agrees and says he regrets breaking up too, now i'm kissing him in the rain... i'm now realising how cliché this is. But i seriously don't care anymore. I'm with Freddie and that's all that matters. 

"I missed us." I say to Freddie after we pull away.

"So did i. But now, there is an us." Then he pulls me in for another kiss.


Hope you guys liked that! Sorry for any mistakes :)

-iDreamAboutSeddie ☯
(Gonna have to get used to typing that)

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