One-Shot no. 33: iDetention

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Idea from this:
And OMG, when i got the idea... i was freaking out! Hope you guys likey!

Sam's POV

One of the school rules is we're not allowed to skip class. But i'm Sam Puckett, i do whatever i want. So yeah, i ditched first period.... with Freddie! I dragged him into this because i'm dating the nub. Half way through first period, Ms Briggs came out of her classroom and caught us making out by my locker. Oh dear.


Before Freddie could answer i stopped him. "Uh Ms Briggs? I was kissing him, he wasn't kising me. And he only just arrived at school. He had a doctors appointment so he doesn't need detention. Just me."

Freddie gasped. "Ok Puckett. Freddie you're free. NOW GET TO CLASS BEFORE-"

Ms Briggs was interrupted by the bell. She walked away and once she did, Freddie dragged me over to him. "Dude! Why'd you take the blame? It's just detention! People sitting quietly. Perfectly fine!"

I scoffed. "That's what you think but trust me Baby... it's juvie all over again!" 

We walked over to are regular lunch table and met up with Carly. I looked over to my left and noticed Freddie was gone. I just shrugged. Half way during recess, Freddie must through the doors with a grin on his face. Oh no.

"Guess what? I got one of these babies! Oh yeah!" Freddie, oh Freddie. 

Carly laughed. "What did you do? Take the teacher's stapler again?"

Then i laughed. "Or wrote on the outside of Principal Franklin's window?"

Freddie glared at us. "No! I pulled Mrs Malkori's hair off which was just a wig."

"Impressive but terrible idea! You're seriously not gonna survive there! And i spent some time in juvie thank you! Please just go talk to a PA or Principal Franklin or apologise to Mrs Malkori and say it was an accident. Just please go talk to someone Baby. You're making a bad decision." I state.

"I'm trying to prove something to you Baby!. I'll meet you afterschool!" He kissed me then ran off.

I looked over to Carly. "He made the worst decision didn't he Carls?"

"Oh yeah he did." Carly agreed. 


Afterschool came. Freddie and i said bye to Carly and we walked into the classroom. I handshaked my buds and Freddie stood there... smiling? 

I pulled Freddie to the side. "Dude! Why are you smiling?! Ok, see the girl there? Jenna Hart. She beat up one of the teachers because she thought he was so boring."
(A/N I got the name from Jenna Marbles and Hannah Hart... don't judge me!)

"Ok, that guy. With the studs. Michael Broyden. He wacked one of the lunch ladies with his tray because she said they ran out of pudding cups."

"And that chick with the brown hair, blonde tips, Sara Botner. She's the perfect british girl. She dresses normally, gets straight A's and is so perfect. But she's bad. Well, her words and slaps are. She will cuss and slap everytime someone is making her feel bored, upset, angry, sad, ugly etc.
Her words are so bad but her slaps, feels like you're pouring fire, hot sauce and dry ice onto your face. It's that bad."

Freddie just shrugged. "They seem cool. That's only 3 people Baby. I can handle it."

Jenna spoke up. "Oi Puckett! Who you brought here?!"

I hesitated to answer so Freddie answered for me. The hell Freddie?! "I'm Freddie Benson!" Oh and the tone he used oh!

It was Michael's turn to speak. "Oh yeah. Sammy's iCarly boyfriend/tech nerd! We're gonna have so much fun! Right gang?!"

The gang cheered except for me. Freddie's smile turned into a grin. "I told you i'll be fine." Freddie whispered into my ear. 

"So Freddie, a game we like to play with the newbies is uh... Slam! It's so cool. You should try it out!" Sara Exclaimed. What the hell is Slam?! I thought. Oh dear Fatcakes.

I looked over at Freddie and he was getting beaten up by everyone. He's been slapped, bruised and and is bleeding. I was right over to the gang and i flipped, over Jenna, kicked and punched Michael, threw Sara against the wall and knocked out everyone else out. Actually, pretty much everyone was knocked out. I kneeled down to Freddie to see if he's ok.

"Oh my gosh. Freddie? You ok?" Freddie shook his head, got up and ran out of the room. I grabbed his and my bag and ran out of the room to.


I found Freddie with his knees to his chest with and upset look on his face. And... tears?

I ran over to him and sat next to him. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder. "Baby, why'd you run off?"

Freddie sighed and got up and so did i. "I'm stupid. I'm weak, i'm lame, i'm pathetic, i'm the worst boyfriend ever. You're the one looking out for me when i should be the one looking out for you! I seriously don't know how i deserve you. Because you're breath-taking, wonderful, talented, smart beautiful and perfect! And i'm... nothing." Tears were flowing out of his eyes. I grabbed his face and kissed him. Once i pulled away, he smiled which made me smile and my heart melt. 

I kissed away the tears and kissed his lips again. "Freddie, if anything... it's the other way around. You're the best boyfriend ever! I'd never take you for granted ever! You're on top of everything... even Carly and iCarly. I love you for you. And when i call you those things, i don't mean it and i'm sorry. Freddie, you're super smart, super talented, super cute, super handsome, super perfect! Freddie, i love you!" 

Freddie grabbed my waist and kissed me. "I love you too. How about we go ditch this place and first get myself cleaned up but then i'll treat you to some churros. " 

I smiled then grabbed Freddie's hand, gave him his bage and we walked out of Ridgeway hand in hand. 


Sorry for any mistakes :)

-iDreamAboutSeddie ☯

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