One-Shot no. 19: iMet You

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I got inspired by this fanfic:
Link also in comment section.
Please enjoy!

Normal POV

It was a nice Spring day. Birds chirping, flowers everywhere and a happy little 5 year old girl was alone playing in the field of flowers. No one ever wanted to talk to her because she wasn't pretty, she wasn't girly, her personality was different to every girl at her Pre-School and she acted different to everyone else. No she didn't have any disabilities. She was just naturally different. 

Everyday her mother would take her to the park. Every time she was there, she'd always see this curious little 5 year old boy alone in the sandpit. She's always thought he was kind of cute. She'd tell her mother about this boy and she's always encouraging her to go talk to him.

Little did she know that boy that she has been having her eye on was also eyeing her. He would go talk to his mother about her and also encouraging him to go talk to her. One day the boy walked up to her and greeted her.

"Hi, I'm Freddie! Freddie Benson" He greeted with a polite grin.

The girl looked up and smiled. "The name's Samantha Puckett. But i liked to be called Sam better"

"They're both pretty names. Haha." He laughed.

Sam got confused. "What's so funny?"

"A pretty name for a pretty girl" Sam just blushed at his comment.

"You think i'm pretty?" Freddie nods in response while Sam blushes harder.

"Why would people think you're not pretty?" He asked.

Sam sighed. "Everyone in my pre-school says i'm ugly. All the girls have darker, straight, shiny hair. Pretty green, hazel or brown eyes. All girly. They're the opposite of me. I have lighter, curly, frizzy hair. Boring blue eyes and no where near girly." She started crying.

Freddie could tell she was upset. He gave her a hug and said... "You're really beautiful. I love your hair. It's really soft like my Galaxy Wars pillow. You're eyes are blue the like ocean and even though you're not girly, doesn't mean you're not pretty. Do you want to forget about this and go play?" 

Sam smiled. "Yeah! I've been playing here in the meadow. It's beautiful. Wanna play tag or something?"

Freddie nods. Sam then tags him and it was a whole 5 minutes of playing tag. After those 5 minutes they just lied down onto the grass and looked up at the clouds. Naming out all the things they see.

"That looks like a bear" Sam giggled.

Freddie disagreed. "Nah. That's more of a sheep" 

Sam huffed in a joking matter. "Fine then. That one looks like... my mummy. My mummy is pretty."

"That's where you got your prettiness from" He smiled. 

The two heard their mum's calling for their names. The two women had been sitting on a park bench talking. They didn't live far from each other so the four walked home together. Once they reached to Freddie's apartment. Sam did the most bravest thing she's ever done. Sam has kissed Freddie on the lips. Freddie kissed back. As Sam pulled away, she giggled at the look of Freddie's face. He was so dumbfounded that the girl that he'd been having his eye on forever, kissed him right on the lips. 

"Ok Sam. Enough kissing Freddie for one day. You can kiss him tomorrow if you like. But we need to get home. It's getting late. And Freddie and his mother need to go home. Thanks for today Marissa" Sam's mother said.

Freddie's mum had an idea. "Um Pam? Would you two like to stay over for and hour or 2? We could chat while Freddie and his 'girlfriend' can play." She joked about the whole 'girlfriend' thing.

Pam smiled. "That will be nice. C'mon Sam. Go play with your 'boyfriend'." She kid about the 'boyfriend' part too.

The four walked inside and while Marissa and Pam were talking drinking some coffee. Sam and Freddie were playing. Sometimes hugging, kissing on the lips once or twice and even cuddling. Even though their mum's joked about the whole 'boyfriend, girlfriend' thing. They hoped it would happen one day.



Freddie's POV

It was Saturday morning. I woke up and saw Sam was cuddled up against me. I smiled at her. Soon she started to wake up and she smiled at me too.

"Morning Cuteness" I greeted.

She yawned but kept that lazy smile on her face. "Morning Handsome"

I leaned down to kiss her. We stayed cuddled for another 10 minutes when something popped to my mind.

"Remember when we first met?" I asked.

She nods. "Of course. I kissed you and i giggled at your face. It was totally cute. And you also called me beautiful. It was the first time that someone besides family had gone up to me and played with me. We really liked each other. And when i mean like, i mean like like" 

I chuckled. "Well you were really beautiful when i first saw and you still are at 17" 

She blushed. "You were cute then, now you're just drop dead handsome!"

We laughed. I kissed her one more time and said... "I love you so much. You mean the world to me"

"You're saying it like i don't know. Freddie, everynight before i go to bed you tell me you love me, when i wake up, you tell me you love me, before i do something you're always saying to me you love me. And i hardly say it. I'm never the first one to say it. But, i really do love you." She blushed.

I blushed to. "If i haven't got the courage to say hi to you and if you haven't got the courage to kiss me. Our relationship would've never happened. I'm glad we met"

She smiled and kissed me. "I'm glad we met too. I love you"

"I love you too"


Sorry for any mistakes :)
Also, don't forget to comment, follow, vote and read my other stories!

-callmeprada ☯

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